Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 412 Emergency Dispatch

The radio broadcast went out, and Frederick was worried in the pasture outside the city.

He was not sure whether the broadcast could be heard clearly by the audience in the Principality of Mainz, whether someone would help go to the telegraph office to send the message as soon as possible after hearing it, and whether there would be problems with the staff in the telegraph office. Mistakes could happen along the way. There are so many places.

The only hope he has now is the "steamed bun bureaus" and train stations located all over the country. If they can report through internal lines, normally the news can be transmitted to Weisenberg City in half an hour.

But this is not the end. The military decision-makers in Weisenberg City should have no problem, but the actual actions are uncertain. What if the airship of the Air Force is undergoing maintenance, what if it gets lost or encounters bad weather on the way here. , if time is too late, there are also too many uncertain factors.

But he had done everything he could, the landing site was ready, the broadcast would be on loop all night, and now he could only wait.

There is a quiet and peaceful scene in Weissenburg City tonight, and the city center is crowded with people.

Young Franz took his wife Carlpo and the children to watch a popular revue in a small theater, each holding a bag of rice popcorn in their hands.

The black curtain on the stage is covered with a crescent moon and stars. One of the two actors plays the role of a fisherman and the other plays the role of a rower.

The fisherman felt that he had caught a big fish and kept pulling the rod to reel in the line, but the fish was so powerful that he was sweating profusely.

The rower was trembling and repenting to the God of Light, because his boat would move backward on its own in the dark night, feeling that the God of Light was pulling him toward hell.

The audience laughed so hard that one of them thought they had caught a fish and the other thought they were going to hell.

This kind of comedy is about ten minutes in length, and was originally just for the audience who came in advance to kill time before the main play in the theater.

Fatih loved it after watching it once and booked a theater to watch it several times, so The Emperor from a Foreign Country started a new trend.

The two people on the stage gradually approached, and the music became tense.

At this moment, a recurring voice came from the front row of the auditorium: "First-level military intelligence, please return to duty immediately."

Rumor has it that a person's status in Weisen State can only be determined by whether he has a red radio he carries with him.

When little Franz heard the sound from his red radio, he immediately jumped up from his seat, said a few words to his wife and rushed out of the theater. More than a hundred audience members suddenly became noisy, and the two actors on the stage were also noisy. I know whether I should continue acting or not.

There are many officials and family members in the front row. They understand the military situation levels within the government. The highest special level means that the war has broken out, and the first level means that the enemy's army is pressing down on the border and the war is about to ignite.

These officials also immediately left the theater and returned to their posts. Although they did not receive formal notification, the broadcast would start soon according to normal procedures. They saw colleagues who were in love with them on the way and hurriedly said hello and went back together.

After they left, their families began to go home, and other audience members also left. In less than a cup of milk tea, only the staff were left in the theater.

Stones were thrown into the calm water, and the ripples gradually spread. The number of people on the street quickly decreased, and more and more people were in front of the radio.

The Military Affairs Department is located in the military camp to the north outside Weissenburg. Little Franz first went to the nearby police station to commandeer a motorcycle and quickly rushed downstairs.

Chief of Staff Helmut was on duty tonight. He and the staff were lying on the table in the command room measuring maps. From time to time, the communications staff would send weather conditions in various places from the telegraph room next door and mark them on the map.

Little Franz walked into the command room in a suit without changing. Seeing Ah Fu there, he nodded and asked Helmut: "Is there a fight in Bohemia?"

After the Wesson State occupied the former Regens Union, it bordered the Bohemian region. The people there had never been beaten by the Wesson Army. Now they are unable to defend the entire border due to insufficient numbers of troops. Several conflicts have occurred recently.

Helmut shook his head and said: "No, it was the commander who sent a request for help. The identity verification code is correct."

Afu said from the side: "At around seven o'clock tonight, the radio in some parts of the southwest of the Principality of Mainz received the broadcast from the master. The steamed bun shop reported it immediately after hearing it."

Little Franz stood next to the map and nodded. Others only knew that Afu was Duke Wesson's butler, and only a few people in the upper echelons knew that he managed an intelligence department.

Helmut continued: "The commander is now in the Earl of Sylvan in the Helvetia Federation. We need us to send two airships there as quickly as possible."

"In the name of the command, I have issued an order to the Air Force to prepare for departure."

Little Franz asked: "Is there any further information?"

Helmut and Afu both shook their heads, there was only so much news at the moment.

Little Franz thought for a moment and said, "Let Eugene take a team of black cats."

He was worried that Frederick would encounter some trouble, and it would be much easier to have soldiers on hand to do things.

This time it was an overseas operation. Among the troops, Eugene, who came from the Kingdom of Gaul, had the most experience. He could command battles and deal with nobles, so it was most suitable for him to lead the team.

At this time, a communications staff officer sent feedback from the Air Force.

After reading it, Helmut said: "The Air Force received the second batch of airships a few days ago, and now all eight airships can be used."

"I suggest that in addition to Eugene and a team of black cats, Tony should lead a team of guards over there. It would be safer."

The Black Cat Force is a special force of the Wesson Army, and Frederick's escort is a team composed entirely of extraordinary combatants. They are personally trained by Richard Nall and have extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Little Franz nodded first, and then said: "Contact the Principality of Mainz and ask Jurgen to lead a cavalry escort company, and Ged to lead a squadron of magicians to take the train to Trout Harbor and be on standby, just in case."

They didn't know what exactly happened there, so they made preparations based on the assumption that Frederick was being bullied there.

It's because the Helvetia Federation does not border the Wesson State, otherwise they would pull the artillery over.

Franz Jr. first ordered the people and units involved in the operation to assemble at the air force base. At nine o'clock in the evening, the staff department formulated a detailed action plan and officially issued it to all ministries.

At half past nine, the airship began to take off.

"The first target is 260 kilometers away, the angle..." The radio in the cab of the No. 4 airship came from the formation's frontline commander's voice, "The weather is clear, the north wind is level 4, flying due west according to the compass direction. The broadcast point along the way is the observatory broadcast stand……"

Hannah sat in the driver's seat, Oak City was behind her, and the land below was pitch black. Only the navigation lights on the Carolina Canal and the lights of the village could be seen.

This was her second time flying this new airship, and her first night flight. She could only rely on the direction of the pointer on the compass in front of her and the hull indicator line to control the direction, while paying attention to the warning lights of other airships around her.

Tony stood behind her and said: "Don't be nervous, just show your usual training level."

The captain on the side said to Tony with a look of disgust: "Go, go, don't think that you can pick up girls here just because you are the commander's guard. Believe it or not, I will open the bomb bay and throw you down."

The airship pilots in the Air Force are all young girls, and there are many young men in the military who come to get close to them.

Tony laughed and said: "Hannah is my wife's sister, I was just worried that she was too nervous."

This crew had just been formed not long ago. Others only knew that Hannah was a disciple of Professor Manuel, the vice-president of Weissenburg University. She was actually an adopted daughter. Later, she came to fly an airship because she did not want to learn necromancy and canning. Her sister married I met an officer, but I didn't expect that the officer was the commander's guard.

At first, the captain thought that Tony came to the cockpit just as curious as everyone else. Unexpectedly, he saw his sister-in-law coming, so he said: "Don't worry about Hannah's technical and psychological quality. Check it out here to see what's new and then go back and brag. Don't get in the way of our work."

But Tony, who was entrusted by his comrades, smiled and said: "When I accompanied the commander to inspect the factory, I heard him explain the principles and structure of airships in detail. He also said that in the future, he might form an airborne force that uses airships to maneuver."

"Thank you for your hard work on this operation. After completing the mission, we invite everyone to go to the Nanhu Park Barbecue Bar. Our barbecue skills are passed down by the commander."

The captain was confused. It turned out that this guy was not picking up girls for himself but helping other people pick up girls. He drove him away angrily.

Tony walked through the place where the equipment was stored and returned to the passenger compartment at the back. Someone immediately asked him: "How is it? Have you made an appointment?"

Before Tony could answer, the captain's voice came from the copper pipe above their heads: "Passengers, please pay attention to your steps. If the bomb release lever is dropped by mistake, the base plate will open."

What they just said was transmitted to the front cockpit through the copper pipe.

It’s just that the boys didn’t know that this time it was a transportation task. Steel bars were inserted outside the bottom plate to strengthen the load-bearing capacity and could not be opened.

The job of flying at night is not easy, and the biggest fear is that the height is not enough and I will hit the mountain.

The navigation airship at the front of the flight formation turned on its searchlight and could see whether there were mountains two or three kilometers away. However, the heat dissipation performance of the magic array was not very good. It could only turn on the light for less than one minute and then dissipate heat for three minutes at a time. The other airships could Adjust your position by navigating the airship's instructions.

The busiest person is the navigator. She needs to measure the directions of several radio stations every half hour, and the intersection of straight lines drawn on the map is the location of the airship.

The advertising and political benefits of radio are significant and have been recognized by many people. The Principality of Mainz has built several radio stations in recent years, which can be seamlessly connected along the way.

Time passed little by little, and flying was boring for the passengers who had nothing to do. Tony and the soldiers closed their eyes in the cabin to prepare for the possible battle that would follow.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the earth outside the window was still dark, and a cheer came from the copper pipe leading to the cab.

Tony hurried over and heard the navigator say excitedly: "Caught the Sylvan Broadcasting Station signal, located 50° to the left of the route!"

Less than half a minute later, the pilot airship sent a new heading order, and the captain ordered Hannah to adjust the heading.

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