Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 407 Bear skin delivered to your door

Winter is approaching, and heavy snow is about to fall. In the mountains, from the weeds in the soil to the native bears in the Howling Mountain Forest, from the slimes in the crevices of the rocks to the wind dragons soaring on the mountain tops, everyone is preparing to survive the severe cold.

A group of khaki-colored native bears sat in the middle of the mountain road and feasted. They used to live alone in the mountains, but now it is time to eat a lot before hibernation. Due to the shortage of food in the mountains, they kept walking down the mountain and gradually gathered together.

Mountain people call these groups of native bears "bear mudslides". The livestock, crops and people in the village are their favorite food, and the surrounding stone walls are nothing more than food packaging in their eyes.

There were more than ten native bears on the road today. One mule and one driver were not enough for them to share. Only the largest native bear and a few strong native bears could share the food.

The firewood in the car was scattered around, and the other native bears could only watch on, waiting to pick up some leftovers.

The wind in the mountains carried the smell of pack horses, and the bears suddenly became commotion.

A high moving wall suddenly appeared on the mountain road, and the largest native bear stood up, two stories tall.

It sniffed, roared, and ran towards the direction where the food smell came from.

These dozen or so local bears were smaller and stood about three to four meters tall. They roared and ran on the mountain road as unstoppably as a mudslide. The trembling earth frightened several pheasants around them and fled in all directions.

The giant bear turned a corner on the mountain road and saw the panicked convoy not far ahead. The four-legged beasts were so frightened that their legs were weak and they were kneeling on the ground. The hairless upright monkey even ran away and screamed strangely.

It stood up about twenty meters away from the convoy, raising a pair of thick front paws above its head, and the mountain road suddenly became dark.

Immediately afterwards, the giant bear rushed to the ground like a landslide, a loud noise echoed in the valley, and countless sand and stones were slapped forward like waves.

The first reaction of the experienced people in the team when they heard the sound was to lie down on the ground. Those flying stones as big as fists can dent ordinary plate armor, and can even break through low-level magic shields. Ordinary people can get hit by them. Bones and flesh would inevitably be broken, and the only way to escape was to lie down and let the rocks fly from above.

Another dull bombardment sounded from behind everyone, like a huge rock hitting the mountain, and there was nothing above their heads.

Only three people in the convoy, Frederick, Sanna and Mateo, did not escape. The latter two stayed because they saw Frederick acting calmly and out of trust in him.

Sanna and Mateo saw that Frederick just waved his hand, and a nut as huge as a house suddenly appeared in front of the front carriage, blocking the giant bear's attack.

The attack of the earth bear is only three axes, the flying rock blast. After the flying rock blast, the bear rushes forward and slaps him again.

Now that the flying rocks were blocked, their heads thought that they could only eat by breaking this weird thing, so the Tu Bear King and the several big Tu Bears who came behind kept bombarding the ground with their bear paws, floating in the valley. A sound like drumming.

The local bear came over from behind, and suddenly several big blue balls about one meter in diameter fell from the sky.

They don't recognize the ice watermelon, but they will subconsciously avoid it, but when these ice watermelons fall on the ground, a side of blue ice mist explodes.

The scattered ice elements are extremely penetrating, passing through the thick fur of the native bears, entering the lungs through the respiratory tract, freezing their bodies until they become stiff and sluggish.

Frederick said: "I will come as soon as I go."

After saying that, he jumped up on the carriage, jumped over the ice watermelon pitcher on the roadside, walked around the tall nut from the hillside, and came to the native bear.

Calculating the time, it has been ten years since Psyche gave him this shaping magic based on Plants vs. Zombies. He rarely used it in the past and was a bit unwieldy.

At this time, the local bears were overwhelmed by the ice watermelon. Frederick expanded his semi-mature domain and enveloped them all.

At that moment, everything from the dust on the bear's paws to the blood and flesh fragments on the bear's teeth were reflected in his mind.

He can use magic as he pleases within the domain. With his current strength, it is easy to release a Life Wither on the head of each native bear. These man-eating beasts will all be brain-dead in the blink of an eye.

This is equivalent to using an atomic bomb to blow up mosquitoes. Frederick is too lazy to care about it. The convoy cannot continue on its way today. The horses are frightened and have to rest for a day or two. These bears cannot be wasted and they must find a way to transport them to last night. Take care of it in the resting village, finish things early and make arrangements early.

"Is this the end?" Mateo saw the magical creation on the road disappearing quickly. He didn't react for a moment and almost thought that Frederick had been killed.

The other people in the convoy also climbed up tremblingly. Everyone saw that the local bears that were roaring just now were all lying on the ground motionless. The Wesson man walked back as if nothing had happened, and his mind did not turn around for a while.

Frederick thought about it as he walked back, and went over to Mateo and said, "You can help me deal with those bears. I only want the bears' skins, and I will give you the bears' skins and other parts as payment."

Mateo's eyes lit up. Wouldn't he be following Duke Wesson's path? If he does some business in the future, he might be able to grab a golden opportunity. Wouldn't he worry about getting rich in the future?

He immediately said: "There were tanners and hunters in the village last night who could peel the skin. I asked them to peel off the skin and take it to Galen City to be tanned, and then deliver it to your house personally."

Mateo has already thought about it. If there is no business in the mountains this winter, the goods will be sold to other merchants and villagers at a fair price for them to help. As long as he salts the bear skin of Duke Wesson and sends it to Weisenburg City, he will get his share of it. You will definitely earn more from selling it there than you will this time.

Frederick nodded, took his backpack from the carriage, took out a pen and a notebook with light red pages, wrote a few lines of seemingly meaningless letters on it, and asked Mateo to give it to Afu .

After he handed the note to Mateo, he carried his backpack and went on the road alone with Sanna. When they walked for a while and came back to ask someone to collect the body of the eaten coachman, Mateo had already discussed it with other businessmen.

The convoy returned to the village where it was last night, leaving a few of Mateo's people here to guard it. They found someone in the village to pull the cart here to transport the bear's carcass back. After that, the others divided Mateo's goods and some bear meat.

Three days later, many people in Galen City gathered around the leather tanning workshop to see with their own eyes the unprecedentedly huge native bear skin.

Mateo became the center of attention and told everyone how Charles Smith from the Wesson Railway Department fought alone with these mountain bears for 3,000 rounds that day and rescued them from the bears' mouths.

The two people at the front of the crowd were wearing gorgeous silk robes and thick down jackets. Their skin color was much darker than that of the locals around them. There was an interpreter next to them.

Fatih heard that the Helvetic Federation was running for king and thought it was interesting, so he came over to watch the excitement.

He just arrived in Galen City last night. He heard about the local bears early in the morning and immediately came to watch the excitement.

"Your Majesty," one of his butlers came over to report after seeing the bear skins, "the largest bear skin is a great treasure and can be bought."

Fatih shook his head and said, "Forget about that bear skin. Go and see the bear skin that belongs to that businessman."

"You have been to Wanjing City with me. Don't you know who Charles Smith is?"

The butler was stunned. He didn't understand the language here and didn't pay attention to the name. After being reminded, he immediately understood that this was the alias Duke Wesson used when he participated in the martial arts competition in Wanjing City.

The two of them were talking in Ghazi, and the translator on the side listened and took notes in his mind.

That afternoon, the translator found an opportunity and obtained the true identity of "Charles Smith" from the housekeeper for two gold coins. In the evening, he sold it to a newspaper reporter for five gold coins.

By the next morning, the whole town knew that the man who had appeared in the newspapers not long ago was Duke Wesson.

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