Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 431 There is a way to die

Snowflakes were slowly falling from the night sky, and the fire was burning brightly in the fireplace.

Frederick hooked the iron kettle out of the fireplace and poured the warm milk tea into the cup.

The firelight shone on Spike's face, and there was a hint of exhaustion on his young face.

Frederick placed the milk tea in front of Psyche and Spike, took a sip himself, and asked, "How are Tom and Jerry, who live in the same dormitory with you, doing now?"

Spike held the cup and replied: "Everyone in our dormitory left the orphanage. Tom and Jerry joined the army with me, both infantrymen."

"Tike was admitted to the police academy, and Teife was admitted to the foreign language college. Butch, Lightning and Tops entered different factories. They wrote letters saying that they met at the football game."

After the Rhine River flood ten years ago, more than 60,000 people came to settle in Wesenland alive, including many orphans. Frederick opened an orphanage to take them in.

One of them was Spike, who, like many others, was named by Frederick.

During these ten years, the children gradually left the orphanage and started their own new lives after reaching the age of sixteen.

Frederick said: "You should go back and take a look when you are free."

Spike immediately nodded in agreement.

Frederick and Spike chatted for a while before getting down to business: "Tell me about this."

Spike lowered his head, his hands shaking a little.

Psyche said: "Don't worry, you also know Huo Zhenplozi, so there is no need to worry."

There is power in role models, and Spike relaxed and told his story from the beginning.

There is an organization called "Garden" in the world. On the surface, it is engaged in flower cultivation business, but in fact it is engaged in the business of pornography, intelligence and assassination.

"I have a brother who is two years older than me." Spike said solemnly. "My parents died of illness that year. A businessman said he would take us to work, so my uncle let us go with him."

"We first arrived in the city of Bremen, and then we were put together with many children in a carriage that could not see the outside. After walking for an unknown number of days, we arrived at a manor."

"We thought we would farm here in the future, but who knew it would be like a training camp."

"We..." His body trembled, and he gritted his teeth and continued: "We didn't eat or drink anything along the way. Some people couldn't bear it and were very weak, so they could only lie down."

"The instructor there gave us a dagger and we had to kill an immobile person with our own hands before we could eat."

Spike took a sip of milk tea, calmed down and said, "We trained there later, learning some martial arts first."

"There are many people there, and those with outstanding martial arts talents will be taken to other places."

"For the rest, if you are good-looking, you can learn how to be a prostitute or a male prostitute."

"At that time, my brother wanted to escape with me and secretly hid some tools, some of which were found by the instructors."

"That day, the instructors gathered everyone in my brother's room and asked who hid the tool."

"No one told me at first that one of those people, code-named 'Sunflower', had a sister code-named 'Cornflower', so the instructors arrested his sister, brought in some wolves, and threatened him. If he doesn’t say anything, the wolf will eat his sister.”

"Sunflower confessed my brother at that time, and later...then my brother was eaten by a wolf in front of everyone."

Spike couldn't help but burst into tears when he said this, the tea cup in his hand was crushed to pieces, and the milk tea flowed all over his legs.

Frederick got up and brought a towel over for him to wipe off.

It took Spike a while to calm down and continued: "When the flood first started ten years ago, people in the manor began to move, and we were driven into that closed carriage again."

"At that time, I secretly hid a razor blade in my shoe. I heard the sound of water in front of me on the way. I guessed it was a river, so when I was halfway across the bridge, I cut open the carport and jumped into the water."

"It was night and the water was strong and I almost drowned."

"When I climbed onto the shore, I saw someone holding a torch looking for me on both sides of the river. There happened to be a tree floating down the upper reaches, so I stepped back with my footprints, hugged the tree in the water and continued to float down."

"I was washed ashore at dawn the next day, and then followed the victims all the way along the river, and finally arrived at Wesenland."

Frederick's face was gloomy, and he heard the organization's method of death from just a few words.

Spike continued: "In this year's Trade Route Battle, when I led the Black Cat Team through the trap area, I discovered that 'Sunflower' was caught in a trap. When I interrogated for the password, I learned that he was sold to Archduke Regens. Be a man’s favorite.”

Frederick nodded. During the interrogation after the war, someone mentioned that the male favorite of Archduke Regens was missing.

Then Spike told how he scared "Sunflower" into telling him the password and promised to help him rescue his sister, so he forged a token and asked for leave to go to Bremen. After meeting the person, he overheard that someone had ordered the assassination of Frederick, and then he Baron Adicon's ship returns.

After hearing this, Frederick frowned and thought for a while, then turned to ask Psyche: "Have you heard of this organization?"

Psyche shook his head and said: "There are many similar organizations. New ones are rising, old ones are dying, and they are constantly being annexed and split. It is difficult even for people in the circle to explain clearly."

"Inferring from Spike's experience, Bremen City's 'Garden' can obtain at least one manor, indicating that the power behind it is not small. It may be a branch of an organization, or it may be a noble or a coalition of nobles. , even royal gloves.”

Frederick nodded. This kind of organization can't do big things. Disgusting people have their own tricks, and it's hard to find and eradicate them completely by hiding in the gutter.

He picked up the teacup and said, "They all bullied me. I can't stand it if I don't respond."

Psyche took a sip of milk tea and said, "Then let the three of them go."

Frederick almost choked and said, "There's no need for such a big battle."

"The main focus is strategic deterrence," Psyche said.

Frederick felt that it made sense. The "nuclear weapons" in his hands should be taken out to bask in the sun frequently.

Frederick asked Spike to rest first and come back to him if anything happened.

There were only two people left in the living room. Frederick looked at the flames in the fireplace, frowned and said, "Who wants to assassinate me?"

Psyche said: "Think about it, you don't have an heir now, who will benefit the most after you die."

Frederick turned to look at her and said seriously: "Of course it's you. It's written in my will. If I die now, you will inherit everything I have until the people can choose their own." As far as leaders.”

Psyche gave him a helpless look and said, "You'd better deal with the killer first."

Frederick smiled and said nothing.

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