Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 423 Undercurrent

King William of the Rhine League passed away and the whole country mourned. Naturally, Frederick left the hot springs and returned to his residence in Bear City.

If he continues to sing every night at this time, his reputation will be completely ruined. Rudolf even has an impeccable reason to send troops to Wesen, and allies such as the Grand Duke of Mainz will not help him.

After returning to Bear City, Frederick asked Archbishop Fei to preside over a solemn mourning ceremony in the Bearskin Church. The king of the Helvetic Federation, all nobles, and envoys from various countries attended.

During the ceremony, Frederick cried and fainted five times. The Archduke of the Palatinate reminded him that he was almost done and did not faint the sixth time.

On the second day of the mourning ceremony, Frederick took an airship to Cologne, and envoys from various countries also sent envoys to accompany him.

However, the airship could not hold so many people, so Eugene and a few people stayed behind and worked with Richard Nall, the plenipotentiary envoy of the Rhine League.

Now Richard Nar's job is to fish every day, waiting for the new king of the Helvetia Federation to be elected and sign a treaty with him.

Nowadays, there is an undercurrent surging in the city of Cologne, and the actions of the late king before his death have confused everyone.

Frederick was well prepared for William's death in the near future, but he could not resist his confusing behavior before his death.

The news circulating in the market is still accurate, and many people know the details of the king's death.

First, Cardinal Victor asked the king if he opposed Rudolf's succession. Then Rudolf said that as long as the God of Light restored his father's health, he would not take the throne. Then the king, who had been paralyzed and mute for many years, sat up and called "Wesson" three times. In the end, the king died without closing his eyes.

The impact of the last one was so bad that the news was originally blocked, but the news leaked out within half a day.

Nowadays, there are a lot of discussions in the market. Did the late king abandon Rudolf and let Duke Wesson succeed him?

Then another news came out. Rudolf was holding a meeting before the death of the late king. At the meeting, he announced that he would seal Linden City to the Crown Princess Antonia.

At this time, the nobles in Cologne couldn't sit still. The nobles in Limetree City rushed back and were stunned when they heard the news. They thought it was fake news released by Duke Wesson to slander His Highness the Crown Prince.

Especially the Earl of Delden, who had already agreed that the tax collector of Lime Tree City would be his son-in-law. If it became the Crown Princess's territory, would he still have his own share?

As soon as the Earl of Delden returned home, he found his wife and asked about the situation: "What is going on? Didn't we agree on it from the beginning?"

He was familiar with Frederick and felt that Frederick was not making false accusations on such a big matter.

Mrs. Delden sighed, and after summarizing the information she had learned from the lady's intelligence circle, she told her husband: "It's not the Crown Princess who caused the trouble. She wanted a new palace when the two countries got married, and since then she has been It didn’t work out, and she often mentioned it.”

"She brought it up again in front of Rudolf a few days ago. Finally, she said that if there is no palace, forget about it. Then let's make Linden City a fiefdom for herself."

"You also know that my nephew has a soft ear and will do whatever the lady says."

"Not to mention that in the past two years, Antonia has taken the initiative to find mistresses for Rudolf and made him happy. She also listened to whatever she said."

"The meeting that day was very tense. Mainz smashed a hole in the table with a cup and even threatened to withdraw from the Rhine League."

"Earl Shakespeare made the same compromise as in the play, saying that we should all donate some money to build a palace."

Earl Delden sighed and said, "We can all contribute some money together to donate a palace. Just think of it as an advance payment for the eggs the old hen will lay in the future."

Mrs. Delden spread her hands and said helplessly: "His Royal Highness does not agree, either the palace or the lime tree city."

Earl Delden frowned and asked, "Can you persuade him?"

Mrs. Delden shook her head and said: "Now is not the time to talk about this, but I also found an opportunity to mention it to Rudolph, and he just shook his head."

Earl Delden asked again: "Where is your brother?"

Mrs. Delden said with a dark face: "He is not my brother."

Earl Delden immediately said: "Oh, I was too tired to rush back. I misremembered."

"Where is the Grand Duke of the Palatinate? Has he told Rudolf?"

Mrs. Delden shook her head and replied: "He and the Archduke of Mainz rode the fire dragon to find Frederick in the Helvetia Federation."

"I heard that when Duke Hegel and his wife entered the palace to mourn, they wanted to talk to Rudolf, but the princess blocked them. It is said that they said some unpleasant words."

Earl Delden sat on the sofa and stopped talking. He thought carefully and asked casually: "What's the reaction from Wesson?"

Mrs. Delden replied: "I heard that he was on his way back, but the airship broke down and had to be repaired for a day or two on the way. With the headwind, it might arrive in two or three days. The Grand Duke of Mainz and the Grand Duke of Palatinate came back first on the fire dragon. .”

Earl Delden nodded and continued to think.

Mrs. Delden continued: "Now everyone is asking what other people think of the late king's behavior before his death, but no one has expressed his opinion."

Earl Delden continued to nod slightly, and after sitting on the sofa for a while, he kept pacing back and forth in the living room.

Similar conversations took place in all the noble families. The heads of the family were all confused and secretly speculated on the late king's final intentions. At the same time, they did not express their opinions and asked the wives to find out what other families meant.

That afternoon, Mrs. Delden wore a black dress, a black hat and a veil, and came to Earl Rank's house.

Today's mourning salon was initiated by Count Rank's daughter-in-law. More than a dozen ladies and ladies, also dressed in black, first sat together according to the procedure and chanted hymns that hoped the late king would live happily in heaven, and then told stories in memory. First king, the last thing is free communication.

Mrs. Delden came late. When she entered the tea room, everyone had finished telling their stories. After she sat down, she apologized to the host: "My husband came back this morning. He caught a cold on the way back in a hurry and was too sad. He hasn't come in yet." Cheng has a fever and is still lying in bed, calling for the late king from time to time."

Someone next to her whispered: "The story has been told."

Mrs. Delden nodded and replied, "I know."

Everyone here was speechless. They wanted to hear the opinions of the nobles in Linden Tree City today.

Not taking a stand at this time is just taking a stand, but this wait-and-see attitude does not have much reference value.

At this time, the wife of Baron Harald, the tax minister under the Archduke of Mainz, said: "Well, I heard that Duke Wesson was very sad when he heard about His Majesty's death abroad. He immediately held a memorial ceremony in the church. The ceremony was full of remembrance. I fainted from crying five times."

With a sad expression on her face, she finally reached out and spread her five chubby fingers.

Everyone knew about this, and they all praised Duke Wesson for being so loyal and supportive of the late king, but they were complaining in their hearts that Mrs. Hallard actually had two ring marks on each finger except the thumb.

Many people were complaining about William in their hearts. If he was going to die, why not die quietly? Everyone was very uneasy when he did something like this before his death.

At the same time, everyone thought that Frederick, who was still on the road, had made up and quietly entered the city alone, but instead of returning to the mansion in the city, he entered a house that seemed to have nothing to do with Weissensee.

He saw the contact person from Weissenburg in the secret room. He was shocked and asked, "Why are you here?"

Psyche handed him the silk handkerchief on the table in front of her and asked him with a smile: "Want to help stuff the fish?"

Frederick took the handkerchief and had a black thread on it, because it was embroidered with "Rheinchen, King Wesson".

Psyche pulled back the cloth covering a statue nearby and asked him: "How about it? I designed it myself."

Frederick looked at the Cyclops statue and said helplessly: "You are here to entertain me, right?"

Psyche sat back at the table, picked up a piece of paper and asked: "This is the "Persuasion Form" I drafted. The duplication check is less than 5%. Do you want the one written by Zhe Man or Pu Lan?"

Frederick asked angrily: "Where's the purple robe? Let me see if it fits me?"

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