Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 44 Chat Magic

In the past two days, Frederick took out a few wheat seeds to study whenever he had time.

When he left Lizi Village, he asked for a handful of enhanced wheat seeds. He observed them carefully and even bit a few of them.

However, he has never been able to discover any difference between these wheat species and ordinary wheat species. The two are mixed together and cannot be distinguished at all, until he met an expert.

At this time he was in a place called Oak Village, where the general headquarters of the dug canal was located.

There are civil engineering guys at Weisenberg University. Based on Frederick's survey and design, they optimized the direction of the canal, shortened the length of the canal from 16 kilometers to less than 10 kilometers, and built a dedicated commercial city in Oak Village. .

Although the distance is shorter, there are still a few hills to dig, so the overall project volume has not changed much.

Craftsmen and workers from the Nuremberg City Masons' Guild began to arrive one after another after receiving a 30% advance payment. This time Frederick came to have a meeting with their great craftsman Edward to discuss construction matters.

The civil engineering guys from Weissenburg University are also working here, currently led by Vice President Manuai.

As soon as the necromancer saw the wheat seeds in Frederick's hand, he asked: "Principal, where did you find these wheat seeds with such strong vitality?"

"Oh?" Frederick asked him in surprise, "Can you tell?"

Manuel sat down on a chair nearby, took the wheat seeds from Frederick, looked at them and said, "We necromancers are evil people who can control life force, so we are particularly sensitive to it. Just like a drunkard can smell which wine is stronger, a horseman can tell at a glance which horse is better."

Frederick hadn't talked to him about necromancy yet, so he took advantage of some time before leaving the project meeting and asked, "I heard that you can also manipulate corpses?"

Manuel said: "Yes, but it must be a body that has just died a few days ago and still has muscles."

"Necromantic magic that manipulates corpses uses a simulated life force to give the corpse false life. It is like a puppet in our hands."

"Because of this, we are devils in the eyes of civilians, and some people will make us important players in the conspiracy."

"For example, a person poisoned his father and asked the necromancer to manipulate the body as if it were a living person and declare that all his property would be given to the murderer."

"There are some more disgusting things that you will know when you grow up."

"We also show up on the battlefield and can make dead soldiers die a few more times."

"When there was civil strife in Constantbul, there was a warlord who asked us to hand over all the women in the university and libraries to his army for destruction."

"We said we would let him and the officers come in first to select, and then poison them all to death at the banquet."

"Later, I manipulated the warlord's body to order to move out of the way to the port, but I was discovered on the way, and my behavior was different from the past. We had just retreated halfway, so we had a battle."

"At that time, all the senior officers of that army were dead. I made the dead soldiers stand up again to scare them away. In the end, we all escaped to the ship and left Constantbulo."

Frederick understood after hearing this, but he still had another question: "Hey, didn't it mean that the necromancer can control skeletons?"

Manuel shook his head and said: "Those are necromancers. Their professional direction is virtual souls. The golem puppet control core studied by All Might was developed from them."

"In our eyes, the Necromancer and the Golem Puppet Master are actually different branches of the same magic system, both with virtual souls as the core. However, the Necromancer uses magic element muscles to control the bones, while the Golem Puppet Master is Make your own magical muscles and metal skeletons.”

"But you can't say this to All Might. They hate being compared to the Necromancer."

Frederick understood and thought that the magical world was really wonderful.

He pointed to the wheat seeds and said: "This is a seed that has been strengthened by Matthias. It is said that it can increase yields."

Manua suddenly realized it and said, "That's it. No wonder, he has asked me about vitality before."

Frederick asked curiously: "So, the seeds are filled with the false vitality of necromancy?"

"No." Manuel shook his head. "The vitality of these wheats is real. I think he used some method to increase the vitality and make it more active."

"This kind of wheat is more lively and durable than ordinary wheat, so there is no problem in increasing production."

"He is such a genius. This kind of thing only exists in theory, but he can actually achieve it through external control."

"Theoretically, if this method can be used on people, it can make them immortal."

Frederick was frightened by this magic that could change his destiny. He wanted to ask Matthias if his QQ number was 337845818.

"But this is only theoretical." Manuel shrugged and returned the wheat seeds to Frederick. "The human body is like a colander, and the vitality is like water. As the body ages, there are more and more holes, and the water leaks more and more. Hurry, no amount of life force will be enough in the end."

"At present, there is no conclusion on how vitality affects the body. The only consensus is that false vitality that exceeds the endurance limit of the human body will cause physical variation."

"Another very important point is that there has been no conclusion in the past about whether the enhancement is controllable."

"My teacher's teacher once tried to strengthen his own vitality with false vitality. He spent a lot of time perfecting the theory, and later... the sphincter became like a wing."

"My teacher used a chicken to do an experiment. As a result, the chicken grew six wings and died soon after."

"I don't dare to follow their path anymore, and I won't let my students get involved in this field."

"Compared with humans and other animals, plants are much simpler and more tolerant of mutations."

"The plants that Mathias cultivated before were unsightly and were ridiculed for a long time. Now he should have found a pattern from countless failures."

"From my understanding, he strengthened the ear-bearing part of the wheat to a limited extent, and it is estimated that the root system has also been strengthened."

Frederick entered a state of confusion and did not understand the principle for a while. He just regarded it as like space radiation breeding.

"I'm very surprised." A new question popped up, "This magic is so powerful, why does the scene look so ordinary?"

Manuel laughed, thinking that this is what a child should think. The more gorgeous the magic, the more powerful it is.

"Magic cannot be judged by appearances." As he spoke, he raised his right hand. After a few breaths, a black ball the size of a table tennis ball appeared above his hand.

This black ball has no reflection at all, looks like charcoal, and looks ordinary.

He smiled and asked Frederick: "What do you think of this magic?"

Frederick looked left and right, but saw nothing special.

"Isn't this magic powerful?" he asked.

Manuel did not answer, but raised his left hand, and condensed another identical black ball that looked ordinary, and then said: "Which one of these two magics do you think can kill you at once?"

Frederick's expression suddenly became serious. He looked left and right, but he couldn't find the difference between the two magic black balls.

In the end, he could only shake his head and said, "I can't tell the difference."

Manuel motioned to Frederick to come outside with him.

They came to the outside of the village and found two big trees to be cut down within the red line of the canal. Manuel did nothing, and the two black balls flew towards the tree trunks, getting bigger and bigger on the way.

When the tree trunk, which can only be hugged by two or three people, comes into contact with the black magic ball with a diameter of one meter, it is like an ice cube encountering hot water, corroding and disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Frederick's mouth twitched and he meowed, both of them could kill him.

Then he and Manuel ran away, and the tree fell towards them.

After running to a safe place, two more magic black balls appeared in Manuel's hand. Frederick observed carefully and found that they were the same as before.

Then Frederick was confused and nothing happened.

On the way back to the village, Manuel said to Frederick: "The effect and power of a magic cannot just be judged by its appearance. Today's magicians will deliberately disguise powerful magic as simple magic."

"If you make a slight mistake in magic combat, you will lose your ability, so you have to use every conceivable method."

"Extension from this, when magicians invent new magic, they will make some special designs on the appearance of the magic to prevent outsiders from seeing the magic circle circuit of the magic, but its interior is not ambiguous at all."

Frederick seemed suddenly enlightened, thinking that there was still such a way to say it.

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