Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 43 Strengthening Seeds

A tree-like pavilion suddenly appeared next to the grain drying field, which immediately attracted the farmers working in the fields. Even the peasant woman who was chasing her husband with a pitchfork stopped to watch the fun.

Frederick sat quietly in the vine pavilion for a while, and then asked Matthias: "Do you know which plants are most profitable to grow?"

Mathias had an expression of "I knew you would ask this", shook his head and said: "Don't think about expensive medicinal materials. The active ingredients in many medicinal plants require years of accumulation, and they are produced by magic. Like firewood.”

"For example, I can make a grape seed grow into full fruit in half a day, but the grapes don't taste like grapes at all and are as bland as water. The grapes that bear fruit in the second year are normal."

"Don't even think about wheat. Growth is calculated per plant. Even I can only produce two or three plants at a time. I will be exhausted after a day and I can't grow enough for myself."

Frederick raised his eyebrows and asked, "Can the wheat that has been spawned be sown?"

Matthias replied: "The root system of ordinary inducing plants is many times more than that of natural planting, so that they can absorb enough nutrients in a short time. If the land is not fertile enough, it is normal for empty ears and shriveled ears to appear, and the seeds can be sown normally." There are very few grains of wheat.”

"I am good at fruit enhancement. The enhanced fruit has certain characteristics under the influence of magic. At this time, the seeds are often affected by a large amount of magic and become inactive."

Frederick nodded. It seemed that there was something wrong with the fruit.

Mathias pointed to the magic circle outside and continued: "Similarly, the seeds used in this vine are also magic-strengthened, targeting the strength of the vine."

"The enhanced seed allows it to grow naturally, which is different from the magic. It can grow like an ordinary crop."

Frederick discovered a problem and asked: "In this case, why is this technology of magically strengthening seeds not used by anyone else? No one can refuse the temptation of food growth. If I were the king, I would definitely make you a duke. "

Mathias squeaked and hummed for a while before saying, "Because I invented this magic."

"The first thing I used was the grape I just told you about. I made the fruit bigger and sweeter."

"Unfortunately, before I could sell it, a fight broke out in Constantbul. I don't know which bastard started a battlefield in my manor. Now there is nothing."

Frederick opened his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know what to say to comfort him. He thought of a certain old man in his previous life who was unable to graduate with a doctorate because some of the crops he cultivated were stolen.

He thought for a while and said, "I think if this trial planting is successful, you can make a fortune just selling seeds."

Mathias said seriously: "I think so too. I plan to cooperate with you when there are results in a few years."

Frederick naturally agreed and immediately said: "I have a manor east of Weissenburg. Maybe we can build a special crop research chamber there to facilitate experiments."

Matthias did not agree immediately, but said: "But according to my theory, a seed that has been strengthened once will weaken back to its original state after two or three generations."

Frederick's smile became even brighter. He understood better than anyone the importance of such a seed company. At a small level, it could make money, but at a large level, it would pinch other people's throats.

"It doesn't matter," he said, "it just so happens that we can sell seeds every year and use the money we earn to research more productive crops."

Mathias thought for a while, and soon understood the principle of squeezing toothpaste without any teacher.

"Okay." The smile on the face of the Royal Plant Master, whose eyes were shining with gold coins, was extremely bright. "We will discuss it in detail after you finish settling the victims. During this time, I will come up with a plan."

Of course Frederick had no problem, and then said: "I happen to have a priority project here, you can think about it first."

Mathias immediately perked up.

Frederick pointed to a piece of green farmland in the distance and said: "Now I make a lot of money from Wesson syrup, but there is a way to make more."

"The sweet radishes in that field taste a little sweet. That kind of sugar is much sweeter than Wesson syrup."

"However, the sugar content in its roots is too low to be used to extract sugar."

"Think about whether there is any way to increase the sugar content in the roots. If we can extract sweeter sugar from it, we will make a lot of money."

There was no plant taxonomy these days, and beets looked like radishes. Because they were a little sweet, they were called sweet radishes.

It's just that the sugar content of beets these days is not high, so they can't be used to make sugar, so they are eaten as vegetables.

Frederick made a lot of money from maltose, but the sweetness of maltose was far inferior to that of white sugar. Once white sugar was mass-produced, it would be difficult not to make a fortune.

Mathias thought for a moment and then said: "I'm not familiar with sweet radish. Its roots are sweet. I can start with the magic of strengthening the roots and design more plans for comparison."

Frederick didn't know the technical skills, so let the professionals handle it.

The two chatted for a while about the cultivation direction of other crops. Matthias went to check the magic circle, and Frederick went to the place where wheat seeds were piled to watch the excitement.

There are benefits to Lizi Village being chosen for the experiment. Weisenberg University signed an agreement with the villagers. If the grain grown is lower than the harvest of the same period last year, the university will compensate them. If the grain produced is higher, the villagers will benefit.

Because the president of Weissenburg University is Baron Weissenburg, the villagers agreed out of trust in the young master.

Frederick talked about the agreement with the village chief, giving the villagers reassurance, and at the same time studied the wheat seeds in the basket.

By noon, the magic circle was finally ready.

At lunch, while eating bran steamed buns with chestnut flour and pea and pig offal soup, Frederick asked Matthias: "Aren't you afraid that others will steal this magic circle if you put it here like this?"

"It's okay." Mathias said mysteriously, "This magic circle is just a tool, like a magic wand. What really works is my operation."

Frederick looked like this, and he was relieved in his heart.

He ate a few bites of peas and pig offal, but they didn't taste terrible.

Now is the busy farming season, and it is during this period that farmers have lunch and can eat meat.

Since the advent of steam bread, people in Wesenland can steam everything at once, and this steamed bun is made by them without any teacher.

Nowadays, some people specialize in selling steamers placed on top of the soup pot. When the soup is cooked below, the steamed buns are steamed in the steamer. The odor is not worth mentioning in the face of saving firewood.

After everyone finished lunch, the farmers began to move the wheat seeds into the place designated by Matthias in the magic circle.

Mathias stood beside him and chanted, and soon he activated the magic circle. The green magic elements kept gathering above the magic circle, submerging the baskets containing wheat seeds, and gradually became as violent as the huge waves of the sea. sports.

After a few minutes, which a layman could not tell, the magic circle stopped functioning and the magic elements quickly dissipated.

The basket was quickly moved out, and the wheat seeds inside exuded a green light, which gradually dissipated after a while.

Farmers, look at me and I look at you. Do you think this will increase production?

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