Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 421 Follow the process

King William of the Rhine League has been paralyzed and speechless for many years, and recently he was in a coma for a long time. Now that he wakes up, everyone knows that his majesty has returned to his former glory.

William's bedroom was large and now full of people.

His son Rudolf and his daughter-in-law Antonia knelt beside the bed. Rudolf held his right hand tightly, his face full of tears.

Antonia had put on a simple white robe before she came. Her long hair was tied back with a hemp rope. She knelt beside Rudolf, holding a handkerchief in her hand and wiping her tears. She cried so much that people worried that she would Dehydration.

Cardinal Victor sat quietly on the edge of the bed to the left of William, holding William's left hand in one hand, playing the rosary with the other, and reciting scriptures in a low voice.

The Grand Duke of Mainz stood next to Victor and looked at William quietly. Thinking that he was older than him, his mood became complicated for a moment.

All the nobles in the city of Cologne have arrived. Earl Rank and Earl Shakespeare are standing in front of the end of the bed, with a clerk beside them. All the nobles with the title of earl are standing behind them. The bedroom door is open, and under the earl The nobles filled the corridor.

Sobs could be heard from time to time in the crowd. William has been in power for so many years and has given many people favors. Now that he is leaving, many people will be sad.

Everyone is waiting for a very important event - the king officially determines the heir to the throne.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing needs to be announced publicly, or leave a testament like Ferdinand.

William only has one child, Rudolf, and the heir to the throne is theoretically undisputed, so everyone forgot about it. It wasn't until William fell into coma not long ago and someone started the new king's enthronement ceremony that they remembered that there was still such a process.

But now William lies there with his eyes open after waking up, his whole body motionless, his eyes not blinking, only his eyeballs turning occasionally.

At this time, there was a shout outside the window, and the sound of alert rang out in the heavily guarded garden, as well as the roar of the fire dragon and the sound of flapping wings.

The Archduke of Mainz turned around and walked to the window, pulled back the curtains, opened the window, and saw a fire dragon preparing to land under the night sky.

He shouted: "Palatinate, come quickly!"

Two seconds later, a sixty-year-old man wearing a leather bomber jacket jumped in from the window.

The nobles in the room saw that the Archduke of the Palatinate was coming. Count Rank and others were overjoyed and saluted one after another. Rudolf also raised his head and called "Uncle".

The Principality of the Palatinate is located to the north of the Principality of Mainz. After Frederick swallowed up the Principality of Franconia, it joined it to the northwest.

The Principality of the Palatinate was originally very powerful, but it threatened the royal power. Over the past hundred years, it was dismembered and became smaller than the state of Wessen two years ago. In the end, it relied on the current Grand Duke of the Palatinate to become the God of Law and his sister to marry the royal family. Keep your position.

The Grand Duke of the Palatinate was strong, but he had no heirs for so many years and had no desire to fight for power. He always stayed in the territory. When the queen was still alive, she only came to the royal capital during the holidays and rarely paid attention to worldly affairs.

This time, thanks to the telegram, he rushed over on a fire dragon as soon as he received the news.

At this time, all the great nobles at the Duke and Grand Duke level of the Rhine Alliance were present except Archduke Byrne in the Osmaga Empire and Frederick in the Helvetia Federation.

The Archduke of the Palatinate walked to the bedside and called William softly twice, but William had no reaction except for a slight movement of his eyeballs.

The Archduke of Mainz whispered in his ear William's current situation and that there was still a process to go through, and he frowned.

The Grand Duke of the Palatinate smoothed his beard on his chin and whispered: "Now that my brother-in-law is in this situation, he only has Rudolf as his heir. Even if some things are not stated explicitly, everyone knows his wishes, so there is no need to be too red tape. Be particular about it.”

Everyone thinks so, but if Rudolf said this, he would think that he could not wait to ascend the throne regardless of his father's life and death. If the ministers said this, they are not qualified to change the rules. Only he, a relative of the king, would consider it from the perspective of family affairs. Only then can I say.

After the Grand Duke of the Palatinate finished speaking, he looked at the Grand Duke of Mainz. He was the highest-ranking vassal here. If he took the lead and nodded, others would not object.

The Archduke of Mainz nodded slightly.

Then the Archduke of the Palatinate looked at Count Rank and other important palace ministers. If these ministers agreed, then there would be no problem in the matter.

The ministers naturally nodded.

After thinking for a while, Count Ranke whispered to the two grand dukes the solution he had just thought of: "Why don't you ask the cardinal if your majesty objects to Rudolf's succession?"

The Grand Duke of the Palatinate thought this method was good, and if he did not object, he would acquiesce. Although it was not perfect, it could be regarded as making up for the process.

Looking at William like this, I don’t know how he should express his objection.

This matter can only be done by Cardinal Victor on the side. Royal power and divine power are interdependent. With the church's endorsement, it is difficult to investigate if there are flaws in the process.

Victor nodded, and after doing the whole show, he asked someone to bring a "Holy Book", put William's left hand on it, and placed his own hand on William's hand.

When he was ready, he leaned into William's ear and asked in a calm voice that everyone could hear: "Your Majesty William Otto, do you object to your son Rudolf Otto after you go to the Seat of Light? Are all the rights and responsibilities that now belong to you including the throne of the Rhine League?"

Rudolf wiped away his tears and said: "If the God of Light can bless my father and make him healthy and long-lived, it would be fine for me even if I don't want the crown."

He spoke so sincerely that many people were moved to tears.

Next, everyone present held their breath, waiting for Cardinal Victor to announce the result.

Victor immediately announced that William had no objection, but counted down to one hundred in a low voice.

Only the Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Palatinate heard the countdown sound. Count Rank and others saw the mouth movements. They all felt that this was what they should do, so they didn't say anything and just waited quietly.

No one made a sound in the bedroom, except for Antonia's sobs. She was not yet dehydrated from crying.

At this time, although William's eyes were open, he saw an illusion of a revolving door of life, with scenes from childhood to adulthood emerging one after another.

Suddenly, a scene from many years ago appeared in William's mind.

It was in a manor outside the city. Farmers were harvesting golden beans in the fields. I and Frederick were sitting on the edge of the farmland. At that time, I wrote many notes to Frederick, and Frederick took them away. .

Now he recalled the contents of the note, and suddenly remembered that he had noticed that if the notes were rearranged, something big would happen, but he had forgotten about it after taking the medicine.

William realized that something was wrong, and suddenly came to his senses. He saw his son and ministers around him, and he had to remind them of Frederick's possible conspiracy.

Everyone in the bedroom saw that His Majesty William suddenly trembled and took his right hand out of His Majesty Rudolf's hand. His body that had been paralyzed for many years suddenly sat up, and a gurgling sound came from his throat that had not spoken for many years.

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw this scene and thought, could His Majesty the King's illness be cured now?

Could it be that His Highness the Prince's willingness to give up the throne in exchange for his father's health moved the God of Light, so the God of Light performed a miracle? !

Victor was also stunned and stopped counting after counting down 2.

I saw His Majesty William pointing to the south (in the direction of the bedroom door) and shouting with the last of his life:



"Friedrich von Wesson..."

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