Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 422 Hot Spring Conspiracy



"Ah chirp..."

Frederick suddenly sneezed three times without warning.

Mary beside him asked with concern: "Are you catching a cold?"

Penelope in Frederick's arms also asked him: "When was the wind blown?"

Colds these days are not something to be taken lightly. If you are not careful, big problems can occur.

Frederick shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's continue."

Everyone thought that Frederick was having sex in the hot springs on the mountain with the beauties he brought and later visited in admiration, but they were partly wrong.

The servants and attendants in the hot spring have all been replaced by people brought by Mary, and nothing that happens here will be revealed, lest anyone who is interested discover the clues.

Tonight, Frederick entered the room with Mary and Penelope. The three of them were on the bed, but instead of engaging in hand-to-hand combat, they spread out a map.

On the grounds of friendship and security between the two countries, Frederick sent an airship to send the envoy from the Kingdom of Gaul back home. Along the way, he found out the location of the current King Louis of Gaul and the distribution of the surrounding military camps.

The three continued to discuss military affairs.

Mary pointed to the Tulus Fortress on the Gallic side of the junction of the Kingdom of Gaul and the Kingdom of Tarago and said to Penelope: "Now the main food and grass are concentrated here, and their king is also here, which shows their focus. It’ll just be you.”

Penelope pointed to the border between the two countries and said: "If they want to come over, they need to cross the Snowy Cow Mountains, which are hundreds of kilometers wide. The roads there are difficult to travel and transportation is very troublesome."

Frederick rested his chin on her shoulder and sighed: "What's more troublesome is that the Gauls ordered a large number of steel carriages from us, because the order was queued up for adding money."

Now he has not declared war with the Kingdom of Gaul, so there is no reason to cut off their orders.

Personal relationships and national interests are two different things. Penelope knew clearly, so she didn't say anything.

Mary pointed to the sea outside the two ends of the Snow Cow Mountains and asked: "What if they ship by sea?"

Penelope replied: "There is interference from ships from the Kingdom of Lisenberg in the northern seas, so it's not a big problem."

"The southern sea belongs to Pietro. He is our maritime overlord there. We are unable to win him over. We have now declared our neutrality."

“Without his nod, the Gauls couldn’t even transport a chicken.”

Frederick stretched out his hand and pointed to the Snowy Cow Mountains and said: "The road is difficult to walk, which shows that it is difficult for the army of the Kingdom of Gaul to go through and it will be difficult to come back."

Penelope immediately said: "There are fortresses at both ends of the main passage in the mountains. It is difficult to attack them in a short time and trap them in the country."

Frederick did not speak, but clicked on the city of Leman in the westernmost part of the Helvetia Federation.

The two understood what he meant. If the Gallic Kingdom's army crossed the Snow Cow Mountains to the west and entered the Tarago Kingdom, and the Helvetia Federation attacked Leman City in the east of the Gallic Kingdom, they would have to face a multiple-choice question.

Mary frowned and said, "I have hired mountain mercenaries, and I have calculated that the Helvetia Federation's siege is worrisome, otherwise it would have started to recover it long ago."

Penelope continued: "I passed by Leman City when I came here and saw the surrounding terrain."

"This city is at the southernmost point of Lake Leman. The corner of the lake extends into the city like a sliced ​​cake, with two rivers flowing through it."

"There are high mountains to the east and west of the city, and only the narrow area between the mountains and the lake is passable."

"The Gauls built fortresses along the north road outside the city and on the top of the mountain. The army would have to spend a lot of effort to destroy them if they wanted to get there."

After thinking for a while, Mary said: "The best time to take action is when you have firmly adhered the main force of the Kingdom of Gaul like paste, so that you can provide conditions for Leman City."

Frederick asked Penelope: "If we solve our food problem, can we do it?"

Penelope said proudly: "Our soldiers are also very brave."

The next moment she said anxiously: "But my father is worried that the Gauls will collude with the pagans. If the pagans make moves on the border, we will be tied up with a large number of troops. If these troops are transferred away from the defense line, we may be breached. In the end, we will be defeated." The bad thing is that our land to the west will be occupied."

Frederick nodded.

The geography of this world is both similar and different to that of his hometown. Even if the Sahara desert turns into a rainforest, it doesn't matter if the Caucasus Mountains lose the Black Sea and directly connect to the Caspian Sea, but there is an extra Kingdom of Lisenberg in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. What the hell, there is a kingdom of Madeira on a large piece of land that juts out to the west.

This geographical change has caused the ocean currents to be divided. Some of the warm currents from the north of the equatorial region enter the Mediterranean and circulate in western Africa. The abundant water vapor turns the Sahara Desert into a rain forest. At the same time, some of the cold currents from the north cannot reach the south, and there are fewer warm currents from the north. As a result, it gets colder in the north.

At the same time, the convergence of ocean currents in the west made the sea conditions rough and the difficulty of getting to the New World greatly increased.

Geography determines geoeconomics and politics. The continent protruding westward increases the cost of shipping from the north to the south of the continent. A canal connecting the Rhine and Danube rivers reduces the cost of north-south transportation and enriches Frederick, but it adds a lot of trouble to other places.

After Frederick finished complaining about the geographical environment, he hugged Penelope's hand tightly and asked, "What if I send troops to reinforce the defense line?"

"Really?" Penelope suddenly became excited, "Can you really send troops there?"

Wesson's army has a reputation far and wide. They will not dare to act rashly when they reach the front line of the Kingdom of Madeira. Just testing the truth will take a lot of time. This time is enough for them to handle internal affairs.

Frederick nodded and said, "We are preparing to expand our army, but there will be no fighting in the surrounding area for a short period of time. We need a whetstone to hone our army."

"It is unrealistic to take over all the defense lines. They can be arranged in some key places."

After he finished speaking, Mary immediately said: "We can also send troops over here."

"Now that my sister has become the emperor, some old ministers are not easy to deal with, and some political opponents are difficult to deal with. The young people who are new to the throne don't know their true level. It is better to be sent to the front line of the pagan war to hone their skills, and then the country will be better. Give me some glory and benefits, it will be much more convenient."

"Well, we can also provide some help to the Helvetia Federation when they attack Leman City."

The transition of a large country like the Osmaga Empire with complex internal relations is very dangerous. If you are not careful in sorting out the internal relations, the world will fall apart. The outside world is even more eager to see if they can bite off a piece of meat. That's why Mary is the protector of the country. place.

Now Queen Anna not only has to deal with internal affairs, but also wants to show off her claws externally to scare her neighbors. Mary is keenly aware that Penelope provides a good starting point.

Pagans are a politically correct place to spawn monsters, and no one can refuse them.

Their family has a big business, and if something leaks out, it will be enough for Penelope's family to change the situation, and even help the Helvetia Federation regain Leman City.

Once this claw is handed out, the surrounding countries will not dare to look down upon this seemingly old behemoth.

In this way, Frederick had a place to train his troops, the Osmaga Empire had a place to deal with internal affairs and maintain its prestige, Archduke Suarez had a reliable backer, and the Helvetic Federation had the opportunity to regain Leman City. Hope, only the wounded world of the Kingdom of Gaul was achieved.

The general direction was set, and the details were carefully studied by their subordinates. For example, Frederick and Anna wanted to join forces to obtain military funds from the Church of Light. We were going to fight the heretics. How could the church just watch and not pay.

Frederick and Mary were just following the trend for their own benefit, but it was nothing less than a life-saving straw for Penelope, who was so excited that she hugged the two of them and kissed them.

What happened next is self-evident.

In the middle of the night, Frederick left this room and went to another room, where he carried a courtesan sent by Count Sforza to the hot spring.

What happened in the hot springs is also needless to say.

Frederick thought about it. Although Count Sforza and the others had tricked him once, they supported him because of his good attitude towards him.

So Frederick asked this courtesan to send a message to Count Sforza, asking him to "judge that the real target of the Kingdom of Gaul is the Kingdom of Tarago. He contacted Duke Wesson and Duke Marie, but neither of them explicitly objected to this. The Helvetia Federation will provide support in retaking Leman City." It's up to him how to do it.

Anyway, there is no evidence for this kind of private oral agreement. Even if the Kingdom of Gaul finds out, it will be easy to reject it. Various violent opinions among the people are endless. Who takes it seriously and who is a fool.

When the Rhine League assisted the Kingdom of Lisenberg in expelling the Kingdom of Gaul, it was not airtight, but the Black Forest mercenaries of the Rhine League were also time-honored mercenaries. Even Eugene, a Gallic officer at the time, believed that there was It is not surprising at all that mercenaries appear in the Kingdom of Lisenberg.

Later, if Frederick had not recognized the matter later, the Kingdom of Gaul would have continued to think so.

In the next few days, Frederick continued to live a luxurious life here in the hot springs, until the Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of the Palatinate rode a fire dragon from Cologne.

"His Majesty William passed away?!"

Frederick was shocked. His grand ducal canonization ceremony would not be held until the spring equinox next year. Why did he fail?

"Your Majesty called my name three times before he died?!"

Frederick was completely stunned.

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