Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 357 Night Attack

"Artillery battery, five rapid fire rounds, ready... to fire!"

Following Heinz's order, six 75mm-caliber "golden stick cannons" spit out fireballs one after another.

Under the night sky, a fireball suddenly exploded over a military camp on a hill about two kilometers away. The mage group under Archduke Legens struggled to support the magic shield, and it was unknown when it would end.

This is the military camp of the mountain infantry of the Legens Alliance, and the mage regiment is also stationed here. After the firefight, Archduke Legens fled here with his men and gathered troops at the same time.

Archduke Legens had already changed into a pair of trousers, and was sitting on a barrel while letting others stitch the wound behind him while listening to the report.

Wounds can heal quickly under treatment, and they must be cleaned first, but it is difficult to grow strong in a short period of time. In the past, they can be healed slowly. If there is strenuous exercise on the battlefield, they can only be reinforced with stitches.

It was painful when the curved needle like a fishhook pierced into the flesh, but it hurt even more after hearing the report from his subordinates.

After a day of chaos and escape, there are now less than 5,000 people in the military camp. Originally, there were thousands of regular soldiers gathered in other camps, but then the cavalry of the Wesson Army suddenly came and everyone outside the military camp was killed with their pants lifted. run.

Archduke Regens looked up and looked at the fire of the exploding cannonballs on the city-level magic shield. His heart was bleeding. The magic crystals he brought were almost consumed. The magicians of the mage group were exhausted to the extreme, but the cannonballs of Wesson's army were like Don't leave money behind.

A mysterious agency in Wessen state, the Strategic Guarantee Bureau, which was managed by Frederick himself, has written many articles in the military edition of Wessen Daily and the publicly distributed "Military World" magazine, implying that the price of the shells of this kind of artillery is comparable to that of other countries. Heavy gold, so many people think that there are not many weapons that can hit very far.

Grand Duke Regens thought so too, but the explosions had not stopped from noon to now, and this time they came more and more violently than before, and the magic shield was rapidly dimming.

Heinz held a telescope on the occupied hilltop and quietly looked at the camp opposite. The enemy's magic shield triggered the fuse of the artillery shell. After a round of rapid fire, it became so dim that it was almost invisible. After the shelling stopped, it slowly resumed.

He counted the seconds silently in his mind, and the enemy's magic shield recovered much slower than before.

It has been eight years since the Wesson Army won the first battle of the "Six-Day Defense War". They have won several battles. Most of the halo is focused on Frederick. Under this light, the growth of the second generation of knights seems dim. A lot, not many outsiders would care.

Everyone is growing up and developing their own command styles.

A few kilometers away, Bernd's troops repelled an attack organized by the Franconian Archduke in the afternoon, trapped them in a military camp that was originally just a cover for the main camp, and then dug trenches to surround them.

He called in officers above the company commander level and began arranging tonight's offensive operations, requiring each platoon to work closely together, like the gears in a pocket watch, to maximize combat effectiveness.

Heinz only gave the group leaders the direction of attack, possible situations and response arrangements, and let the group leaders solve specific matters themselves. What he had to do was to issue the right orders at the right time.

Now the infantry and cavalry of the brigade under his command have been deployed outside the military camp of the Principality of Legens, waiting for the brigade commander to attack.

But Heinz didn't give the order for a long time, and the smell outside was unpleasant, so everyone could only endure it.

Heinz ordered the artillery company to fire six artillery pieces in turn after two minutes, and continue to bombard the opponent's magic shield at a rate of one shot every 10 seconds.

The greatest threat in the enemy camp is the mage group of nearly a hundred people. They are protected in the middle and cannot be eliminated for a while, so they will be exhausted to death.

The magic shield over the military camp suddenly became dark and then brightened. The maximum brightness was a little lighter than before.

But the magicians of the Mage Group did not dare to take it lightly. Although the shells were expensive, no one knew that Duke Wesson had a lot of money, and no one dared to bet on when the bombardment would end.

Heinz himself is an elite magician, and he knows very well that this kind of long-term continuous casting is the most difficult, and nerves that are tense for a long time can easily be broken.

Also suffering were the enemy soldiers protected by the magic shield. Explosions were heard from time to time above their heads. No one knew when the magic shield would expire. The Weisen army outside was already ready to attack, waiting for the magicians to collapse from exhaustion.

After half an hour, he took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was two minutes to ten past ten.

Seeing that the enemy's limit was approaching, Heinz decisively issued a new order: "Order to launch a general attack at ten thirty."

There are no redundant instructions, the general offensive has been arranged, and it seems that there is no need to modify the plan at the moment.

At 10:15, the battlefield suddenly became unusually quiet, the artillery stopped firing, and the soldiers at the front fell into hibernation, as if nothing had happened.

On the wall of the military camp, a knight with good ears suddenly closed his eyes and listened. After a moment, he suddenly shuddered.

A baron nearby asked his vassal: "What did you hear?"

The knight seemed to have remembered something terrible, and said tremblingly: "Some monster is... chewing bones!"

Outside the military camp, there were many people who were killed and trampled to death when the Wesson cavalry attacked. The bodies could not be seen on the dark battlefield, but it did not prevent people from knowing that they were there.

"It's really... it's really a devil..." The baron also trembled. The legend of Duke Wesson's devil army has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This knight was not the only one who heard similar sounds. Many nobles knew some auxiliary magic. Magic to enhance hearing was a must. They also heard words such as "Eat quickly", "You [Wesson Leader" [Foul language] I hate the fact that it doesn’t taste like orange,” “Remember to brush your teeth before going to bed,” and “You have to eat even the bitterest things.”

All kinds of rumors suddenly spread around the wall, and some leading nobles stepped back subconsciously.

Heinz chewed fruit candies like other officers and soldiers, and the finger-sized candies made a clicking sound in his mouth.

Dinner was eaten at almost seven o'clock, and it was quite exhausted by now, so I took the time to eat some sweets to replenish my energy.

There is also the "spirit pill" invented by the abominable Huo Zhenplozi. Although it is refreshing, the taste is so bitter. The newspaper said that someone who was hit by a porcelain toucher fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. He put one pill in his mouth and immediately came back to life. .

When the time came, a deafening roar suddenly erupted from the artillery position.

All the artillery positions no longer pursued volleys, but loaded and fired at the fastest speed. After opening the breech, the loaders couldn't even wait for the shell shells to fall by themselves and stretched out their feet to help.

In less than half a minute, the battered magic shield finally broke, and a burst of fire broke out in the military camp, where the magicians were staying.

There was also a muffled sound outside the military camp. Mortars and cherry cannons fired at the same time at the moment when the magic shield shattered. The entire wall was blown into a jagged collision in the blink of an eye.

Tear gas was also fired at the same time, and everyone in the white smoke was coughing until their lungs came out.

The horn of charge sounded, and the flag officers jumped up and rushed to the gap holding high the golden double-headed eagle flag and the brigade's golden angel flag. The soldiers followed the flag and charged.

The first to attack the military camp was a cavalry battalion assigned from the cavalry regiment to the command of Heinz. Under the leadership of battalion commander Lothar, they followed the golden double-headed eagle flag and steam engine flag and rushed into the gate that had just been blown to pieces. .

There is a tortuous trench dug in front of the gate, but it is not worth mentioning in front of the mechanical war horse, and it can be easily crossed.

The obstacles behind the door failed to stop the cavalry's assault. The cavalry sword in Lothar's hand instantly became 40 meters long, dazzling with light, and all living and dead objects blocking the front were turned into fragments.

Lothar did not hesitate to fight along the way, and led the cavalry along the road to attack the approximate location of Archduke Regens. The cavalry behind threw incendiary bombs at the military camps surrounded by fences on both sides.

The infantrymen also rushed to the wall. Instead of launching an attack immediately, they covered the Pea Gatling shooters and mortarmen to establish positions on the wall, and the regiment commander set up a headquarters.

Black Cat troops also came to the wall and began shooting valuable targets.

The soldiers of the Legens Alliance huddled into barracks as planned and began to fight back with double-barreled shotguns.

Wesson's army first launched a mortar bombardment, and then the cherry cannon covered the riflemen to launch an attack.

The magician battalion of the Wesson Army accompanied the infantry in the attack. They used phantom magic to create the illusion of a group of soldiers and charge.

The soldiers of the Legens Alliance immediately opened fire, but due to nervousness, the multiple shots disappeared. Only a swarm of lead bullets hit the phantom. During the gap between them loading bullets, the infantry lying on the ground began a bayonet charge.

The Wesson Army cleared the enemy's military camps one by one in platoon units. According to Heinz's order, they first killed the nobles and then persuaded them to surrender. Those who resisted in the corner suddenly attacked.

In the middle of the military camp, Lothar and other cavalrymen encountered a burst of shotgun fire. Because of the distance, the lead bullets made dents in the breastplates. The chainmail armor under the military uniforms on the limbs could not absorb too much kinetic energy, and many people were injured. .

Lothar just ordered the troops to run away, and at the same time fired a signal flare at the military camp.

The mortars on the outer wall immediately aimed and fired, and soon the explosion covered the military camp.

Someone in the military camp wanted to raise a white flag, but was blown to pieces by an artillery shell before it could be raised.

A dozen masters jumped up from the military camp, trying to escape from the battlefield.

But the mortar shells rained down, and one of them hit a certain person's helmet, blowing all the masters off.

After the war, only the part below the waist of Archduke Legens was found.

The Archduke of Franconia suffered a better fate. When he was surrounded in a small military camp, he asked for an honorary duel with Frederick, and Frederick left his whole body.

The battle ended at 11:50 pm on May 30, 1034. The 80,000 allied troops of the Franconian Principality and the Alliance of Regens suffered more than 20,000 casualties. There was not a single nobleman left, and the Wesson army suffered less than 100 casualties.

The next day, when Fatih saw the news in the newspaper, he sighed to the quill military strategists: "Your Majesty Wesson fought 20,000 against 80,000, with such low casualties, a miracle in the history of world war."

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