Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 418 Garlic is a treasure

It was late at night, the banquet ended, and some of the people who left were happy and some were sad.

Richard Nall's carriage was the last to leave, with one more guest in it than when it arrived.

"Does your father still only eat fish?" Richard Nall asked tellingly.

Princess Penelope replied: "Father is still fasting."

Richard Nall sighed: "I didn't expect him to persist for so long."

"Back then, he and I were about the same age as you are now. We were young and energetic. We had a fight on the bridge with Suarez and several of your uncles, and the bridge was almost destroyed."

"At that time, a nun from the church passed by. She punched us one at a time and knocked us into the water. Then she arrested us and preached to us until the next day."

"Suarez has been fasting since then."

"Thanks to that nanny, we got rid of our arrogance, otherwise we wouldn't be able to achieve what we are now."

Penelope saw him recalling the past and immediately said: "Now that my father is in a dangerous whirlpool, I asked my uncle to help."

Richard Nall frowned and asked: "With Suarez's troops, we can just crush him. Why are we so restrained?"

Penelope shook her head bitterly and said, "The king controlled the food supply in order to restrict his father."

Richard Nar understood that the king of the Kingdom of Tarago was afraid of Grand Duke Suarez's rebellion, so he used food as a shackle to control him. In order to stabilize the domestic situation, both parties took a step back and compromised with each other. There was probably some agreement behind it.

He said, "Let's talk to Frederick."

Penelope nodded, holding the hem of her clothes tightly with both hands, and finally sighed slightly.

When Richard Nall arrived at Frederick's residence, he found that the smell of alcohol in the room was stronger than at the banquet just now.

The living room seemed to have turned into a kitchen. Someone was peeling garlic. The trash can was filled with purple-red garlic peels. Someone put the freshly peeled garlic cloves into a mortar, poured in cold alcohol, soaked them, and then quickly peeled the garlic cloves. Mash it into a puree, then pour the alcohol and garlic paste into a bottle and collect it. Add alcohol in a ratio of one part garlic paste to four parts alcohol and seal it.

Richard Nall introduced Penelope and then recounted everything that happened at the banquet tonight.

Frederick asked all the servants in the living room to leave, and he listened while crushing the last bit of garlic cloves and bottling them. After listening, he said: "It turns out they are their people. Their theory has merit. It's just that they are different from the others." It cannot match our development.”

"Master, please help me buy a copy of "The Nature and Research of Wealth" that I wrote tomorrow. After I sign it, please give it to Baron Turgot and tell him that I invite him to visit Wesson."

Richard Nall said with a smile: "Others, the master just talks and the apprentice breaks his legs, but here it is the master who breaks his legs."

He took the mission and left, leaving Penelope here.

After Penelope arrived, she kept looking at Frederick tinkering with garlic with a strange expression. After Richard Nall left, she asked him: "Am I more attractive than garlic?"

Because Richard Naer and Suarez have been friends for many years without knowing each other, and this is not a formal occasion, the conversation between the two is casual.

Frederick nodded.

Penelope pouted and said depressedly: "I thought you would come to the banquet, so I dressed up as you liked. I didn't expect you to be with Garlic instead of coming to my place."

Frederick had a question mark on his head, looked at her in military uniform, and asked: "You do look good in this outfit, but who told you that I like this look?"

"Isn't it?" Penelope replied, "When you were in the Osmaga Empire, you liked Her Royal Highness the Protector Mary the most among so many people, so everyone thought you liked women like us who lead troops to fight. .”

Frederick smiled and said: "I admire women who have their own careers, not just leading troops."

"That's right." Penelope said, "I thought you liked women who smell like garlic."

Frederick smiled and said: "Garlic is a good thing, it is a treasure for the whole body."

"There is a substance in garlic that can kill bacteria. Some people use it to treat some intestinal diseases and trauma. After research, we found that it can even cure some so-called 'unchastity curses' and can also be used to eliminate small bugs on some crops. .”

"It's just that the content of this substance in the garlic we have is low. This kind of garlic has a strong smell, so the content is probably much higher."

As he spoke, he put the last bit of crushed garlic into a bottle, sealed it, shook it once every half a day, soaked it for about two days, took out the alcohol solution and filtered the residue, and then evaporated the alcohol to get the active ingredient: garlic oil.

After hearing this, Penelope no longer cared whether this guy "loved garlic rather than beauty" and asked nervously: "These... garlic... can really cure the unclean curse?"

The so-called "impurity curse" is a general term for gynecological diseases. In the past, people could not understand the causes of these diseases, and some can be spread through "piston movement". Therefore, the Light Church believes that this is a curse from the God of Light on those women who do not keep themselves clean.

In fact, given the current overall sanitary conditions, even an unmanned little girl may be infected with the disease, not to mention that women who are engaged in manual labor are more likely to get sick due to reduced immunity due to malnutrition.

Over thousands of years, countless women have suffered unjust injustice and have been persecuted and even lost their lives.

In the past few years, Frederick has used microscopy and bacterial culture to prove through comparative experiments that many diseases, including this so-called curse, are caused by various bacteria. However, this view has not yet spread widely. .

Seeing her like this, Frederick understood that she had a patient there, so he didn't ask any more privacy questions. He sat back on the sofa and replied: "The medical school did an experiment on rabbits, and it was indeed effective, but the amount of garlic oil needed to treat the intestinal tract is There are a lot more illnesses.”

"Based on body weight, a person needs to take 40 mg of garlic oil three times a day for treatment, with a course of treatment lasting half a month, and the cure rate is 90%."

"It takes 100 grams of garlic to extract about 0.5 milligrams of garlic oil from our garlic, which is equivalent to eating 24 kilograms of garlic a day."

Frederick had been looking for antibiotics, but due to bacterial strains and process reasons, the mycosins he could find were as fast as killing people and killing bacteria, so he could only turn his attention to other places.

Some people used garlic paste to treat wound infections and stomachaches, so they began to research it, and the garlic oil they discovered is currently the most cost-effective anti-inflammatory drug.

After thinking for a while, Frederick said: "I remember that there are some finished garlic oil capsules at the medical school. I will ask the airship to send a batch over tomorrow."

Penelope was so excited that she immediately went over and grabbed his garlic-smelling hands and said, "Thank you so much!"

Then she said her intention smoothly: "It would be great if you could export a large amount of food and weapons to us!"

Frederick had previously heard from Richard Naer that the real goal of the Kingdom of Gaul's southward movement might be the Kingdom of Tarago, so he replied: "Weapons are easy to talk about. We have to import food ourselves, but we can export military cans to you." .”

"How are you going to pay for it? I heard that your finances are not tight either."

Penelope's face suddenly turned red and she asked in a low voice, "What do you think of me?"

Frederick said seriously: "You can exchange it for canned beef of the same weight."

Penelope was stunned and began to draw her sword.

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