Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 419 Just care about the garlic

The scene that happened at Princess Penelope's dinner made the nobles of the Dohelveti Federation think seriously. Some people had other thoughts in their minds.

When the gentlemen inquired about Duke Wesson's next move, they thought that the inquiring man had drunk too much while working.

"Duke Wesson is buying garlic?"

"It's not spicy enough?"

Everyone who heard the news was confused. Shouldn't now be the time to lobby everywhere? Why did you start studying garlic?

For a time, many people were speculating on what Duke Wesson was doing.

In the bathroom, two people were chatting.

"This scar is from when those [Osmaga expletive] Venetians assassinated me."

"Those pagans used bows as traps to sneak up on me in the grass. Because the bow string was loose due to the humidity, if it went any deeper, it would have stabbed me in the heart."

"That's how thick your armor is, hehe..."

"Your armor is not thin either..."

Frederick watched silently as Mary and Penelope introduced the scars on their bodies to each other.

The plenipotentiary envoy of the Osmaga Empire is the new Protector Mary. Anna sent her here because she was her own sister and was reliable enough. Secondly, she wanted to see if other brothers and sisters would take the opportunity to cause trouble.

After Mary came to Bear City, she arranged the specific affairs for her subordinates. She immediately ran to find Frederick, but she saw him and Penelope wrestling together in the bedroom.

At the age of twelve, Penelope began to follow her father on the front line to fight against the pagans in the Kingdom of Madeira in the west. Her body was scarred, and she soon fell in love with Mary, who was also scarred.

On the contrary, it was Frederick. Although his achievements on the battlefield could make the girls on the battlefield fall in love, he had never fought many tactical headwinds. The only scars on his body were caused by his own suicide, so he was isolated. .

The two counted the scars on their bodies, and Penelope mentioned the difficulties her family was facing now.

"Grain?" Mary was a little embarrassed. "Now a lot of grain in our country has been bought by this bad guy."

She pinched Frederick before continuing: "A factory has recently been opened on the coast of my territory to produce canned fish. It was originally sold to this bad guy, so I will tear up the contract with him and sell it to you. "

Mary's territory is at the top of a large bay in the north-central part of the inland sea. The rivers on the surrounding land bring a large amount of organic matter when they flow into the sea, making the nearby sea rich in fishery resources.

Last year, she took out a loan to buy equipment to build a cannery, and used canned fish and meat to repay the debt.

Penelope was overjoyed at first and looked at Frederick with expectant eyes. He had to nod for this.

Frederick naturally nodded in agreement, Penelope bought Mary's canned fish, and Mary used the money to repay the loan without any loss.

Personal relationships and business matters should be kept separate, but when personal relationships are good, business matters can be flexible without violating principles.

Frederick said to Penelope: "While the river is not frozen now, I will sell you a batch of the latest seeds of Elizabeth potatoes, pumpkins and golden beans. I will also give you some fertilizers, and next year I will sell you some tractors to open up wasteland for you." Bar."

He had thought about food during the past two days when he was not busy. There was no other way with the ready-made food but to help them open up wasteland and increase production.

Penelope left after refreshing the dungeon and taking a shower. Yesterday, dozens of kilograms of garlic oil capsules were delivered by airship and they needed to be transported back. Before leaving, she made an appointment with Mary to go to the competition field to compete tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, Mary wanted to leave with her, and she seemed to have something to say quietly.

Frederick still stayed in his residence, did not go out, and continued tinkering with garlic.

Experiments have shown that the garlic grown in the mountains here may be due to the low temperature and long growth cycle. The oil content of garlic is generally higher than that of garlic from Weissensee.

Many people thought that he was tinkering with garlic just to hide his identity, so they sent people over to find out the information.

Frederick was peeling a kind of yellow cloves of garlic in the living room when a visitor came to visit. Meese, the grandson of Count Stefani, came.

Frederick found out that Count Stefani was the third son of the family. According to tradition, the eldest son was raised as the heir of the family, the second son was sent to the church, and the third son and later were left alone, so he recruited a team of mercenaries to go to Gaul. Traveling around the kingdom, it was at that time that he met the King, Old Louis.

Later, the unicorn he raised at home was stung by a wasp and went crazy and stabbed his eldest brother to death. His second brother gave up his inheritance rights because he was living a more luxurious life as a bishop outside than at home, so he, the third youngest, went home to inherit the title. .

The relationship between Count Stephanie and Old Louis has always been very good, so the Kingdom of Gaul chose him instead of the nobles with many years of traditional friendship in the northwest mountains to run for king.

Frederick was sure that Meese was not here to help peel garlic, so apart from asking him to help peel garlic, he asked him about various things about garlic, and didn't mention anything else. He didn't even invite anyone to lunch.

In the afternoon, Meese's "sisters" came and didn't go home until breakfast the next day.

In the evening, Mary and Penelope came here talking and laughing. They had a lot of bruises on their bodies, and Frederick was busy applying medicinal wine to them.

While applying medicine to the bruise on Penelope's shoulder, Frederick said: "I heard that Count Stefani's confidence in the Kingdom of Gaul was somewhat shaken, but Baron Turgot, as a special envoy, was not very fond of it. I’m afraid the Gauls don’t value the Helvetian Federation as much as they seem.”

Count Stefani wanted to be king and needed the flag of the Kingdom of Gaul to win over supporters. Now there was something wrong with the influence of the flag. He was anxious to ask Baron Turgot to work harder and do something to expand his influence. As a result, Baron Turgot actually took advantage of it.

So Count Stefani had a headache, and planned to win over Frederick and let him stand for him. This way, he would be stable with two major countries supporting him.

But Frederick acted as if he was not involved in the matter. Meese came and peeled the garlic, and the girls came and pounded the garlic all night long. There was nothing substantial at all, but they did find out a lot.

Penelope frowned and said: "It seems that the real center of gravity of the Kingdom of Gaul is not here, so it is not here in the Kingdom of Sardinia. It is just a pretense to attract attention."

The target is not here, then it can only be her home.

Mary said to Stefani: "I have a way. Although it can't change the overall situation, it can make the Kingdom of Gaul sad for a while."

Frederick asked curiously: "What conspiracy do you have?"

Mary smiled triumphantly and said: "I will soon be able to sign a series of non-aggression treaties here. The details are being discussed now, and it is expected to be signed in two or three days."

Frederick asked her in surprise: "So fast?"

"Of course." Mary said to Frederick matter-of-factly, "There is no conflict between our two countries to begin with, and our attention will be on the east, as long as you don't attack us on the west."

Frederick smiled evilly and said: "I will only hit you."

As Mary said, there is no conflict between the Osmaga Empire and the Helvetia Federation, and they need a stable west so that they can focus on the east. The terms are simple.

Four days later, the two countries held a grand signing ceremony at the palace.

Frederick attended with Archbishop Felipe in the uniform of a paladin, leaving many people speechless.

The next day, the entire Xiongcheng citizens were shocked by the news in the newspapers.

There is also a newspaper here in Bear City. The reporter interviewed Count Friedkin, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and received a surprising piece of news: The negotiations between the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Helvetia Federation have reached a consensus in principle, and in Wesson Through the mediation of the state's special envoy, the Helvetic Federation promised not to provide any assistance for any actions against the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the Kingdom of Sardinia was willing to return the Bray Mountains area.

This news was originally only spread among the upper echelons of the nobility. Count Sforza, who was in charge of the negotiations, planned to make big news when the election was about to take place. Unexpectedly, Friedkin suddenly broke the news.

The news was very sensational. It was a great achievement to regain the lost land, and the enthusiasm of the city people was suddenly ignited. Count Sforza, who presided over the negotiations, received enough cheese from the citizens to feed him for a whole year.

It is thought that Frederick was behind the mediation and was sent enough garlic to last him several years.

Now it was the turn of the Gallic envoy to feel sad, because the news mentioned that the city of Leman was still occupied by the Kingdom of Gaul.

The residence of the Gallic mission was stoned, and several pieces of horse dung were thrown at Baron Turgot's carriage.

In the next few days, the matter in Leman City was repeatedly mentioned in the newspapers, and the emotions of the citizens were further aroused.

On the first day of November, someone made a Molotov cocktail with alcohol in a clay bottle, lit it and threw it from the roof of the building, burning Baron Turgot's carriage on the street in the city center.

The person in the car at the time was Baron Lefal. He had just jumped out of the car when a group of masked men with shields and wooden sticks rushed out from around him. They shouted "Give me back Leman City" and beat him till death. No longer recognized.

Although it became a joke that Baron Lefal challenged Richard Nall over his own abilities, he also had the strength to fight on the battlefield, and ordinary people could not knock him down at all.

Baron Turgot realized the seriousness of the situation, broke out in a cold sweat, and evacuated Bear City overnight to return home. Before leaving, he said harsh words.

In a few days, the situation among the top nobles of the Helvetia Federation has undergone fundamental changes.

As for the man behind the scenes, after Frederick published a news in the newspaper about the purchase of a large amount of purple garlic, he went to the mountains dozens of kilometers away from Bear City with Mary, Penelope, and the two young ladies of the Ronno family for a dip. I went to the hot spring and will come back after the king election is over.

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