Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 39 In order to cure the disease

"Frederick, do you want to build a glass workshop?"

Frederick stopped cutting the rosemary roast chicken with his knife and fork, and looked at the Archduke of Mainz warily.

Dahlberg said kindly: "Don't look at me like this. I am Maria's godfather and you are Maria's good friend. You are considered my junior. Elders should take care of their juniors."

Frederick said directly: "No money."

Dahlberg was speechless.

Now Frederick really has no money. The gold beads that were originally used as the first-level reserve fund at home are almost used to dig canals, because the gold objects used as the second-level reserve fund by Weissenburg University, sheltering disaster victims, and newly opened factories are also fast. sold out.

The business tax of Wesenland is specially used to pay for Wesenland government personnel, Wesenburg City Defense Force and employees. The bonuses paid at the end of the year are still paid out of the gold coins brought by Armand.

After some calculations, after saving some money for emergencies, there is not much money left.

Although glass products are profitable, the initial investment is also large, and this unplanned money cannot be recovered.

Dahlberg thought for a moment and then said: "It doesn't matter if you don't have money. I can lend it to you without interest. I will pay it back when I make money in the future."

When things go wrong, there must be a monster. Frederick picked up the juice and took a sip without haste. He didn't say anything after putting down the cup, and just looked at him quietly.

Seeing how wary the little guy was, Dahlberg patiently explained: "I want to build a glass mirror workshop myself, and Philip is the governor of this workshop."

"I have a distant nephew named George. He has loved making glass since he was a child."

"But, George and Philip have a bit of a conflict. He wants to start his own business. I want him to go to your place."

Frederick picked up the knife and fork, cut off a piece of chicken and ate it, thinking about the doorway behind it.

Dahlberg's words cannot be fully believed. Generally speaking, the so-called "distant nephews" in the mouth of the nobles are illegitimate children. I am afraid that the conflict with Philip is false, but it is true that the illegitimate child was sent to another place. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why he gave away the child and gave money.

Judging from the name, the mother of this illegitimate child is not a local.

Frederick thought about getting involved in the glass industry, but his priority was not high. The nearby city of Nuremberg was a glass production area with a long history. From the technical level of workers to raw materials and sales channels, it could not compare with them.

Now that there is a slime glue industry, the priority of the glass industry is even lower.

Just when Frederick was about to refuse, Sofia suddenly coughed violently, her whole body bent as if her head was touching the ground, her hands pressed tightly on her cramped abdomen, and she was still a little out of breath.

Philip immediately took out a medicine bottle from his wife's pocket, helped her up and fed her the medicine.

Maria jumped off the chair and came behind her mother, patting her back sadly.

Sofia stopped coughing soon after drinking the potion and sat on a chair, gasping for air.

Dahlberg frowned and asked, "Isn't that medicine useful?"

Philip said with a sad face: "A bottle of medicine used to last two days, but now it only lasts half a day."

Dahlberg sighed and said, "Take her to rest first."

Frederick frowned.

At first he thought Sophia was suffering from consumption, and the symptoms were similar, but the disease was not contagious and there was only one patient in the castle.

It's just that he's not familiar with the medical skills of this world, so he can't be of much help.

Philip and Maria helped Sofia leave, leaving only Frederick and Dahlberg at the table.

"Alas..." Dahlberg sighed, "How could a good baron get such a disease of poverty?"

When he saw Frederick's question mark, he explained: "Sofia's family's territory is next to it. She is an only daughter. After marrying Philip, the two families' territories were merged."

"Her family owns a copper mine, and she has always had enough to eat and drink since she was a child. Who knew she would get this kind of lung disease that only poor people have."

Frederick asked: "Is there no cure for this disease?"

Dahlberg just shook his head slightly, picked up the wine glass and drank all the cider in it.

Frederick thought quietly for a while, raised his head and said to the Grand Duke of Mainz: "I agreed to the glass workshop, and I have one more request."

Dahlberg asked, "What request?"

Frederick replied: "I want a craftsman who can grind lenses, lenses like telescopes."

Unexpectedly, Dahlberg shook his head and said: "I don't have such craftsmen. Grinding lenses like olive stones requires very high skills. You can go to the Kingdom of Sardinia to find them. Telescopes are all imported from there."

Frederick could only say: "Thank you for informing me."

He just thought of a microscope, and he might be able to use this method to discover the cause of Sophia's disease.

For glass production, under current conditions, he also knew how to remove air bubbles by adding arsenic and stirring.

There is no need to think about float glass. The protective gas required for this process cannot be solved by him. At most, the rolling method is used to produce flat glass with uneven thickness or waves.

On the contrary, you can study the use of molds to press out glass products such as dishes. The overall profit of the mid-range market is no worse than that of the high-end market.

Katie can help find a lens grinder. If you can find one, in addition to microscopes and telescopes, you can also consider glasses.

It was a pity for Frederick. The current light magic was focused on healing, lighting and creating phantoms. It would be convenient if the magic of light refraction was used.

Psyche has not yet mentioned how the light element stimulates cell growth.

After dinner in the restaurant, the two of them went back to their rooms to rest, and their subordinates would handle matters in the glass workshop.

Frederick wrote a letter to Katie in his room, asking her to help find a craftsman who could grind lenses.

After writing the letter, he began to think deeply at the table.

There is only a layer of window paper between the microscope and the telescope. It will appear sooner or later. It is probably not feasible to make a lot of money through this.

Sophia's condition is not optimistic. The lung disease may worsen and be hopeless. If she slowly gets the microscope, she may not have enough time.

In the end, in order to develop a microscope as soon as possible and add a possibility to treat Sophia, he decided not to engage in any monopoly business.

After reading the Tarot, the young master entered a daze mode and gently helped him prepare the parchment and pen and ink. He also poured a cup of tea and put it next to him. He could get off work early today.

Frederick began to work hard to recall the content about optics in junior high school physics, preparing to summarize and improve the existing optical knowledge. At the same time, he used mathematical tools to guide the study of lenses and proposed the principles of microscopes.

Judging from his experience with the scholars at Weisenberg University, scholars in this world have a strong desire to study unknown things, which should allow them to invest in the study of microscopes.

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