Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 393 Industry Segmentation

The Secretary of Commerce of Wesson is quite unique among senior officials. Some people jokingly say that he treats Wesson as a test field and has to measure crops every month.

Frederick had many ideas in his mind that he brought from his previous life, but due to objective constraints, not all of them could be implemented here.

It is precisely because of having first-hand data that Adam was able to be targeted and fill in the gaps when refining and implementing Frederick's ideas, rejecting some of Frederick's ideas that were too advanced and unrealistic, and rejecting the empty ones. Concepts are translated into implementable details.

Frederick nodded to Adam, signaling his arrival.

Adam cleared his throat and said with an English accent as if he was giving a lesson: "The Duke proposed the concept of regional development many years ago, but the territory was not large before and it was not taken seriously. He spent two months He came to talk to me in detail and predicted some of the current problems."

"Please keep in mind that economic development has its own laws. The tulip incident is the best example. It was precisely because the Duke discovered early that it conformed to the law of inevitable failure that he made relevant decisions early on."

"The ideas for developing the local economy must be clear, and the main ones are as follows."

"The first thing is to respect objective laws, not just economic laws, but also laws in geography, climate, products and manpower."

"Secondly, we need to give full play to regional advantages. We must investigate carefully to find out what advantages others in our jurisdiction have that others do not have."

"Third, we need to protect the bottom line of people's survival. What we are building now is an unprecedented and beautiful new world, so that everyone can have a job that can lead a good life and no longer be bandits."

When he said he wanted to drink something here, Hoffman nodded and said, "Yes, there used to be several groups of bandits near our place. Most of them were farmers and serfs who couldn't survive. Now they are willing to live a down-to-earth life."

After he finished everyone laughed, and the story was in the newspapers, and the protagonist was Huo Zhenploz.

Adam nodded and continued: "My suggestion is that localities give priority to developing specialty industries, especially taking advantage of the origin of raw materials, and attracting investment through preferential tax policies and the establishment of specialized industrial zones."

"My investigation found that many factories leave some common parts to specialized small factories. Although such a small factory is not enough to make people rich, it is enough to live a decent life without worries about food and clothing."

"I have an idea: Can these small factories of the same type be concentrated in an industrial zone? First, they can form a scale advantage and reduce costs when purchasing raw materials. Secondly, transportation is convenient and transportation costs are low. Thirdly, it is convenient for businessmen to purchase."

At this time, old Franz asked: "If this is the case, if they produce the same thing, will there be a fight?"

What he said is not unreasonable. There are cases in the newspapers. Simple business wars involve randomly slapping competitors in the face with frozen fish.

"That's not a problem." The person who replied was a businessman sitting next to Hoffman. "We are making nails. There are many kinds of nails. We have discussed together that each company specializes in one kind so that we will not rob others. business.”

Hoffman also added: "The hinges we produce have several categories according to different use environments, and there are even more types when subdivided."

Frederick nodded and said: "It's good that you have this awareness. This is the right direction of development."

"Not just hardware processing, many industries can be subdivided in this way to avoid repeated competition."

"Our products cannot just stay at the current level. Other countries will definitely find ways to learn from it. We must always be one step ahead."

"Industry segmentation will help the factory accumulate experience and improve, and form a good reputation. If this business is done well, it can be passed down for two to three hundred years."

After he finished speaking, he picked up a skewer of barbecue and ate it. After wearing dozens of kilograms of clothes recently, his body was burdened and his appetite increased accordingly.

"One more thing." He said while eating, "One of the prerequisites for the development of industry and commerce is the reduction of transportation costs, and roads must be built in a prioritized manner."

After Frederick finished speaking, Old Franz said: "Now we are bordering Bohemia, where wars have continued for many years and many people have been displaced."

The work of building roads requires a lot of manpower. Originally, a large number of strong laborers from the Principality of Franconia and the League of Regans went to Wesson. Now it is the turn of the new governors to have a headache and have to find ways to find new laborers.

Frederick nodded and said, "Okay, let's refer to the migrant workers in the Helvetia Federation."

The Helvetic Federation has many mountains but little land, and the food output in the mountains is limited. Many people come out to make a living as mercenaries. During the Six-Day Defense War eight years ago, a large number of mercenaries were captured. Frederick asked them to build roads. Those people found that building roads was much better than being mercenaries. After the expiration of their term, they not only did not go back, but also brought people over, forming construction teams based on villages.

Frederick saw that they were hard-working and capable, and had made great contributions to the construction of Weissensee. Naturally, the civil servants did not treat the civil servants badly. After working legally and paying taxes for five years without a criminal record, they could enjoy the treatment of locals, such as being able to use a lot of money. Cheap money can be used to buy milk and go to primary school for the children. When they are ten years old, they can even participate in the election of members of the grassroots parliament.

The residents of Bohemia belong to the Ant people and have their own language and customs. They have been ruled by the Osmaga Empire for more than a hundred years. Many people use German as their second language. From this point of view, it can He integrates into life faster than the people of the Helvetia Federation.

In the Wesson state government, the current Minister of Education, Father Arms, is from the Bohemian region.

Frederick suddenly thought about it. The government's household registration management is still very confusing. There is no unified department. It seems that a Ministry of Civil Affairs must be established. The permanent residence permit and naturalization of migrant workers must also be further improved.

Put this aside for now and leave it to the Executive Yuan to deal with later. Today, we still focus on regional economic development.

At this time, old Franz said there: "There are many trees in the Putz region. There is a young man named Thomas in the pine area who is doing a good job. I specially named him to help me manage the development of the forest area."

"According to what the master and Mr. Adam just said, wood processing needs to be vigorously developed there."

Frederick nodded and said: "You go find Sauer, the man I invited to the castle some time ago. He invented a glue that can piece broken wood into wooden boards."

Old Franz set an example again, and Frederick gave him some advice to avoid detours.

Ogilvy also figured it out. According to Frederick's temper, if you want to climb high, you must be harmonious. He was familiar with factory construction and began to make suggestions for others.

Frederick watched and ate on the sidelines. In this kind of meeting, his role was to set the tone, and he did not participate much when everyone later spoke freely.

The next step is for the Ministry of Commerce to take the lead and issue a guiding document on today's matters, and the governors of each state will go back and formulate guidelines and policies based on the spirit of the document.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter on the lake, and many people wearing life jackets were racing there with fishermen's fishing boats.

Frederick suddenly remembered that he was still the Minister of the Navy of the Rhine League. Naval construction was about to begin. Anyway, if he had time in the next period, he would start with designing warships.

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