Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 356 Accident from the outside

Fatih can be sure that he is the emperor of the Ghazi Empire who enjoys the most kinds of food.

Since the opening of the Carolina Canal, merchants from all over the world have gathered in Weissenburg. They have opened chambers of commerce in the city, and many people have settled here.

Psyche, the president of the Wessen Scientific Society, asked Frederick to rent the land that was originally a blacksmith shop and mill by the river outside Wesenberg for two hundred years. He spent his own money to build a row of houses along the river, and then paid the equivalent of free The property is rented out to foreign businessmen to open restaurants at reasonable prices.

Nowadays, the rent of shops in various places in Wesson is rising every year. Many people want free shops, but not everyone can get them.

The shops here can only be used as restaurants, and they must sell local specialties. They can only be rented after passing the Psyche taste test, and the interior decoration must reflect the local style.

In less than three years, it has become a place where specialties from all over the world gather, attracting a large number of businessmen and tourists.

Fatih quickly accomplished the feat of eating his way through the entire street, and recently ate at a restaurant owned by a businessman from Hibernian Island.

Hibernia Island is located in the west of the Kingdom of England, covering an area of ​​about 90,000 square kilometers. Today, nearly 20% of the northern land is occupied by the Kingdom of England, and has penetrated into several kingdoms in the central and southern regions.

The owner of this restaurant was originally a local nobleman. After the king was controlled by the Kingdom of England, he failed miserably in the political struggle, so the family ran away to Weissenburg City, and finally let the family's cooks and servants open a restaurant here.

Fatih likes the dishes here very much. He has been here several times and has become friends with the boss.

Today's dinner was invited by a "quill strategist" who we usually hang out with. He is a reporter from the "White Stork Times" and wants to interview Fatih about the sudden change in the war situation today.

Today during the day, the battlefield changed from the small fights of the day before, with big news coming one after another.

First of all, Duke Wesson personally led his guard company to occupy Bayero City last night, killing nearly a hundred city officials, military officers and wealthy businessmen who dared to resist, and seized countless supplies.

Then this morning news came from the front line that the Wesson Army launched a general attack on the coalition forces of the Principality of Franconia and the Alliance of Legens, and the enemy suffered a massive defeat.

At noon, the Wesson state government suddenly issued an ultimatum to towns in both countries, requiring them to surrender unconditionally within five days, otherwise officials at all levels and their families would be deported naked after the siege. The cities that surrendered would also be exempted from tax for one year and half tax for two years.

The news in the afternoon was even more important. All the officials and garrison of Marienberg Fortress, the capital of the Franconia Principality, launched an uprising under the friendly persuasion of Richard Nall. At the same time, the armies of the Principality of Mainz and the Principality of Bain began to invade respectively. The Duchy of Franconia and the Confederation of Regens.

The people who listened to the radio for the first time were still talking about it. Soon, a military order that no one had expected was issued as quickly as possible: Weisen State entered a state of emergency and the second batch of militia was recruited. It will be implemented from 11 o'clock tonight curfew.

There was more news on this day than in the previous month. Many people were confused for a while. Why did Duke Wesson suddenly exert his strength? Didn't he promise to digest it slowly?

Especially the news that all the high-level officials of Byro City were slaughtered, many people felt that this was different from Duke Wesson's past style.

You can't ask the person involved in this matter, but there is a professional who can.

Before the main course was served, Fatih tasted Hibernian's unique black pudding. It is based on cow blood, milk, and salt, with fat thickened with bread crumbs, and tastes like a gel. taste.

"This issue is very complicated." He said while eating, "I can only make some guesses, which may not be correct."

"Friends who have fought in a war know that a war is often disrupted by unforeseen additional factors."

"Just like last year, I launched a war against the Kingdom of Kush. I was sure of victory, but no one expected that Duke Wesson would suddenly appear and join, which ultimately led to my defeat."

"I guess this change in the battle situation is due to an accident that we are not aware of. This unexpected event will affect the direction of the entire war. This is why Wesson accelerated the pace."

At this time the main course came, which is a traditional stew from Hibernia Island. It is made of beef cubes, onions, bacon, soup, beer and vegetables such as carrots and celery. It is slowly simmered with bay leaves, thyme, salt, Seasoned with garlic and black pepper, the groundbreaking addition of red tomatoes and Elizabethan potatoes after coming to Wesson further enhanced the taste.

The staple food is soda bread made with flour, salt, baking soda and cheese. Olive oil and eggs are added according to Fatih's preference. It is now called "Emperor Bread" by the boss.

After taking a sip of dark beer with the aroma of roasted wheat, Fatih continued: "Anyone who has been an emperor knows that threats come from both internal and external sources."

“The greatest internal threats are power struggles, natural disasters, famine and plague.”

"There are currently no extremely serious natural disasters, the weather has been good, and there is no plague."

After taking a bite of the beef stew, he said: "Famine is out of the question. What I envy the most is the grain depot in Weisen State, which is full of grain. According to my estimation, based on the standard of basically being full, that grain can make people The people of the entire Wessen state can eat for two years, and if they stay hungry, they can eat for three years."

"All my friends who have been emperors know that if you have food, you will have everything. I'm so envious..."

After taking a sip of dark beer, Fatih said: "There is no one in Wesson State who can threaten Wesson's status, there are no brothers and sisters who are competing for inheritance rights, there are no children who can't wait to succeed, and there are no merits that are too great to be overcome." Rewarded subordinates, so don’t worry about that.”

"It can be seen from this that sudden accidents do not come from the inside, but from the outside."

The reporter who was treating us was also a well-informed person. While eating soda bread soaked in stew gravy, he said thoughtfully: "I haven't heard of any famine or war happening outside in recent times."

With his income level, it would take a long time to have a meal here. The interview at the dinner table today was business, and the newspaper reimbursed the expenses, so it was very comfortable to eat.

Fatih shook his head slightly and said: "Those of us with high status have our own intelligence systems and can get some information that is not known to outsiders."

The reporter brother nodded, that’s the truth.

There are rumors in the world that Duke Wesson has an intelligence organization, but no one knows the details.

Fatih said while eating: "Although some things have not been made public, we can infer from some details."

"Think about it, what things related to the outside world have been different from usual in the past two days?"

"We can limit the scope, starting with the Principality of Mainz, the Principality of Bain, um... and the Osmaga Empire."

The reporter brother thought for a while, apologized, and went outside the box to ask his assistant to report to the agency immediately to inquire about any unusual news recently.

Fatih’s favorite is the restaurant’s dessert wine, which is made from triple distilled liquor and cream, with vanilla and caramel, which has appeared in recent years, giving it a unique flavor.

He drank wine slowly and listened to the latest news brought back by his assistant.

In the past two days, tourists from the Osmaga Empire have left one after another. They seem to be in a hurry. Some people even paid a lot of money to charter a boat.

"Alas..." Fatih sighed after hearing this, "I guess it is the Emperor of the Osmaga Empire, His Excellency Ferdinand, who is dying."

"Friends who have been emperors all know that the first thing a new emperor has to do after he ascends the throne is to take control of the entire government. There are many methods, including launching wars and secret plots."

"What follows is that foreign policy may change, or it may stay the same."

"However, we must know the heir to the throne before we can make further judgments. The Osmaga Empire has not yet designated a crown prince, so it is impossible to judge their next foreign policy."

"I think Wesson has a secret agreement with Ferdinand on the issue of the Principality of Franconia and the League of Regans."

"Before I came here, I already knew that these two countries have always been controlled by the Osmaga Empire. Wesson cannot avoid this if he wants to annex them."

"Secret covenants vary from person to person. Those who make a covenant can default on it while they are alive, but they can't prove it even after they die."

"I speculate that Wesson got bad news related to Ferdinand, so he took the time to end this war."

After Fatih finished speaking, he took another sip of wine and looked very confident.

The reporter couldn't help but nodded. This guess was very reasonable, and it involved the privacy of neighboring countries, so it would definitely become a big news.

Frederick only saw the issue of "White Stork Times" in which Fatih was interviewed after he had solved the allied forces in the encirclement. After reading it, he couldn't help but nodded, saying that he was right.

Emperor Ferdinand of the Osmaga Empire has been in a coma for more than seven days and is expected to never wake up again.

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