Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 41 Progress is going well

People tend to get into trouble when they are free, so there are many jobs in the camp that pay for food. When people are hungry and scared, those who have energy will wear yellow hats and do some work in exchange for food.

The jobs ranged from chopping wood to cleaning the camp, from swatting flies to scratching itchy rats, and even helping Philip with some farm work.

But there are also bad people among the victims. Recently, some victims saved a few steamed buns through labor, and then thieves appeared.

This involves an issue. The law in the camp is under the jurisdiction of Philip, but he has never taken the initiative to express his position on this matter.

Managing the victims was a trap. After Frederick took the initiative to negotiate, Philip temporarily appointed the judge sent by Frederick as a full-time judge in the shelter camp, with jurisdiction only within the camp.

The illegal and criminal incidents seriously affected people's first impression of Wesenland. Frederick ordered early on that they must be dealt with severely.

The thieves were quickly caught under the heavy reward, and according to law, they were deported after wearing the shackles in public for ten days.

At this time, Frederick was preparing to return to the territory. Before leaving, he issued the latest instructions: all prisoners should be hung above the toilet pit, upside down, and hung lower.

The conditions in the three transit camps on the way back to Wesenland were much better. The new people who joined the Wesenland family only stayed here for half a day, and no accidents happened.

However, the frequent exchanges of personnel and materials in the camp are a huge test for the younger generation who manage it.

After Frederick returned to the town of Hausen, Administrator Frick reported to him on the current progress of the work.

"As of yesterday, 15,532 people have come to Wesson Territory," Frick said, looking at the report. "They have moved to 59 new villages."

"We have accumulated enough experience now to speed up delivery."

"Now we have sufficient food reserves. Not long ago, Madam Sophie's caravan brought ten ships of rice from the southern continent. She said it was for you. Wheat and beans will also be shipped next, according to the market price."

Frederick was shocked when he heard "Mrs. Sophie". Is this pagan businessman back from the East? !

"Is she here?" Frederick asked immediately.

"No." Frick shook his head, "Her steward said that Mrs. Sophie has to take care of some housework, and it is estimated that she will come here with the goods you requested in late autumn or early winter."

"The steward also said that if the master wants a red-horned mule, just let him know. A buyer of theirs recently died in an accident, and the goods are about to be lost."

Frederick thought for a moment. The red-horned mule is a cross between a unicorn and a donkey. Compared with the mule, it has less endurance but is faster. It is also not picky about food. In addition to being used by civilians to carry goods and pull carts, cavalry Because it can keep up with the speed of horses, it is also used to carry logistical supplies.

"Yes," said Frederick. "When the canal is dug, it will be used to transport earth. After the canal is opened, a fleet can be built specifically to transport freighters."

Then he asked: "How are you preparing your winter clothes?"

Frick looked at the report and replied: "Currently we have enough cloth and cotton to produce 65,000 sets of winter clothes. Mr. BASF has invented new slime rubber shoes, which are very cheap. Now we are starting to grow crystals in the fallow fields." Lyme.”

"Crystal slime needs to be raised for three months. It should be possible to make winter shoes before winter comes."

After hearing this, Frederick frowned. Winter clothing was also the bulk of the expenditure this time. To buy more than 60,000 people would cost a gold ball the size of a volleyball.

In the past two years, the new villages have only inputs but no output. So many people are supported by Frederick. From pots and pans to food, the expenses are no less than winter clothes.

Now there is not a single gold cup, bowl, plate, knife and fork left that was used for the banquet. The gold vases and the like were taken directly to the south in exchange for food. Almost all the gold left in the castle is everyone's hair.

Fortunately, food can be purchased in batches and funds can still be circulated.

If it were anyone else, King William's conspiracy would really destroy this territory.

"What do they think about taxes?" Frederick asked, "Is it okay to have a 50% tax within ten years?"

"How could there be a problem!" Frick sighed. "The taxes in other places are already at this level. We only collect less taxes because of the low degree of land development and low food production."

Frederick nodded, that's fine.

"Where's the house?" he continued, "Can we make it in time?"

"There is a problem." A look of embarrassment appeared on Frick's face. "There are not enough iron nails now. The blacksmith shop has adjusted its manpower and is working on them, but there are still some shortages."

"Bryant said that he and Professor Ogilvy have studied it, and a new machine can hammer nails much faster, and can barely keep up."

Frederick was also a little helpless and could only say: "If it doesn't work, just buy some and bring them back."

Although the nails are small, it is still very troublesome to hammer them out one by one by hand.

Some people have a set of tools for making iron nails at home. When they stay at home in the winter, they hammer nails by the fireplace. They can earn a lot of money in one winter.

In the world where Frederick came from, iron nails did not become cheap until after the Industrial Revolution, when smelting, metal processing and machine production reached a certain level and machines began to be used to produce iron nails.

He had heard the word "foreign nail" a lot in his previous life when he was a child.

"How is the management of the village now?" he asked again.

Frick became serious and said: "Lord Baron, now that the population and number of villages in our territory have increased significantly, the original town hall can no longer meet the management requirements."

“I suggest that all the existing towns be upgraded to cities, and then the scope of each town be divided separately.”

Frederick thought for a while and found that it was indeed the case, and then said: "No problem, I agree. You can come up with a plan and show it to me."

"In addition, you also need to study whether to build a city based on the canal."

Frick immediately agreed.

A rising tide lifts all boats, and as the administrator of Weissenland, in addition to serving as the mayor of Weissenburg, he is higher than other town mayors.

Now that other towns have been upgraded to cities, his power will naturally increase.

Frederick saw his little thought and said nothing.

Adjustment of administrative areas is inevitable. At the same time, as the population increases, there are more things to do, and promotion is natural.

It's not surprising that people have ambitions, as long as everyone has the same direction.

"We are now preparing for autumn sowing." Frederick said, "We cannot relax on this matter."

Frick replied: "This year, the autumn sowing in several villages will be guided by professors from Weissenburg University. I have already given instructions for the cooperation of each village."

Frederick nodded. He knew this, so he said, "Okay, I'll go take a look tomorrow and see how the professors farm."

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