Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 406 Good things for educating children

The village was quite noisy tonight, with anger and wailing becoming the main theme.

In front of Dushou's house, there was a traveling businessman who was riding in the motorcade. He was selling a few bundles of hard rubber hangers to the shepherd: "Sir, it will hurt if you hit me like this. You might as well try this hanger."

The shepherd ignored her, and the walking merchant continued: "Don't underestimate this clothes rack. It's not just for drying clothes."

"Master Psyche knows, she is Boss Wesson's teacher. Why Boss Wesson is so smart is because whenever Boss Wesson made a mistake since she was little, she would hit Boss Wesson with a coat hanger, and the more she hit him, the more he would get angry. It’s getting smarter.”

The shepherd was a little shaken and asked uncertainly: "Are you telling the truth?"

The businessman said with certainty: "How can this be false? Do you know who said this?"

The shepherd shook his head.

The traveling merchant asked him: "Does the Osmaga Empire know about it?"

The shepherd nodded. Many people had been there as mercenaries and knew that this country was very big and powerful. A finger stretched out from the west was as big as the Helvetia Federation.

The businessman said mysteriously: "This matter came from the royal mage group of the Osmaga Empire. Who are these mage gentlemen? Could what they say be false? If I dare to say nonsense, they will let me know." Pass me?"

"I'm telling you, the sooner you use this hanger, the better."

The shepherd believed it, but said a little embarrassedly: "I don't have any copper at home. Can I exchange it with you for cheese? I want two."

The village is basically self-sufficient. The only products produced by the shepherd's family are cheese and wool stolen from the landlord class. Food and clothing are all bartered with the villagers, and basically no money is needed.

The walking merchant looked embarrassed, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay."

"Why don't you sell four of them, one for each of you and your mother-in-law? Boss Wesson always says that two are for two uses, so buy two more for backup."

Boss Wesson watched with a dark face on the sidelines as the traveling businessman sold more than twenty clothes hangers in exchange for a lot of cheese, woolen thread and dried radishes.

Frederick recalled it for a long time, and finally remembered that when he was in Ansbach, Psyche bought a clothes hanger and said that he would use it to beat himself. Next to him was Pontigan of the Royal Mage Group of Osmaga, who took her out for a tour. Theresia.

Frederick also understood why he wanted to catch up with Pontigan last year when he was in the city of Venn but was told that he was not at home. At the time, he thought it was because of his reputation, but now that he thought about it, she might have thought that she wanted to settle the score.

Some people cried and some laughed. One child came out laughing, holding a lollipop in his hand, which looked like a prize.

The cries of the beaten children around him became louder.

Frederick also learned something about the situation.

This one-hander has some talent for learning foreign languages. In his early years, he traveled around and learned the languages ​​​​of several surrounding countries, and attended night school literacy classes in Wesson.

A few years ago, he bought a lot of literacy textbooks with pictures and gave them to people in several surrounding villages. He first taught phonetic symbols and asked them to memorize the words by themselves when he was away.

When someone speaks eloquently, such as the shepherd's son-in-law, he recommends working in his brother-in-law's construction team.

This teaching method is naturally not very efficient, but it is better than nothing.

The children from this village are the first to be beaten, and the children from the next village will come tomorrow.

The walking merchant is very depressed. He has to follow the convoy tomorrow, otherwise the hangers will be sold out here.

Frederick watched for a while and then went back to his residence to rest. He would have to travel early tomorrow morning.

There was a fire burning in the fireplace in the house, Sanna's coat was hanging on the shelf in front of the fireplace, and the door of the box bed was ajar.

Frederick carried a few buckets outside to fetch water and came back to wipe himself and wash clothes. When he took off his coat, Sanna came out of the box bed, wearing autumn clothes and long trousers, and asked with a blushing face: "Can I help you?" ?"

"No need." Frederick shook his head, "I can do it myself."

After he finished speaking he began to take off his clothes.


The long-sleeved T-shirt weighing more than ten kilograms fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Then came the long johns and socks.

Sanna tilted her head with a question mark on her head.

She pointed to the only boxer briefs left on Frederick's body and asked, "This...could it be heavy too?"

Frederick smiled slightly, turned around and took off his pants.


The corners of Sanna's mouth twitched, this kind of thing was unheard of.

When going out in the wild, you must pay attention to hygiene. Wash your clothes when you can to avoid fleas and other blood-sucking insects and unknown bacteria.

He prepared a few pieces of wood, which suddenly burned violently when he held them in the palm of his hand. The ashes fell into the bucket, and the surrounding temperature also warmed up.

Stir the water with wood ash, throw the clothes to be washed in, throw in a life-withering sterilizer, and then jump into the bucket and stomp on it.

The alkaline solution produced by adding plant ash to water can decompose and dissolve some oils, proteins and other organic matter secreted by the body, making them easier to wash away with water. It also has a certain bactericidal effect and can remove some bacteria and microorganisms and wash clothes. It can be used to wash people.

Sanna asked with a black line: "Principal, did you invent the washing method of those boys at Weissenburg University?"

Frederick nodded proudly, put the clean clothes in a bucket of clean water, and then hung them on the shelf in front of the fireplace to bake.

He was sweating a little after all this work, and he still had two buckets of clean water. While adding plant ash to one bucket of water, he asked Sanna with a bad smile: "Do you want to take a bath too?"

Sanna bit her lip and nodded.

Frederick put his right hand into the water mixed with plant ash. Steam suddenly appeared in the water, and then the hot water climbed up his body along his hand as if it came alive.

He immediately hugged Sanna over and said, "Close your eyes."

The manipulated hot water quickly enveloped the two of them, as if they had an extra layer of skin. The high flow rate allowed it to wash away the stains on the skin and hair.

The night passed and the book did not go into details.

It was dark early the next morning, and Mateo directed his men to feed the horses, thinking about whether to wake up the adults, what if the time was wrong and the adults were doing "morning exercises" and made them unhappy.

Before he could finish struggling, Frederick appeared behind him and asked, "I heard that the road will be dangerous starting today?"

Mateo was startled, turned around and saw that Frederick was fully dressed, and felt slightly relieved.

He replied: "We are going to take a road that was newly opened two years ago. We are expected to spend two days and one night in the wild. There are many wild animals on the road. Although it is dangerous, there may be additional income."

Frederick nodded and returned to the shepherd's house for breakfast.

People here have lunch casually, just two boiled potatoes, and breakfast is relatively rich, otherwise they won’t have the energy to work.

The shepherd's wife went to the sheepfold before dawn to squeeze fresh goat's milk, and cooked it with potatoes, cheese and peas soaked overnight. The taste was a bit strange.

In addition, there was an unknown bird on the dining table that had been dried under the eaves for a long time. It was as big as a palm, and its trunk was given to the two guests. The shepherd's son could only eat a little bit of the neck.

Not long after the convoy left the village, Sanna asked Frederick: "Did you give that family a little more money before leaving?"

Frederick shook his head and said, "No, it's just the number of copper coins agreed upon."

Sanna covered her mouth and smiled: "The copper plates you have there are a little bigger than the copper coins here."

Frederick just smiled.

At this time, there was an exclamation from the front of the motorcade: "Bear, there is the Bear King ahead!"

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