Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 430 Coronation Ceremony

As the sun rose, the church bells woke up the city of Cologne. In front of the palace, the military band played solemn music. Rudolf, wearing a white robe, boarded a golden open carriage with Antonia and headed to the city just two days ago. The funeral ended in the royal chapel.

The knights in the front opened the way, and the military band played in the rear. Rudolph in the car was so excited that his hands were shaking.

On the road that was less than a kilometer long, crowds of people gathered on both sides to celebrate, and ribbons were thrown from the crowd from time to time.

Cardinal Victor, wearing a white crown and a gold-embroidered robe, welcomed Rudolf in front of the church today.

A group of nobles were already standing in their attire inside the church. Frederick was wearing a white robe and a purple cloak with golden threads. He was holding a gold-inlaid iron scepter. The top of the scepter was inlaid with a fist-sized black pearl, which was very eye-catching.

Many people remembered that this guy got the title of Prince of Galada of the East Puran Empire after regaining Constantbul, and he was qualified to wear a purple cloak.

But no one understood the pearl scepter. Frederick took advantage of Rudolph's absence to explain that the Kingdom of Kush had recently given him a territory called Kefitau and the title of Earl of Kefitau.

Everyone understood that Frederick had made real military achievements there, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he had saved the country at a critical moment.

Frederick didn't want to be so showy, but the tradition was that he needed to show his full identity on grand occasions, so this outfit was sent overnight.

There are several nobles around him who hold titles from foreign countries such as the Kingdom of Gaul and the Osmaga Empire. Some are obtained through ancestral marriages, some are obtained through meritorious services as mercenaries, and some are awarded by traveling to participate in knight competitions. The title can also be seen from the clothing and rings.

As the music sounded, Victor led Rudolph into the church and stood in front of the throne prepared in front of the altar, while Antonia went to the side to stand with the nobles.

The coronation ceremony begins with the first item.

A priest came over with a bowl of glowing milk. Victor reached out and dipped some in it, then gently tapped Rudolph's forehead.

A round of white light spread out from the center of his eyebrows, covering Rudolph's whole body, making his whole body shine.

This is a very ancient spell of the Church of Light, which can protect people from mosquitoes and speed up the healing of wounds. When the church was founded, it relied on this skill to stand out from the missionary chicken competition.

Over time, better spells emerged and the spell began to become part of the ritual.

Rudolph lights up with a faint white light, indicating that he has been recognized and blessed by the God of Light.

Victor picked up a shiny silver robe from the tray nearby and put it on Rudolph, symbolizing that he had received the protection of the God of Light.

Rudolf was sitting on a golden throne. This throne had a long history and came from the Second Puran Empire. It was finally transported to the city of Cologne when the country was broken.

Next, start the second project.

Count Shuyun Stiga presented a sword inlaid with red sapphires and emeralds on behalf of the royal knights, and Becher presented a short wand inlaid with colorful magic crystals on behalf of the royal mages. These two treasures also came from the Second World. The Lan Empire symbolizes the obedience of force to royal authority.

The Supreme Judge, the Grand Duke of Nassau, presented an ancient code, which was given to the local nobles by the Pulan Empire hundreds of years ago, symbolizing that royal power is the law.

As Chancellor of Finance, Frederick also stepped forward with a tray and presented a golden key symbolizing wealth.

The Archduke of Mainz, the eldest among the nobles, came to the throne with a tray in his hand. In the tray was the king's ring made of gold. Count Shakespeare, the chief minister of the House of Heralds, put the ring on Rudolf's head, symbolizing the The nobles were loyal to the royal authority.

After presenting objects symbolizing various powers, the Archduke of the Palatinate dressed Rudolf in a purple silk robe and cloak, symbolizing the noblest status and power in the world.

This set of purple robes and cloak was newly sewn, and Rudolf would wear it into his coffin a hundred years later.

Then started the third project.

Rudolf knelt on the mat with one knee facing the altar, his head slightly lowered.

Cardinal Victor is holding a gold crown inlaid with various gemstones. This gold crown comes from the ancient Emperor Puran, and its matching scepter is now in the city of Constantbul.

The spokesman of the God of Light raised the golden crown high, and slowly put it on the head of the secular king amid the singing of the choir.

At this point, Rudolf became the new king of the Rhine League.

Next, a project was inserted. A table was moved in front of the throne, and a set of tables and chairs were placed in a lower place next to it, and pens and documents were prepared.

Frederick walked to the table and chair with a calm expression and sat down. On the table was the "Wesson Continuation Treaty", which was expanded on the basis of the "Wesson Treaty" eight years ago. It mainly confirmed the establishment of the Principality of Wesson and canonized Frederick. Lieutenant von Wesson is the Grand Duke of Wesson, and at the same time, the royal territory of the Rhine League and the Duchy of Wesson are open to each other.

Rudolf has been under a lot of pressure recently and needs to do something to relieve it, so he will not spare any effort to win over those who should be won over.

After the signing of the treaty was the canonization ceremony, Frederick swore an oath to Rudolf, and then Rudolf tapped him on the shoulder with his sword.

Then came the blessing ceremony of other nobles, starting with the Grand Duke of Mainz and Baron Adikon, who had just returned from the sea in the early hours of this morning. Every nobleman and foreign envoys said a few auspicious words to Rudolf.

Next comes the queen's coronation, which is much simpler. Victor puts the queen's golden crown and a ring of power on Antonia and that's it.

Finally, Rudolf and Antonia walked out of the church together, got on the carriage, and cruised around Cologne.

In the next spring, they will also tour the territories of various nobles.

In the evening, Rudolph held a state banquet in the palace to entertain nobles and envoys from various countries.

Banquets were also held in the squares in the city. Long tables were filled with bread, sausages and wine. Citizens could go and have a hearty meal. Those who wanted to pack things back after they were full would pretend they didn't see it as long as they didn't pack them in bags.

November 1034 has become a time that many candidates have to remember. In this month, Rudolf of the Rhine League came to the throne, the Helvetic Federation elected Count Sforza as the new king, and Queen Anna of the Osmaga Empire was crowned. At the end of the month, the king of the Piast Kingdom died of "choking on meatballs", and Prince Casimir quickly succeeded to the throne.

At the enthronement ceremony of the Helvetian Federation, Richard Nall, the special envoy of the Rhine League, performed as eye-catching as his apprentice.

He did not celebrate by carrying a fish weighing several dozen kilograms, but wore the purple cloak given by Phocas when he went to Constantinople. Those who didn't know it thought he was about to ascend the throne.

In the city of Cologne, Frederick had a busy day and returned to his residence to meet Spike, who arrived on Baron Adicon's ship.

"Someone wants to assassinate me?" Frederick scratched his head. He had not offended anyone recently.

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