Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 394 Still in the rough stage

On the second day of the apple orchard tour, Vanessa handed over the work schedule for September to Frederick for review.

According to Frederick's habit, he would spend at least half of a month doing research in various places, and some time to sit in on work meetings of various departments. He would decide where to go, and his work schedule would be empty.

Frederick thought for a while, and if he wanted to build a new warship, an implosion machine might be the most suitable one. He would go to Diesel's engine factory tomorrow to see how the development of his implosion machine was going.

Nowadays, the implosion machine developed by Diesel is being continuously improved. Single-cylinder and twin-cylinder machines with less than 50 horsepower are expected to be put on the market on a large scale next year after a large number of practical tests. The current output is not high, resulting in riverside There were more and more will-o'-the-wisp boys on the causeway, including the girl next to Frederick.

To first understand the performance of the implosion machine, you naturally have to operate it yourself.

After dinner that day, Frederick hugged Susan and said softly: "I'll lend you your motorcycle tomorrow."

Susan blinked her big golden eyes and asked in a low voice: "Do you have a driver's license?"

Frederick was silent, and after a moment asked: "Is a carriage license and a tractor license okay?"

Susan shook her head.

A few years ago, there were more than ten animal-drawn vehicle accidents caused by improper operation in one month. Then Frederick even arranged to get a driver's license for horse-drawn carriages, and he took the test when he had nothing to do.

Not to mention the tractor driver's license, the number on his copy was the first.

Thinking about it this way, it’s not surprising that a motorcycle has a driver’s license.

But there was a problem. Frederick asked the little girl: "Do you have a driver's license?"

Susan nodded.

"That's not right!" Frederick said with a black line on his face, "How old are you this year, and you can actually take the driver's license test?"

Among other things, carriage and tractor driving licenses have age restrictions, and motorcycles are certainly no exception.

Susan blushed and hugged Frederick's neck and said softly: "I am an adult now, I can..."

By the end of her "can", her voice was so low that even Frederick couldn't hear her, and her face was as red as a ripe apple.

Frederick pinched her nose. The girl was now 15 years old. Based on the time when motorcycles appeared, she was probably only 14 when she took the driver's license test. The relevant departments must have been online because they thought she was his lover since childhood.

You can't drive without a driver's license, and Frederick will not break the rules he set.

He asked again: "Is it okay if I ride in the training ground?"

Susan recalled the traffic rules, which was fine.

When he came to the garage, Frederick found that there were several motorcycles here. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he had promised his junior sister to help her get one when he was on Citrus Island at the end of last year.

The most attractive looking motorcycle here looks like a sports car from a previous life. The license plate on the front and rear of the car is "00001", and it even has a number similar to "Wei A".

Susan pointed to the white sports car and said, "This is Teacher Psyche's car. She made it herself. It is the fastest."

Frederick frowned. The bad influence of this will-o'-the-wisp old man on young people is immeasurable.

The second most popular motorcycle here is black and Harley-Davidson style, and it belongs to Ah Fu.

Frederick learned from Susan that Tarot, Vanessa and others now also have their own motorcycles, but they are not ghost-fire sports cars, but low-horsepower scooters.

Susan's own motorcycle is also very cool, and it shines like gold when driven.

Frederick took Susan's helmet off the wall, adjusted it, put it on, pushed the car to the training ground and started it.

In his previous life, he would ride his family's motorcycle, but it was banned, so he didn't get a driver's license when he was old enough.

Susan stood nervously at the side of the training ground, even with a first aid kit ready, but found that Frederick drove faster than she did.

After riding for half an hour, Frederick parked his bike in front of a stone bench next to the training ground and sat there to study.

This car is similar to the motorcycle I had in my previous life. It is equipped with a two-cylinder implosion engine, three forward gears, and no reverse gear.

The car key is also quite interesting. There are six protruding cylinders made of magic crystals on a piece of steel. They are different sizes and lengths. After inserting the key hole, the two sides of the panels are closed. There are holes corresponding to the magic crystals on the panels, which are completely aligned. to start.

There are many problems with this car. The main ones are that the body is very heavy, the gear box is louder than the engine, the speedometer is actually an anemometer, the vibration is severe, the speed is not as high as expected, and the brakes are relatively easy to use.

Taken together, parts other than the engine are not worthy of the engine, are relatively rough, and have a lot of room for improvement.

The motorcycle thing is not urgent. The current road environment is too narrow to drive in the city, and the road out of Weissensee is too bad to run fast. It will only be a market in a few years when the roads in New Jersey are repaired. Now it is only for the rich. novelties.

Susan lay on Frederick's back and said, "Let's go for a ride."

"Okay." Frederick nodded, "I'll take the driver's license test when I'm free."

Susan hugged Frederick's neck from behind and said, "I'll drive and you sit in the back. You can go now."

While she was talking, she kept rubbing her chin against Frederick's Tianling Cap. After she finished speaking, she kept chanting a cat-like "meowing" spell, and kept rubbing her face against Frederick's face.

Frederick didn't respond, and Susan got into his arms with a "meow" and kept rubbing her face against him.

Thousands of years ago, the Kingdom of Kush had a group of people who believed in the Meow Cult. Although this religion disappeared, some Meow spells were passed down among the people.

The spell Susan is using now is to ask her lover to agree to her request. The basic principle is to act cute.

"It's better not to go." Frederick shook his head. "You don't have enough strength now. The car is very heavy. You can ride it alone, but it will be difficult to control it with me."

Susan whined "Woo..." and looked very disappointed. If she had meow ears on her head, they would definitely be drooped.

Frederick smiled and kissed her on the forehead. Traffic safety is no joke. There is no problem leaving the car here. He got up and carried the girl back to the castle.

Susan was obviously unhappy and kept scratching Frederick's face.

Frederick held her with no hands, so he lowered his head to bite her nose.

Susan turned her head to the side. Her nose was fine, but her ears were scratched.

Early the next morning, everyone went about their work after breakfast.

Frederick checked that there were no urgent documents last night, and asked Vanessa to prepare the car to go to Diesel's factory.

Diesel has an unexpected guest here today.

Fatih recently traveled to the Principality of Mainz, and Hakan did not follow him, but appeared here.

Diesel said to him regretfully: "Your design is very clever, but we will not use it."

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