Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 390 Rest Day

The Universal Exposition was still held, and Frederick only made an appearance at the opening ceremony on the first day, and then just paid attention to the total turnover every day.

The businessmen who participated in the World Exposition were not limited to the Exposition, but had to travel to other places.

On this day, the zoo outside Weissenburg was crowded. Foreign businessmen, tourists and local children on vacation were lying on the railings in front of the cage, curious and scared.

Among the crowd were two inconspicuous young people wandering around, just like ordinary tourists.

The man was wearing the most popular dark gray pseudo-military uniform in Wesson State. Except for the number of buttons and the pattern on it, this suit was almost the same as the regular uniform of the Wesson Army infantry. A man with a good figure looked very energetic after wearing it.

The young-looking lady next to her is wearing a traditional local light blue dress, a mid-sleeve shirt and vest of the same color on her upper body, and a dark blue plaid apron in front of her body.

The locals knew she was an unmarried girl when they saw the bow of the lady's apron tied in the front. Married women would tie the bow on the side, and widowed women would tie it on the back. So the girl selling the corsage held the wooden tray and said: " Sir, buy a corsage for your beautiful girlfriend.”

From the flower girl's own experience, the man and woman went out to play alone together, but the distance between them seemed close but actually far away. It was obvious that one of them was interested in the other. Generally speaking, the man was more evil. At this time, he wanted to find the man. If he sells something, he will definitely buy it out of face.

However, Frederick, who was wearing makeup, smiled and said to the flower girl: "She is not my girlfriend, she is my mother."

The flower girl was stunned in surprise, and the two men walked away before they recovered.

Psyche said to Frederick expressionlessly: "I'm so sorry to go to the zoo with an old woman like me on a rare break."

Frederick replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter. Having an elder in the family is a treasure. I rarely ask you for advice recently."

He had a day off today, except that Maria and the ladies from the Principality of Mainz went to the swimming pool to swim, Susan had to take the monthly exam for medical school, and Lilu went to the shipyard, so Psyche was free.

While the two were talking, they came to the Salamander Pavilion not far away. There was a three- to four-meter-square sand and gravel floor imitating the desert. The side facing the guests was a large piece of glass, and a half-meter-long, brown-yellow salamander was lying on the floor. Watch the audience on the stone.

Now it is feeding time. Tourists who paid extra money dropped a fattened rat from the hole in the ceiling under the guidance of the staff. When the salamander saw breakfast coming, he immediately ran over and vomited it out one meter away. With a pillar of fire, the mouse immediately matured.

The audience outside the glass windows exclaimed, and the tourists who threw the mice were even more excited.

Psyche told Frederick: "This kind of salamander lives in the desert in the southern part of the Ghazi Empire. The thin spines on its back from the neck to the tail are like swords, which can whip close prey. These thin spines initially It’s brown, and about every year one of them turns red.”

"Salamanders over ten years old will develop a blood bag the size of a match head next to their heart. The blood inside is rich in the essence of the fire element. When it is saved, it enters the blood vessels to increase its strength."

"The fire element in this blood is very suitable for human body to absorb, and it is very effective in treating freezing injuries. Moreover, the older the salamander, the better the blood effect. The medicine made from the blood of a lizard that is more than thirty years old is ten times more expensive. Gold is important, and rich people have a little emergency preparedness.”

"The meat is fishy, ​​spicy and not tasty."

Frederick said at the end: "What a pity."

The two walked to the nearby bear pond. The white bear from the dark land in the north was standing four or five meters high and waving to the tourists. Soon a fish flew over.

The businessmen who came from the same place as Bai Xiong wanted to cry a little. This guy was famous for his cruelty in his hometown, and he looked so cute even if he had food and accommodation here.

The two of them looked at the white bears and then went to the aquarium. They said that in addition to a few turtles, the aquarium actually displayed many large fish tanks, both fresh water and sea water. In addition to colorful fish, there were also aquatic plants and corals in the tanks. Waiting for decoration.

With a trace of nostalgia, Frederick said to Psyche in the language of his hometown in his previous life: "I used to have a colleague who played with grass tanks. His home was in a village in the city. The roof floor was full of fish tanks, and there were fish from the flower and bird market. I don’t have anything like his family, I learned all these things from him.”

Psyche had a faint smile on her face as she listened.

Frederick sighed and continued: "The little girl in his family is very cute, but she is stupid. She believed that soy sauce is salty cola. Once, there was a large piece of ginger in the braised pork in the construction site canteen. I said it was spicy chicken legs, and after she finished eating, she asked me why there were no bones in the chicken legs.”

Psyche's smile gradually solidified. It was time to cultivate ginger with larger roots. The current ginger was too small.

Frederick would occasionally recall the events of his previous life when he was alone with her, as if he wanted to confirm that his life was not a false dream.

He looked at the swarms of small fish and colorful shrimps lying on the sunken wood eating algae in the water tank, and did not notice any change in Psyche's expression.

In this era, there was no concept of ecosystem, but that didn't stop him from raising ornamental fish in ecological fish tanks. He just had to change the fish frequently.

Colorful fish are not found everywhere, and few people have seen sea anemones swaying with the current. There are many tourists here, which also drives the sales of glass.

After Frederick looked at the two fish tanks, Psyche said to him: "You are going to the Kingdom of Gaul to participate in the knight competition next year, and you need to start strengthening your training now. There is a deep foundation there, and you may suffer a big loss. .”

Frederick felt that what she said made sense. There were many strange people and strange people in the world, so it was not surprising that he had little experience and failed.

After this year's World Expo, there was nothing much going on except for a trip to the Principality of Bain to attend this year's annual meeting of the Upstream Regional Cooperation Organization. Now that the three parties are cooperating happily, the meeting will only be about chatting, eating and drinking, and the specific matters will be solved by the subordinates.

The debate caused by female tractor drivers stopped because of the arrival of the World Exposition. Now everyone is discussing how to make money.

Frederick felt that this was fine. The ideological struggle did not happen overnight. Anyway, the seeds had been planted. When everyone calmed down and thought more, these topics would inevitably cause more intense collisions when they appeared again.

The Elbe River Convention Organization is not in a hurry. For those small nobles, this major diplomatic change requires in-depth thinking, and the conference will be held in February next year.

In the next six months, he will be relatively relaxed. He only needs to grasp the general direction and can concentrate on improving his strength.

While Frederick was thinking, the two walked out of the aquarium and came to the bird area.

The most famous thing here is the large steel birdcage with a diameter of fifty meters and a height of more than ten meters. The structure is made possible by great strength. There are trees planted inside and many colorful birds. Many rich people will book the place. Play inside.

Frederick was not very interested in this and asked Psyche, "How do you think I should train?"

Psyche raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "I will give you a set of training equipment tomorrow."

"Let's go," she said, pointing to a row of stalls not far away, "let's go eat."

Frederick was looking forward to it, and spent the next day thinking about what kind of training method she would come up with.

The next morning, Frederick was silent as he looked at the 5 kilograms of boxer briefs, the 15 kilograms of long-sleeved T-shirts and long johns, and a pair of two kilograms of socks in front of him.

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