Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 409 Another possibility

Throughout the day, Count Friedkin had been sitting quietly by the water, thinking about the problem, without saying a word.

Richard Nall did not disturb him and caught his own fish.

As the sun set, the two took the fish they caught today to the charity hall run by the church in the city, leaving only the two largest ones for dinner.

In Friedkin's temporary residence, he said to Richard Nall: "The real target of the Kingdom of Gaul may not be us, but the Kingdom of Tarago."

Richard Nall said calmly: "You are good at conspiracy, I don't understand anything."

Before the food was served, Friedkin began to explain.

The Kingdom of Tarago is located in the southwest of the Kingdom of Gaul, covering an area of ​​about 600,000 square kilometers. To the north is the Kingdom of Lisenberg, to the west is the Kingdom of Madeira, which believes in the Earth God Cult, and to the south is across the sea from the Southern Continent, which believes in the Church of the Flame. It is the west gate of the Inland Sea.

This place used to be a place where the three churches competed for support for a long time. Now the Church of Light is so powerful that it blocks the Earth God Sect and the Flame Church from the border.

Nowadays, the king of the Kingdom of Tarago is dying, but the royal family has no heirs. There are two successors to the throne, both of whom are cousins ​​of the king, including Princess Penelope's father, Grand Duke Suarez and Duke Alansati.

Friedkin said: "Grand Duke Suarez has been resisting the invasion of the Kingdom of Madeira in the west, and has gained a high reputation in the country over the years. His wife is the princess of the Kingdom of Lisenberg, and his mother is from the Kingdom of England."

"The territory of Duke Alansati is adjacent to the Kingdom of Gaul, and his mother is a distant branch of the Gallic royal family."

Richard Nall understood clearly that of the two candidates for succession to the throne, the one with the highest reputation had a large army, while the other had no reputation but had a powerful relative.

In this case, if the weak party wants to inherit the throne, they can only find help from powerful relatives.

Friedkin smiled and added: "The wife of Grand Duke Suarez is the princess of the Kingdom of Lisenberg. If he ascends the throne, the relationship between the two countries will be closer. The Kingdom of Gaul definitely does not want to see this happen."

Richard Nall pinched his chin and nodded, feeling that what the fat man said made sense.

At this time the steamed fish arrived, and the servants all left the restaurant after setting the dinner table.

Friedkin said while eating: "Now I don't know the situation in the palace of the Kingdom of Tarago, but I estimate that it is already under the control of the Gauls. They can calculate the time, use us as a cover, and then suddenly take action. "

Richard Nall took a sip of wine and said: "If it is as you speculated, the Gauls must solve the two most basic problems. The first is that the king has not designated an heir, and the second is that there is a reason to attack Grand Duke Suarez. "

Friedkin smiled and shook his head and said: "You don't understand the things in the palace. It only takes a few key figures to prevent the king's words from being heard."

"It's easier to find a reason to do something. You can even choose the reason by drawing lots and then arrange it slowly."

Richard Nall nodded and asked: "What are you going to do, tell Grand Duke Suarez about this directly?"

"No idea," Friedkin said.

"What I can see is something that Archduke Suarez can definitely see, and he and his staff will also think of this possibility, but it is hard to say whether they think things will develop in this direction."

"I'm not sure whether the real target of the Kingdom of Gaul is us or the Kingdom of Tarago. After all, our northern region is quite rich, so it's normal for them to be jealous."

Richard Nall nodded, being a decision-maker is so troublesome. There are various possibilities in front of you, and you need to choose the right one. If you choose the wrong one, you will be ruined.

After eating a piece of fish, Friedkin said: "I'm a little unsure why Grand Duke Suarez sent Princess Penelope to Bear City. Normally, just let a noble be the envoy. There is no reason to send his daughter. "

Richard Nall thought for a while and asked a seemingly off-topic question: "Do you remember what I told you before about the levels of warriors?"

Friedkin was stunned for a moment and replied: "I remember."

"You said that ordinary warriors will attack the opponent's gap after seeing the opponent's move. Mature warriors will be aware of the opponent's movements when the opponent is about to take action and strike first in a targeted manner. Outstanding warriors can do what the opponent has to do. Take action whenever you feel like taking action."

He quickly understood what Richard Naer meant, and said thoughtfully: "You mean that Grand Duke Suarez has realized that Count Alansati and the Kingdom of Gaul are plotting against him, so there is a purpose in sending Princess Penelope here." Purpose?"

After eating a piece of potato pancake, Richard Nall said: "I don't know what you people are thinking in your minds. I just think that a person who leads troops to fight on the border will take advantage of a strong enemy when the opponent is not prepared. Make the first move.”

Friedkin nodded, took a sip of wine, and said after a moment: "In this case, to eliminate the contenders for the throne, we need to be honest, at least on the surface."

"The best option is to present yourself as the victim so you have a reason to do something."

"I don't understand a bit." Richard Naer said, "If the Gauls attacked the Kingdom of Tarago as you think, and not your Kingdom of Sardinia, then why did they go to such trouble to intervene in Hel What about the election for the throne of the Viti Federation?”

Friedkin sighed and said, "The sword is most threatening when it is raised highest."

It is difficult to stop the expansion of national power. If the Kingdom of Gaul controls the Kingdom of Tarago in the southwest, there is no reason why it will not take action against the Kingdom of Sardinia in the southeast. In this way, it can control the essence of the northern part of the west side of the inland sea, and then Just waiting to collect the money.

It is impossible for the Kingdom of Sardinia not to prepare for this. If the Helvetic Federation surrenders to the Kingdom of Gaul in the next twenty or thirty years, then the Kingdom of Sardinia will have to increase the length of its defense war and consume a lot of military expenditures before the war begins.

Therefore, Friedkin's task was to destroy the Gallic Kingdom's attempt to control the Helvetic Federation and concentrate the country's limited military spending on a limited defense line.

Friedkin narrowed his eyes slightly, gritted his teeth, and said to Richard Nall: "Please serve as an intermediary and pass a message to the nobles of the Helvetia Federation for me tomorrow. If the Helvetia Federation We are willing to permanently guarantee that the territory will not be used for operations against the Kingdom of Sardinia, and our country can return Mount Bray."

Richard Nall looked at him in surprise and asked, "Is this your last trump card? Are you going to play it now?"

Friedkin sneered and said: "Sometimes you have an advantage by playing your cards early. If you have the ability, the Kingdom of Gaul will return Leman City to them."

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