Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 411 Emergency Interruption of a Message

The sun was gradually setting in the west, and it was time for the nobles to start living and drinking.

Count Stefani will hold a dinner and dance tonight, and has routinely sent invitations to every local noble in the city.

As one of the contenders for the throne, he is very popular and prestigious, and eighteen families have expressed their intention to participate.

However, he also understood that among these people, he only had a few hardcore allies, most of the others were outsiders, and a few were spies of Count Sforza.

There was still half an hour before the guests arrived, and Count Stefani was in the study listening to his men report today's new news.

The most important news today is that Count Sforza entered the palace at noon to meet the saint, but lost him when he came out. He doesn't know where he went.

Count Stefani gently stroked his mustache and asked people to keep an eye on Count Sforza's mansion to see when he would come back, and at the same time trace the route back.

He also arranged for people to go to the palace to inquire and find out what Count Sforza had done. Recently there were rumors that Count Sforza was going to marry his daughter to the third prince Leer, but Leer had disappeared from public for almost four years.

His Majesty the King is old, but his brain is not broken, otherwise he would not choose to retire. At the same time, he has negotiated some conditions with each family in private.

Count Stefani was a little worried. If Count Sforza persuaded the king on some important matters and asked the king to stand up for him, in the current public opinion that "the Helvetic people should resolve the affairs of the Helvetii themselves" At the outlet of the storm, joining forces with the Kingdom of Gaul would only hinder the situation.

"Friedrich von Wesson!"

Count Stefani gritted his teeth and said the name.

Originally, everything was according to his plan. The group in the Kingdom of Sardinia could not make waves. Count Sforza, Count Behrami and others went to the Rhine League for help but failed. His momentum was unstoppable. The grasshoppers all turned to their side.

Unexpectedly, Count Sforza and the others hooked up with Duke Wesson on their way back from the Rhine League, and the hedgehog theory they brought back that didn't help anyone was very popular, and the situation suddenly became confusing.

Especially since Duke Wesson actually ran into the mountains after he came to the Helvetia Federation. We can only find out that he only had contact with the two women from the Rono family, and he also stared at a dozen bears to death. Now from the country tavern They kept talking about it at the banquet, and I don't know if his eyes are wet.

Count Stefani sighed. Duke Wesson's hedgehog theory made sense, but he couldn't fool those with quills, so he could only pin his hopes on his allies.

Baron Turgot, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Gaul, is a famous scholar with excellent eloquence and extraordinary conversation. Count Stefani feels that he should be able to win the argument against Duke Wesson.

The guests were about to arrive. Before leaving the study, Count Stefani couldn't help but wonder, what conspiracy is Duke Wesson working on now?

Frederick and Sanna were having dinner in the city of Earl Sylvan.

"This venison pie tastes really good."

Frederick was very satisfied with tonight's dinner.

Sanna said: "The filling of this kind of pie is a mixture of deer caught in the mountains, salt, pepper, nutmeg, thyme, and eggs."

When the pie was baked, the crust locked in the aroma, and the aroma immediately hit their nostrils after they cut into the pie.

In the past two days, Frederick walked around among the local merchants and learned about the local products and prices. Tomorrow he will go to Count Behrami's territory.

Sanna went to the mountains this time to take on a job of protecting a pasture. The direction was different. She needed to stay there for a winter and would leave tomorrow.

Both of them knew that there was nothing they could do about it. They were all adults and knew the result from the beginning.

A radio hanging on the wall of the restaurant played the priest telling stories.

Count Sylvain's castle is located in a basin, and the straight-line distance from Galen City and Cod Town in the Principality of Mainz is less than 60 kilometers. However, the mountain road is not fast enough to walk, so it takes many days to walk.

Old Earl Sylvain built a radio station on a nearby mountaintop during his lifetime. Half of the money was paid by the church, so there were often church programs.

This radio station is located on a high ground and its signal spreads over a wide range. It can be heard in the Principality of Mainz. It is an important propaganda position for the Light Church.

Since Frederick invented radio broadcasting, some intuitive priests in the church saw its powerful propaganda ability, and Frederick also arranged broadcast time for them.

The priests have explored new forms of broadcast preaching in these years of practice. From the beginning, they were the same sermons as in the church, but now they have become various stories with educational morals. Wesson Radio even answers letters from readers.

Bishop Rove here has a talent for telling jokes. The jokes broadcast on the radio often make the guests choke, and are also very popular among the audience.

Frederick and Sanna chatted while eating. They planned to go back to the hotel after eating, but they ate a little fast.

"Bishop Rolf, something happened!"

An anxious voice came from the radio, and the hearts of the listeners within a hundred miles of the radio suddenly skipped a beat.

The speaker was very anxious, but his speech was quite clear, and he could explain what happened in just two sentences.

The snake is hibernating now, but the temperature in the restaurant kitchen is enough to revive it.

A snake ran away in a restaurant and ran all the way to the lobby. When the waiter tried to catch the snake, the snake sprayed poisonous mist. Many waiters and guests were poisoned.

Bishop Rove left immediately without saying a word, and the broadcast turned into music.

Some of the audience members were depressed, while others were nervous, wondering whether the poisoned people could be treated.

It was all downhill from the broadcast station on the mountain back to the castle. Bishop Rolf kept flicking his bicycle and rushing down all the way without using the brakes. After reaching the flat ground, he pedaled hard all the way, like a white comet.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he was already sweating profusely. He threw his bicycle directly on the side of the road and rushed into the door.

There were many people around the restaurant, poisoned patients were lying on the put together tables, and the air was filled with the smell of herbs.

Bishop Luofu sniffed. It is a highly effective antidote. There are experts here.

Then he heard a familiar voice: "Quick, get the funnel!"

Frederick helped a restaurant waiter sit up. Sanna took the funnel and carefully inserted it into his mouth, and then poured a large cup of potion cooked in a pressure cooker.

Bishop Rove breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Sanna, and went over and asked, "Miss Rono, how is the patient's condition?"

Sanna knew that Bishop Luofu would appear, so she poured the medicine and said, "The situation is very bad. This is the venom of the colorful black snake. I can only suppress the poisonous attack, but not for long."

Bishop Rolf took a breath and said, "I can only suppress the toxic attack."

He thought for a while and said: "Your current medicine plus my medicine will probably only last the patient until noon tomorrow, unless..."

"Alas..." Sanna grimaced, "I don't think there will be snakes in winter, so I didn't bring any snake medicine."

"If we want to save them, we can only send them to my house in Xiongcheng before noon..."

After she finished speaking, she sighed and continued to give medicine to the next person, just do your best.

Nine people were poisoned, two were waiters, and one of the seven guests was a child.

At this time, they were as angry as silk, with some black patches on their skin, and they looked like Dalmatians.

The surrounding patients and their families burst into tears. Even if they got on the fastest horse and set off now, it would be good to get to the ropeway at noon tomorrow. It was impossible to go to Bear City.

Frederick frowned and made calculations in his mind.

They just heard about the accident on the radio and came over. They both brought antidotes with them when they went out. However, the venom of this colorful black snake is very special. A special antidote must be used. The one on hand can only slightly relieve the pain. Death cannot be avoided.

"16 hours..." Frederick said, "I have a way to send them to Bear City, but the success rate is only half, and it requires the support of the local lords."

Bishop Rolf did not know Frederick, but he recognized the Holy Knight saber hanging on his waist, and said: "Brother, if you have any ideas, please tell me. Now Earl Sylvan and Mrs. Sylvan have gone to Bear City. If it’s not too difficult, the administrative officer who stays behind will give Miss Luo Nuo and me some face.”

Frederick nodded. Only now did he know that Sanna's surname was Rono. I heard that Baron Rono's family was very prestigious. No one wanted to offend a medical family that had been inherited for two to three hundred years. With the church's intervention, This should work.

"I need to use the radio station..." he said.

The listeners in front of the radio were listening to other programs, and suddenly an unknown voice came from inside:

"This is Friedrich von Wesson, identification number 'August-15532'. Please contact the Wesson State Military Department immediately after hearing this and send two Night Witches to the Sylvan Territory of the Helvetia Federation... "

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