Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 425 Why don’t you snap him?

The heavy snow in 1034 came earlier than in previous years. That evening, the north wind suddenly howled, and the clouds in the sky pressed toward the ground. At about nine o'clock, small snowflakes began to fall.

It was late at night, in the warm bedroom of the palace, Rudolf was leaning on the bedside, and Antonia was lying beside her, just passed out and rolling her eyes.

Rudolph has been under a lot of pressure lately.

First, he wanted to confer the Linden Tree City to his wife, but was opposed by all the ministers and was even threatened. His authority was completely gone.

This matter was not over yet, and then his biological father suddenly died. However, his confusing manipulation before his death made it seem that he would no longer have a share in his biological father's inheritance.

The most irritating thing was that group of nobles. Their own father's body was still cold and the funeral had not yet been held. They came without any grief and only thought about things in Linden Tree City.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He couldn't help but grab something with his hands and use force, feeling that he wanted to vent the fire in his heart.

"Ouch!" Antonia did not wake up, she was still sleeping softly, she just hummed twice.

At this time Antonia was having a dream.

In the spacious living room, the walls are hung with exquisite large stone empire tapestries, the floor is covered with soft white snow bear skins, and the enamel vases on the wall are filled with lifelike flowers made of crystal glass and crystal-veneered roses. A stylish air conditioner silently spits out heat in the corner.

Antonia dreamed that she was sitting on the sofa, wearing a colorful silk dress, holding a porcelain cup imported from Peach Blossom Stone as thin as an eggshell, which contained tea made from the "Paladin Fruit" also from Peach Blossom Stone. Whenever she Whatever he said, the ladies and young men of the high-ranking nobles around him immediately nodded in agreement.

Just when she was looking around at everyone, ready to find someone to ridicule, just like they did to her, Rudolph woke her up with [Calcium Oxide].

Antonia felt helpless before she fainted again. Her husband usually seemed a bit gentle and even weak, but after getting married, she found that he was worse than an animal. It was said that he used the secret technique of Baihuazhuang, a peach blossom stone given privately by Duke Wesson, and she was the best. Can't live.

Other nobles said that they were shameless in finding a mistress for the prince. The problem was that they were not the ones who were [contradicted]. Naturally, they said it was easy, and they knew it after being [fudged] in one night. If they did not want to die young, they could only find other women to share the burden. Firepower.

But now it is a period of national mourning, and the situation is strange and dangerous. Rudolf and Antonia do not have the courage to call their lover over.

At dawn, Rudolf woke up from a short nap and sat on the bedside again, still looking sad.

After Antonia woke up and saw her husband like this, she knew what he was worried about, so she whispered: "Since you are so worried about Wesson, why not give him to..."

She didn't finish her words, she just stretched out her hand and made a gesture on her neck.

"No!" Rudolph vetoed hastily, "This is impossible. By then everyone will know that I did it."

"And Wesson's army is so strong, what if they seek revenge from me?"

You can just think about some things in your mind to entertain yourself, but if you really want to do it, you would never dare to do it.

Antonia whispered: "Now Wesson is not married, has no children, and no heirs. If anything happens to him, the property will belong to the royal family."

Everyone knows that Weissen State is prosperous. According to folk legend, there is a golden palace under the castle of Duke Wesson. All women who have had close contact with him will cast a solid gold statue that is no different from the real person as a commemoration.

What Antonia said makes sense. Now Frederick has no heirs, not even illegitimate children, and no heirs to his property. If he burps now, he will have to look for an heir retroactively. Rudolf, the eldest nephew, is theoretically ranked second. , the first was Count Wiesen on the Elbe River.

The huge benefits undoubtedly made people excited, and Rudolph remained silent.

Antonia continued to whisper: "It's easy to do this. Wesson has no problem with women. If any woman is unfavorable to him for any reason, this is normal."

She grew up in the city of Baris, the capital of the King of Gaul. Injury incidents due to various love and hatred occurred frequently in the aristocratic circle, so much so that the bishop of the Church of Light there was the only one in the world in the field of male limb replantation.

Cologne City is not as fun as Barris City, but it is not a place where rules and regulations are followed.

In her opinion, she only needs to create such an "accident", and others will think it is normal and will not suspect her.

Rudolf did not express his position immediately. This kind of matter was much more serious than building a palace and sealing the Linden City to her. He thought in silence for a long time, and finally just said: "I will think about it again."

Breakfast time came soon. The servants came in to help Rudolf wash up and then change clothes in the dressing room. Antonia also needed to go to the dressing room to dress up a little.

Antonia's servants were all brought from her hometown, and there was no one else in the dressing room. She whispered a few words to her head maid.

Soon after, one more person left the palace to buy something, and he quickly disappeared into the city.

Just as Antonia finished dressing up and was on her way to the restaurant, she saw a royal knight running hurriedly from behind.

The knight was on duty, wearing a shining silver breastplate, a red feather on the top of his helmet, and his iron boots thumping on the floor.

"Stop!" Antonia turned around and shouted at the knight with a frown, "I told you not to make such a loud noise in the corridor!"

However, the knight paid no attention to her, and without slowing down, passed Antonia and her servants and hurried into the dining room.

Antonia was ignored, her face turned red and white, her hands pulled hard on the silk handkerchief, and her teeth chattered.

She threw the torn handkerchief on the ground, walked to the door of the restaurant, and asked the royal knight standing guard outside: "Who is he?"

The two knights saw everything that happened just now, and one of them replied expressionlessly: "He is Bastian."

There are many traditions in the Rhenish Union court that come from the Second Puran Empire hundreds of years ago, including the requirement that knights with the highest rank pass through the palace, and that they must trot to warn others to avoid them with the sound of footsteps.

When William was still able to deal with government affairs, whenever a messenger knight passed by, Rudolf had to give way to them.

But no one knew what the princess was saying, and she forbade everyone to make loud footsteps in the corridor, which was contrary to the traditional rules of the knights.

Antonia's face turned even paler. She couldn't get any respect from the knight just now, but all she could do was snort and enter the restaurant.

The royal knights outside the door showed disdain on their faces, then looked at each other and smiled.

If Antonia was a real princess who grew up in the court, she would know that the royal knights can only be loyal to the king and respect the king, at least on the surface. If they openly show respect to others, the king will not be able to sleep.

During this time, the royal knights took notice of Antonia's performance, and after private communication, they came to the conclusion that she was a bumpkin.

The smile on the lips of the knight who just answered Antonia's question grew wider. He played a little trick and did not say Bastian's last name, making Antonia think that Bastian was a little knight with no background. He might have fun in the future. look.

However, it was no fun for a while, and the messenger knight brought the latest news from the city gate: Duke Wesson rode into the city and headed directly towards the church where the late king's body was stored.

Rudolf has skipped breakfast and will go over immediately.

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