Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 408 Standing means having no standing

Frederick still didn't know that his identity was exposed and he became a news figure again. These days, he and Sanna walked along the mountain road and got a lot of useful information.

Mudslides are the most feared in the mountains. The current mountain roads have been selected for hundreds of years and pass through places where geological disasters are rare.

Geological disasters can cause death and no life, but the probability is small. It is not rare to encounter rain, but more common is all kinds of wild beasts.


There was a gunshot, and a black wolf fell on the fork in the road.

Sanna turned off the safety of the gun, reached out to brush the short hair around her ears, and said to Frederick with a smile: "Wolf meat is delicious."

Frederick sneered and replied: "I don't need to eat wolf meat."

Among the "men's gas stations", the top one is fire dragon eggs, followed by unicorn kidneys, and the most popular one is wolf meat.

Sanna walked towards the black wolf's body with him and said with a wicked smile: "I don't believe it. There are people studying wolf breeding in the Zoological College. I heard that you personally gave the instructions."

Frederick said: "I ordered many animals to be raised for research."

Wolf meat is hot. Eating it in winter can quickly heat up the body and can cure wind and cold. The tongue of the wolf is said to be able to treat stomach problems. The wolf skin is a high-quality fur with high economic value.

Although wolves will eat some plants when they are very hungry, they still mainly eat meat. The digestive system and intestinal flora have also adapted to meat. A sudden increase in plant feed in the feed will cause diarrhea and the feeding cost is very high.

After research by the School of Zoology, if the proportion of plants in the wolf's feed is slowly increased, and fresh cattle and sheep intestines are added to introduce flora, the wolves can eventually be allowed to eat meat-vegetarian mixed feed, reducing feeding costs.

While Frederick was explaining the economic value of raising wolves to Sanna, he went over and carried the dead wolf on his shoulders.

Except for bears and mudslides, there are very few carnivores in the mountains that live in groups of more than five. Sanna can deal with them by herself. If she can't deal with them, she can run away.

Sanna pointed to the intersection on the left side of the fork in the road and said, "Let's take the new road on the left. It will save ten days to get to Count Sylvan's castle than taking the old road on the right."

Frederick looked at it and saw that the old road was gentle, but the new road was steeper, going up the mountain.

After walking for more than two hours, Frederick finally understood why the new road was faster.

More than a hundred meters below the valley is a river three to four hundred meters wide. You can see that there are many rocks protruding out of the water on the river, making it impossible for boats to pass.

There are two zip lines more than 400 meters long on both sides of the valley. There is a bunker on the opposite side. At this time, a horse in a cage is coming from the opposite side.

Sanna said proudly: "I helped Count Sylvan contact our Mechanical College to build this ropeway."

The two of them walked to the end of the cableway, where a piece of the top of the mountain was flattened, creating an open space for parking carriages and goods.

There are two iron chains on the ropeway, one on the left and one on the right, supporting the iron cage. The opposite side is slightly higher, and the cage can slide over by itself. There is a thick hemp rope at the other end of the cage, and you can pull the cage over when you need to reach the opposite side.

Frederick nodded. If someone wants to attack Count Sylvan's territory from here, the height of this chain is low. Without the traction on the opposite side, it will be quite troublesome to get over the cage. The opposite bunker is facing the ropeway, and there is a huge giant on it. Don’t worry about missing the crossbow.

Now there is a convoy coming from the opposite side. The cage has a limited capacity, so people, goods, carriages and pack horses can be transported separately. The pack horses all cover their eyes with cloth.

Sanna knew the steward here, so she went over to talk to them, and the people here immediately welcomed them into the cage.

The guide wheels on both sides of the cage rolled on the iron locks and made a loud vibration. Frederick said: "Why not arrange more iron chains and lay wooden boards at work, so that you can walk directly over."

Sanna said helplessly: "I don't have money to buy so many iron chains."

Frederick thought the same thing. The cost of building the Luding Bridge, which is more than 100 meters long, seems to be 40,000 taels of silver. But based on pure silver, it is about more than 20,000 florins. The span here is more than 400 meters. The cost may not be simply multiplied by 4. .

It's just that steel cables are more expensive, and if you want to spend less money, you have to go through bumps, which is still acceptable compared to walking on mountain roads for a few days.

On the opposite side of the valley, in addition to the bunker, there is a small military camp and village. Some farmland has been cultivated around it, and some sheep, chickens and mules are raised.

The winch that pulls the iron cage is in the bunker. The winch is on the second floor. The cable is connected to the iron cage through a pulley. There are two mules on the first floor that drive the winch upstairs like a millstone. There is a shaft between the first and second floors that can be quickly disassembled. It's installed, and after dismantling it, the iron cage slides to the opposite side by itself.

Sanna went upstairs to find the knight here, and soon a carriage arrived.

Frederick had already guessed that her family must be local nobles, so he didn't bother to think too much and drove to Earl Sylvan's territory.

At the same time, at the riverside near Bear City, the capital of the Helvetia Federation, Richard Nall, the special envoy of the Wesen State, caught a fish as big as two fingers.

"This is just a warm-up."

Richard Nall put the fish into the fish guard seriously.

Next to him sat a big fat man, wearing blue silk clothes, who looked a bit like Doraemon from behind.

Count Friedkin, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Sardinia, nodded in agreement and then caught a fish as big as a palm.

He smiled and said to the sword master: "Oh, fat people catch fat fish."

Richard Nall glared at him angrily and continued to set the hook.

Friedkin took the bait and asked, "Why didn't you come to the canonization ceremony last month?"

In mid-September, King Francesco of the Kingdom of Sardinia made Mafiya a count and hereditary governor of Citrus Island. Although Richard Nar received the invitation, he did not go to the city of Tiberias to attend the ceremony.

Richard Naer did not go because he had made a private agreement with Mafiya, saying: "The Pope does not allow me to fish within a ten-kilometer radius of the Holy City."

"And I'm afraid that if I go, someone will think that I want to take the island away from the royal family. It would be too troublesome."

Friedkin nodded. Some people in the court were indeed worried that Richard Nall would support Mafia and allow Citrus Island to become independent.

He stopped mentioning political matters and said: "Who asked you to fish away the fish that the Pope has been raising for ten years? That fish is spiritual and swims back to the garden pool by itself every night. How can he not get angry? "

Richard Nall rolled his eyes at him and said, "I don't want to think about who eats the most fish. It's useless for me to bear the responsibility alone."

Friedkin immediately changed the subject: "Why didn't Duke Wesson come here and went to the mountains instead?"

"It depends on the terrain." Richard Nall replied, "Building a railway in the mountains is a troublesome matter. He has to understand it personally before he can make a final decision."

Friedkin asked: "Did he really mean what he said on the train and in the newspaper?"

Richard Nall replied firmly: "He won't joke about this kind of thing, that's what he must be thinking."

Friedkin thought for a moment and whispered: "As long as the Gauls don't let their hands in, I can stand on the same ground as you."

"This is a poor place. If it weren't for the Gauls, we wouldn't care."

The focus of the Kingdom of Sardinia has always been on the inland sea in the south. This time, if the Kingdom of Gaul had not developed south to its own territory, it would not bother to pay attention to things in the north. If Frederick could come forward to contain the Gauls, it would be too late for them to be happy.

Richard Nall said seriously: "We don't have any position. We only have one position. They have the final say on the affairs of the Helvetia Federation. We are just here to do business."

Friedkin immediately nodded repeatedly: "Ah, yes, yes, that's it."

At this time, someone brought the latest news from the city. Princess Penelope of the Kingdom of Tarago had arrived. A banquet was held three days later, and Friedkin and Richard Nall were invited to attend.

Richard Nall asked angrily: "Is Baron Turgot also participating?"

Baron Turgot is the envoy of the Kingdom of Gaul, and some of his recent remarks have made him very unhappy.

Richard Nall received the answer in the affirmative, narrowed his eyes slightly, and decided to make big news at the banquet.

He turned his head and saw Friedkin looking thoughtful.

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