Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 389 The End of Life

On August 16, 1034, the second day of the World Exposition, a big event happened that everyone had known would happen, and this day finally arrived.

In the Osmaga Empire, official news suddenly came from the palace that had been cut off from the outside world for a long time, and His Majesty the Emperor woke up.

Half of the spies outside the palace ran away in the blink of an eye. They went back to report to their master, while the other half stayed to wait for the latest news.

Ferdinand, who had been in a coma for many days, leaned against the bed with the help of a servant and pulled out the feeding tube himself, saying: "I don't need it anymore."

His group of princes and princesses had already gathered around the bed. Before he could say any words of comfort, His Majesty the Emperor said: "There is no need to say any more unnecessary words. My body knows it. I won't be able to see the sunset today."

"Don't speak before I ask you to speak, otherwise I won't have time to finish."

The dancing flame in the fireplace seemed to be infected by the atmosphere in the room, and suddenly became calm.

Ferdinand looked around at his children, with a faint smile on his face, and nodded and said: "You are all good children, but there is only one throne. I hope that the person who loses the election will not be dissatisfied with me, nor will Having a grudge against a compatriot of his own blood."

"Although the empire is large, it has become decayed. I have devoted my life to keeping this house from falling. Alas... the most sorry thing is your mother..."

Ferdinand sighed after saying this. The Osmaga Empire still seemed to be in full bloom, but there was no Piast Kingdom in Bohemia. In the past few years, he was afraid of conspiracy and missed Duke Wesson. The opportunities brought by eight to one hundred thousand would have been destroyed by crushing them with absolute force a hundred years ago, no matter whether you had any conspiracy or not.

Military weakness was the first sign of the empire's decline. For a time, some people in the dependent countries and the country had small thoughts.

Ferdinand continued to get married and divorced, and the divorced queens spent the rest of their lives in monasteries. After giving birth to princes and princesses, they were not in a hurry to determine their heirs, which raised expectations among nobles everywhere and served as a glue to maintain the stability of the country.

But in the end, the throne can only be occupied by one person. It is difficult to say what actions the supporters behind the other princes and princesses will take.

Except for Mary, who withdrew from the competition because she was unable to have children, and Theresa, who had never been in the competition, everyone among the princes and princesses present suddenly became nervous.

Ferdinand pulled the bell cord beside the bed rhythmically a few times, and then said: "My heir has been decided long ago, and the name is in the box behind the statue in the old church."

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that after the father fell into a coma, the magic sword masters moved to the church of the palace to play mahjong.

Ferdinand smiled: "This was Frederick's idea. He was afraid that if I didn't wake up, the harmonious family would end up dripping with blood."

Princes and princesses, look at me and I look at you. If my father hadn't given the order just now, I would be rushing to show my loyalty now.

This is a critical moment. You must not let your guard down. Maybe your crown will be gone with just one word. Who knows if the one in the church is the list. If the first one clicks, there will be the second one.

At this time, it was Mary who had no desires and demands. She sat on the edge of the bed, held her father's hand and said, "Father, please don't worry. If any blood relative commits suicide, I will never forgive him!"

Her "Father" instead of "Father" brought out the brightest smile on Ferdinand's face in decades. He patted her hand gently and pulled the drawstring beside the bed a few more times. The bedroom The door opened quickly.

The one who came in was Ferdinand's flag-bearer and sword-bearer, who was responsible for holding the emperor's flag high on the battlefield, holding the emperor's sword every day, and also served as an imperial envoy to convey the emperor's will to various places.

He was also an old man. He was dressed very grandly today. He touched Ferdinand's sword in his hand and his eyes were filled with tears.

Ferdinand said to him: "Old man, I have many things to say to you, but I have no time."

"There is a box wrapped in purple silk in my study. Inside is a farewell letter to you. You can help me deliver it after I leave."

"Bring the sword."

Everyone present was shocked. Could it be that the emperor wanted to pass the throne to the infertile Mary?

This would be a big problem. If Mary succeeded to the throne, her heir would definitely have to be chosen from her relatives and younger generations.

Mary's brothers and sisters suddenly became more alert. If their own generation couldn't win, then they should try to win the next generation.

Fortunately, Ferdinand took his sword and put it in Mary's hand, saying solemnly: "I make you Lord Protector. If any brother or sister fights against one another, kill them with this sword!"

Mary held the swords of past emperors in both hands, knelt on one knee beside the bed, raised the sword above her head, and said with sobs: "I will live up to your majesty's trust."

Ferdinand patted the edge of the bed and asked her to get up and sit down. He smiled and said to her, "If you can't beat him, you can ask him for help."

At this time, the other princes and princesses were stunned by the unexpected big bomb. The political structure of the empire had undergone fundamental changes, but this was only for the royal family. Other nobles had no reason to object and would only Have fun.

Especially the last sentence "ask him for help", there is only one person for Mary: Friedrich von Wesson.

This is a big problem, and you need to think carefully about your next actions.

Ferdinand saw the different expressions on his children and sighed secretly in his heart. He didn't know whether his method of raising children in the Colosseum and the method of restricting the children from introducing outsiders was right or wrong.

He continued: "How should the country go in the future? I left a letter in the study. I would like to emphasize here that I hope my successors will remember the following things, which are related to the life and death of the empire."

"There are many kinds of Elizabeth potatoes, especially in colder mountainous areas. If people can eat them, there will be no problems. Wesson told me that Elizabeth potatoes may get sick and die in warm places, but not in low-temperature places. There are Remember this is the last guarantee.”

"The railway proposed by Wesson last year from Oak City, passing through Mingxing City, Wein City, and bypassing the White Mountains to the Great Inland Sea Bay must be built. This railway is just the beginning. Remember, the size of the empire's territory is limited by the distance reached by the railway. Local decision.”

"Those vassal countries in the east have not been very obedient in recent years. We need to make them obedient again. If they are not obedient, there is no need to exist."

"The royal army needs to be reformed. Let's learn from Wesson."

"You need money to do these things, so let's learn how Wesson makes money."

"Don't be an enemy of Weisen. His future is limitless and he is very likely to become the new emperor. Yu Gong wants to form an alliance with him. The Rhine Alliance cannot tolerate him. The Second Pulan Empire is likely to restore its glory under his hands. Form an alliance with him. Our two families will go back to back. He will go to the west and we will go to the east. We will help each other. You can decide what to do in private, haha."

"Be careful of the Ghazi Empire. Fatih is ambitious and tolerant. He knows that what he cannot do is left to those who can. When the wind is favorable, he is a ferocious lion, and when the wind is adverse, he is a poisonous snake in the dark."

After saying so many words, he felt exhausted and leaned on the bed, gasping for air.

Mary immediately said: "Father, I'm going to get the medicine..."

Ferdinand said: "Go and get it from the refrigerator over there."

Just because you can't speak doesn't mean you can't be courteous with actions. The refrigerator door was suddenly crowded with people.

The princes and princesses thought that there was some kind of treasure in the refrigerator, but they didn't know that there were only two bottles in it, one was happy water, and the other was also happy water.

"Bring them all!" His Majesty Ferdinand ordered, "I'm going to die, can't I enjoy it before I die?"

His Majesty the Emperor blew two bottles of happy water into the bottles at once, burped several times, and said energetically: "I feel good."

He pulled the rope at the head of the bed again, and after the bell rang outside the door, the servant came in holding a tray with several newspapers on it.

Although Ferdinand did not get out of bed for a long time, his external information channels were not interrupted, and he would have people read newspapers every day when he was awake.

Now the question arises, who will His Majesty the Emperor ask to read the newspaper to him at this time?

The princes and princesses were all thinking that their father would definitely not do anything useless at this time. The news was no longer relevant, but he would designate the heir in this way.

When the last moment came, everyone stood up straight to prevent themselves from being eliminated at this time. Their eyes were filled with anticipation and nervousness.

"Anna." Ferdinand's voice was very soft, "Read me the latest Wesson Daily News and see what new tricks this kid Frederick has been up to recently."

The answer was finally revealed, and the ninth princess Anna was so excited that her hands trembled and her face suddenly turned red.

The losers looked ashen and sighed inwardly.

The smart people quickly discovered the clues from the emperor's instructions just now.

The empire's two future priorities are to ally with Wesson to the west and to consolidate rule to the east.

Anna and her half-brother Lao Ba's basic base includes the eastern dependent countries, as well as the southwest region of their mother's patriarchal empire.

Unlike Lao Ba, Anna herself has a good relationship with Wesson, and there has been a negative distance.

Not to mention Anna’s half-sister Mary. The two sisters have a very good relationship. Her relationship with Wesson is well known to the world. More importantly, she is also a newly minted Lord Protector. Anyone who wants to take advantage of her sister must first Once she passes this level, she might even become a pawn who takes the initiative.

Everyone suddenly discovered that in just ten years, Wesson had grown into a powerful force that could influence the world's political situation.

Ferdinand was relieved of the heavy burden on his shoulders, and his whole person became more energetic.

Anna calmed down her excitement, took the newspaper, sat by the bed and read: "The latest one is the newspaper from August 14th the day before yesterday. The headline on the front page is "The statue of the Angel of Victory is unveiled, Duke Wesson delivers an important speech."

Ferdinand nodded and said, "Read what he said first. This little guy always brings novelty to me."

Anna began to read: "In late July this year, the construction of the 'Creation' bronze statues began. In less than a month, all thirty-six bronze statues were completed. This is an incredible achievement, and it is an achievement achieved by all Wesson people. , this is the perfect embodiment of our slogan 'Time is money, efficiency is life'."

"Behind the achievements are the implementation of a distribution system for more work and more gain in all walks of life, the implementation of a talent-based hiring system for management personnel, a cooperation model that closely combines the knowledge in the university's books with practical work, and the continuous Openly hire people from all over based on their background.”

"'Dare to think, dare to try, dare to venture, dare to be the first in the world', this is the spirit of our Wesson people. It is this spirit that attracts countless people who are eager to change their lives and chase their dreams to flow into this land and create The unique Wesson speed in the world..."

Ferdinand held the empty bottle of Happy Water in his hand, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. The confidence and courage that Wesson exuded every time he spoke, and his yearning for a better future, made him feel like he was back when he was young.

Once upon a time, I also had a dream that I was determined to pursue throughout my life - to build the empire to unprecedented glory.

But that was decades ago.

White smoke columns rose from the palace and reached the sunset. Bells rang in the churches and cathedrals in the city. Trumpets blew on the city walls. The telegraph station broadcast to the surroundings through the public channel: His Majesty Ferdinand, Emperor of the Osmaga Empire, came to the end of his life.

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