Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 40 You also need to learn mathematics to be a doctor

"Master, are you in a bad mood recently?"

Old Franz discovered that something was wrong with Frederick since he came back from spending a night in the castle that day.

Frederick has been worried all day long recently and doesn't pay much attention to things in the camp. He writes and draws in the tent.

After hearing Old Franz's inquiry, he just shook his head and said nothing.

Sofia's condition was not optimistic. After writing to experts at Weisenberg University, they had no idea. Only Friedrich prescribed several cough drops to be taken in turn to reduce drug resistance.

"Nothing," said Frederick, "What's the matter?"

He trusted this old knight, and now the camp was on the right track. There were precedents for many things to refer to, and he didn't have to make so many decisions.

Old Franz said: "There is a doctor who wants to see you."

The Wesson family now has no family doctor. The original doctor resigned after Frederick's mother died of illness.

So now a doctor came to his door, and old Franz immediately informed Frederick.

"Doctor?" Frederick stopped writing, "What's the matter?"

Old Franz had a black line on his face and said to the master: "Dr. Frank was worried about the outbreak of plague in the camp, so he volunteered to help. I saw that he was so kind and came to report to the master."

"I asked. Dr. Frank has graduation badges from three medical schools. His medical skills sound good. He can explain my old problems better than the previous doctors at home."

"He also had his daughter with him. Miss Florence was a nurse and had a medical school graduation badge."

Frederick understood as soon as he heard that old Franz was not young anymore and was about to reach the age where he could not live without a doctor. It would be difficult for him to manage without a good doctor in Wesson Ridge.

"Let them come in," said Frederick.

Old Franz quickly brought a middle-aged man of about forty and a lady of almost twenty into the tent.

Frederick asked Tarot to move a chair for the two of them to sit down. He looked at the medical school graduation badges worn by the father and daughter on their chests. He thought that his medical skills should be fine, so he asked: "Do you know algebra and geometry?" ?”

Frank wanted to find a job here. Hearing that Baron Wesson was still a child, he was already prepared for the interview. His experience of graduating from three medical schools was enough to seduce many people.

However, no matter how he prepared, he never expected that Frederick would ask himself if he knew mathematics at the beginning.

He asked cautiously: "Excuse me, Your Excellency, Baron, why do you need knowledge of algebra and geometry to be a doctor?"

Frederick took out a stack of parchment tied with string from the file box nearby, handed it to Frank and said: "What I want is not a doctor who only serves me, but a doctor who is the best among doctors." marshal."

"Such a doctor does not have to be extremely proficient in medical skills. What he needs to do is to find ways to treat diseases and save lives from the numbers."

"For example, our camp had only two to three thousand people in the first few days."

"At this time, several pharmacist scholars from Weissenburg University and dozens of students from pharmacy and other majors were divided into two groups to carry out different tasks."

"The first group made statistics on the physical condition of everyone. After analyzing these statistical data, they compiled a statistical table of factors that caused various diseases that people suffered from. Then based on this, they drew a primary and secondary chart, and from numerous Find out among the diseases which ones are most in need of treatment.”

"Then they carefully sorted out and analyzed the causes of these diseases, and then used the cause-and-effect analysis diagram as a tool to gradually dissect them and find out the causes of those major diseases."

"Then they found a large number of causes based on the current statistical situation, and conducted syndrome differentiation and confirmation one by one through the cause confirmation form, and finally determined the main cause."

"After confirming the main causes of the disease, they compiled a table of countermeasures for the causes and formulated corresponding countermeasures and control targets."

"They used this as a guide to focus their limited efforts on treating patients and preventing diseases in the camp."

"The second group conducts independent statistics. They regularly collect statistics on the types of diseases, the number of sick people, and the number of people cured in the camp, and analyze and compare them through tables and graphics to understand the changes in various diseases in real time and provide information for decision-making. in accordance with."

After Frederick finished speaking, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

He knows a hell of a lot about medicine. Pharmacy scholars and students know medicine, but they only know how to judge simple diseases, and they are not professional doctors in diagnosis.

Therefore, when Frederick faced many diseases, he could only pick the biggest one to solve first.

He didn't have many tools for effective analysis and decision-making on disease problems at the time, so he simply used QC group activities as the first group to find the disease that needed to be treated first, and used the root cause analysis.

At the same time, the second group used statistics to visualize information and statistical data, and used intuitive data to provide a basis for decision-making. This was a major contribution of the "Lamp Goddess" in his hometown.

This is the origin of the three steps that disaster victims now have to discard old clothes, shave their hair, and take baths with medicine after entering the camp. The purpose is to reduce the spread of various blood-sucking insects and skin parasites.

Frederick saw a disaster victim who needed special treatment. There were two palm-sized areas on his back where skin parasites had laid eggs, and the eggs had hatched. He could only apply melted beeswax and remove them like blackheads. The larvae are produced by physical means.

Intestinal parasitic diseases are particularly prevalent in areas. Fortunately, Friedrich's deworming capsules are also effective against bugs other than roundworms, so students who know necromancy are in trouble and have to go to the septic tank every day to kill bugs. , otherwise there would be no need for this land.

Frank and Florence, father and daughter, quietly looked at the data and charts on the parchment, and were deeply shocked.

Finally, Frank said with great solemnity: "Baron Wesson, I have a merciless request."

Frederick nodded and said, "Please tell me."

Frank took off all the badges on his clothes, with a hint of fanaticism on his face, and said excitedly: "Please tell me which scholar invented this method, and I want to be his student!"

He was very interested in the methods for determining the cause of the disease in these documents. Nowadays, many diseases have no public opinion on how the patients got sick. If the cause of those diseases can be determined in this way, it will appear on the examination papers of medical students in the future. The most popular one is naturally my own name.

Before Frederick could answer, old Franz who was standing next to him said, "Who else could be our baron's teacher? It's just that the master traveled to other places a few years ago. I don't know where he is." , if you want to learn, just learn from our master."

He was also present when Frederick assigned the task, and gave the wandering scholar's excuse. As long as the doctor could be kept, everyone would be a winner.

Frederick shrugged and said: "Actually, this method is not mainly used in medicine, but I have no other method. It can also be used in agriculture and handicrafts."

"If you want to learn, you can first take a position with me, and then study and discuss it with the students at Weissenburg University."

Frank agreed immediately.

Frederick asked Tarot to take the father and daughter to arrange accommodation, and then said to old Franz: "Next, let him participate in the management of the camp. I will go back to the territory the day after tomorrow to see how the new village is being settled."

Old Franz immediately said: "No problem, now we all have experience."

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