Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 424 Let Party A figure it out on his own

Psyche rarely participated in government affairs, but every time she took action, it was a major and far-reaching event at a key node, such as the scope of the conscription next spring.

"If you had shown any interest just now, I would have taken the money and run away immediately." Psyche was very satisfied with Frederick's performance just now, "I think you can make it happen."

"I have seen many people who became famous at a young age. Some people thought they had a great advantage and went ahead, but they died."

Frederick sat down on the chair, poured tea into the empty cup on the table, and said at the same time: "Put these things aside for now. I heard outside the city that the nobles are watching, which shows that my strength and prestige are not enough. .”

"If by the time I am strong enough, Rudolf is ignorant if he does not prepare for the abdication ceremony. In that case, if Rudolf does not die accidentally, it means that the nobles of Cologne City are ignorant. If they are all ignorant, my army is ready to arrive in Cologne City. When I woke up, I didn’t have an extra purple robe on me because my subordinates were ignorant.”

"Now I need to continue to develop and raise my sights, and focus on the development of the territory."

"In short, it means building walls high, hoarding food widely, and becoming king slowly."

Psyche nodded with satisfaction. It was hard to find such an easy-to-talk boss, and she was worried that he would not be able to see the situation clearly and get mad and die, so she went there in person.

"These are for you." Psyche took out a stack of documents from a briefcase at her feet and gave them to him. "These are the intelligence collected by the intelligence department here. I helped you summarize the reactions of all parties."

Frederick took the document and read it carefully.

Nobles from all parties were confused by William, including the Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Byrne, who had envisioned helping Frederick ascend to the throne, and were not sure what he meant in the end.

The key is that Frederick's performance has been too eye-catching in recent years. William recognized him as his younger brother in the Treaty of Wesson, which gave people something to think about.

If it were anyone else, everyone would think that this person owed the king a lot of money and had not yet paid it back.

On the other hand, Rudolph has been under a lot of pressure recently.

After reading the information, Frederick thought for a while, pinched his chin and said, "My nephew is under a lot of pressure right now."

"How much do you think it would cost to build a new palace for the King of the Rhine League?"

Psyche glanced at him sideways: "Nowadays, historical palaces have been expanded over decades and hundreds of years. For the first phase alone, you will have to spend more than ten years without spending a single copper. Not to mention the collections inside. So as not to hit you.”

Frederick said in surprise: "It's so expensive!"

His own personal income per year is more than 10,000 gold florins, which may seem like a lot, but the maintenance of the castle residence, the salaries of housekeepers and servants such as Afu and Tarot, and the three good students above the municipal level in the entire Wesson state Bonuses, prizes, painter sponsorship funds, etc. are all spent from here.

Calculating this, a palace would start at 200,000 florins.

"What do you think?" Psyche said, "The palace is not a tube building. Just plaster the walls. The ubiquitous carvings inside require masons, and the furniture must not be shabby. The cost of these is huge."

Frederick thought about it. It was not surprising that this kind of fine decoration was more expensive than the main structure.

Not to mention the collection inside, which has been accumulated over decades or hundreds of years, and even if you have money, you can’t buy it.

Frederick said with a wicked smile: "Because of this, it seems that I am sincere."

Psyche asked him: "What else do you have in mind?"

Frederick smiled and asked her: "How long did it take you on average to go to the mall and buy clothes?"

Psyche gave him a roll of her eyes.

Frederick said with a trace of nostalgia: "In my previous life, I hated those clients who changed plans every three days, especially the ones who would start all over again as soon as they slapped their heads. I wish I could put them under the fiberglass septic tank."

"You know, I have worked on a five-star hotel project before. In the final decoration stage, Party A changed five plans just for the marble panel style of the standard bathroom sink."

"Now that I think about it, it's not bad to have such a Party A."

"Didn't Rudolf say that this palace was built for Antonia? Then Antonia has the final say on how to build it."

"The design of the entire palace, starting from the appearance, to the overall layout, to the decoration, even the details such as bathroom faucets, must be decided by her."

Nowadays, the aristocrats know a lot about architectural design. The designers draw a few renderings for them to see, and then they fool around. If they don't understand, they allocate funds to start the construction. Usually, their subordinates do it, and when it is completed, they go on their own. We only know the effect on site.

Letting them participate in the design will only make things more and more messy, and God knows when it will be fixed.

Psyche complained on the side: "If we really do this, I'm sure the plan won't be finalized in ten or eight years. Regardless of the life span, I might go to the next world before I start digging the foundation pit."

Frederick smiled and spread his hands: "Then it's none of my business."

"Anyway, I can still afford one or two design teams, so I'll let them play with Antonia."

This matter can be solved with the procrastination trick. Stabilizing Rudolph and Antonia's side and preventing Linden City from becoming Antonia's fiefdom is the first priority.

In other words, he is familiar with all kinds of details in the field of architecture, which other nobles really can't think of.

Psyche asked him again: "How to solve the problem of William shouting your name before he died?"

The source of the strange situation in Cologne is that William called Frederick's name three times before he died. If this matter is not resolved, it will always be a hidden danger.

Frederick had been thinking about this issue and had some guesses in his mind. It was probably related to the notes written by him that he took away back then.

He never mentioned this to anyone.

The conversation in the secret room was always in Mandarin. Frederick was not afraid of others overhearing, so he told Psyche about the matter in detail.

"Hiss..." Psyche also didn't expect that Frederick would leave such a hand behind, "The Cyclops statue is useless and must be replaced by an angel's."

Frederick smiled and said: "The good thing is that William never closed his eyes to death. If he left peacefully after shouting, I would be in trouble."

"If you don't close your eyes, it means you are angry with me, and it means I have something unfinished."

"What could that be?"

Frederick held his chin and thought about what he had not done well. However, he had been obedient in recent years. It seemed that there was no principled issue that could make the king so angry.

Psyche reminded him: "Have you forgotten that you are Rudolf's teacher?"

"He is having such a quarrel with the nobles now. As a teacher, don't you have any responsibility?"

Frederick nodded, it made sense.

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