Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 440 Start arresting people

Frederick decided to take matters into his own hands.

In order to prevent the Spider Gang from being alerted, the homeowner cooperated in a drama. He was caught and taken to the police station because a tile fell and killed someone.

News is transmitted very slowly in the cold weather, but the thief's absence for a long time will make people alert, so he puts on a full show.

In the police station, the homeowner drank the legendary coffee for the first time, and while drinking it, he told everything he knew.

After hearing this, Frederick came to Kuhn's office and said to Tony: "Go to the fortress and call Bernd."

The Wesson Army Snow Leopard Brigade headquarters is stationed at Marienberg Fortress and is currently undergoing recruit training.

Bernd soon rode his purple unicorn to the police station, and Frederick asked him directly: "Can those new recruits be pulled out to scare people?"

"Huh?" Bernd thought that the commander was going to ask about the training status of the new recruits, but he was surprised and replied: "Report to the commander, the new recruits in the military camp have been formally trained for two and a half months. The squad leaders are all veterans, and now they are basically qualified."

He was thinking about what kind of spectacle the commander was going to create, so he invited someone to come over and act as a backdrop.

Frederick thought for a while and realized that it was enough, so he began to give orders to Merkel, Kuhn and Bernd.

On the last day of 1034, the sky was dark and there was a knock on the door of Würz.

The bosses or proprietresses who were in charge of all the pubs in the city were woken up by the city government staff, saying that the garrison at the Wirtz Palace was going to hold a big cocktail party and they needed their help.

The bosses followed reluctantly, cursing their bad luck in their hearts.

A boss with rosacea cursed along the way: "It's really unlucky. It's not going to make people happy even during the New Year."

Frederick was wearing ordinary clothes to inspect the work. After hearing this, he went over and asked him curiously: "Isn't it good to do a big business?"

"What a [expletive from Würzburg]!" Rosacea yelled even though he was from the city government. "Those [blocked words] took the wine away. If you can give me 30% of the money, I think the God of Light is personally blessing me!"

For a long time, soldiers and bandits can be said to be two sides of the same coin. The difference lies in whether there is a formal establishment or not, and they do basically the same thing.

Frederick said to the boss: "Don't worry, Weisenjun will pay enough for everything he buys."

Rosacea snorted coldly and said: "I want to give you enough face, but I don't know what the people below are like."

Frederick didn't say anything. Some things are useless just talking. You have to use practical actions to change other people's views.

A bald boss next to him said to Rosacea: "Just say a few words and just mix more water and send it over."

Taverns in the city are important social places for locals. The bosses know exactly what is going on around them. They all have it in their heads to know who is a gang member or a low-life gangster.

The bosses were taken to the Wirz Palace, where city staff who were called in to work overtime questioned the bosses about the gang.

The rosacea boss said with a dark face: "There is a purpose in doing this. After being detained for a few days and then released, we are not the ones who suffer in the end."

Other tavern owners also have the same attitude. In the past, sometimes when gangsters made a big fuss, they would launch a gust of movement, capture a group of them and get some money out, and after a few days they would be released and return to their original state.

And there is more than one gang in the city. Divide and conquer is always the most effective method of control. In addition to the Spider Gang, there are several gangs of different sizes.

After learning about this situation, Frederick thought for a while and said to Neuer and Merkel: "Tell them that all the gangsters caught with blood on their hands and those who have been raped will be hanged and those who have beaten others will be hanged." Ten years of hard labor for minor injuries and above, five years of hard labor for things like stealing, well, hanging of more than five people under his command.”

In the Principality of Wesson, Frederick was the local emperor, and his word was the law. Not to mention severely punishing gang members, it was possible to implement the right of first night in theory.

Frederick continued: "Whoever provides clues will be rewarded with a silver Kreuz coin, and whoever catches the clue will be rewarded with a gold florin."

"Hmm... try to extend the "Beast Law" to gang members, but you have to live."

The "Law of Wild Beasts" that Frederick spoke of is a law with a long history that exists everywhere.

In order to protect the safety of agriculture and merchants, anyone who kills wolves and other man-eating beasts can be rewarded by the local lord. Bandits and robbers are also considered "wild beasts".

In troubled times, Frederick decided to use this operation as a starting point to carry out a special rectification operation to severely crack down on the underworld. The scope was not limited to the three newly occupied states, but also included the resurgence of organized criminal gangs within the state of Wesson.

Neuer, the governor of Lankni State, was on vacation in Weissenburg. His daughter Tarot was pregnant again, and the family was enjoying themselves. A telegram asked him to come over overnight.

After Merkel went to make work arrangements, Frederick asked Neuer: "I heard that Tarot is pregnant again. How long has it been?"

Frederick has been taken care of by Tarot since he was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is half a mother. I didn't hear about her pregnancy before the Winter Spirit Festival holiday. I only found out about it yesterday when Merkel mentioned it.

Neuer originally wanted to review his ineffectiveness in his work, but he became even more nervous when he found that Frederick suddenly stopped doing his homework.

He was originally the tax officer of Wesson, and later became the tax minister of Wesson, and now he is the governor. The administrative departments at the principality level have not yet finalized the formation plan, and the ministers of several departments such as the tax department have not yet been determined. I had the idea of ​​wearing two hats in mind.

Frederick knew all about his little thoughts. His in-laws, the chief steward Afu, had mentioned this matter in a vague way.

Neuer carefully answered the family matters. At this time, Frederick did not talk about official matters but only mentioned private matters. He was not sure whether he should give him the last word to go home and retire.

Frederick chatted for a while and finally said: "This time things must be done well. If things are done well in Lankni State, I may make you work harder and do more things."

Neuer understood, and a bright smile appeared on his face for a moment, and then turned serious the next moment.

He understood that if Lankni State did a good job in combating the underworld, it would not be impossible for him to serve as the Minister of Taxation of the Principality.

Frederick waved him to go to work, thinking that his pace was too fast, his base was too small, and there were still a few people with the ability and qualifications.

The tavern owners began to relax after acquiring Neuer and Merkel. It was the Wesson Army who came from the fortress who finally decided to sell those gangsters.

The Snow Leopard Brigade headquarters and the newly trained recruits arrived in front of the Wirtz Palace. They lined up neatly and the murderous Wesson Army gave the bosses a reassurance.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Snow Leopard Brigade staff gathered the intelligence provided by the bosses and marked it on a huge city map.

Bernd studied the map and began to divide the city into several areas. Each platoon was responsible for one area. One of the three squads was responsible for arresting people, one was guarding the area, and one was guarding the prisoners. The leaders were captured first and then the minions were taken care of. The arrangement was very orderly.

Frederick just watched and said nothing. He was not good at tactical arrangements.

Bernd thought very carefully when commanding, taking into account the road conditions, which route each company should take to avoid being blocked, and whether there were obvious landmarks on the road to avoid getting lost.

He also calculated the approximate time it would take to arrive at the target location from the Wirtz Palace, arranged the order and interval of the departure of various ministries, and requested that they arrive at the same time as much as possible and start at the same time.

The sun sets early in winter, and the sky begins to darken at six o'clock in the evening.

The first to take action were the police led by Qu En. They used the fire brigade's ice grenades to put out fires, and directly froze all the gang members who were gathering at the end of the year into stupid dogs, and they were carried out shivering.

The veterans and the recruits took action almost at the same time. They kicked down the door and entered the house, arresting anyone they saw. The recruits who dared to resist were beaten on the head and face with thick wooden sticks. When they encountered strong veterans, they shot them twice.

The rosacea boss, like other bosses, used a loudspeaker to promote policies in the neighborhood where he lived: "Fathers and fellow villagers, Archduke Wesson is coming to Würz, and he will wipe out all the gangs in the city today!"

"Grand Duke Weisen said that there is a bonus for catching a gang member, and a gold coin for a gangster. Think about how long it will take for you to earn a gold coin?"

"Everyone, if you want to take action, hurry up. You won't be able to do it when the soldiers come!"

He had just shouted twice when the second-floor window of the house on the left side of the street opened, and a bald head stuck out and asked him: "Are you telling the truth?"

Rosacea recognized the bald head and understood his family's situation, so he said: "That kid from your family didn't do anything bad. He came back after doing hard labor for a few years. If he surrenders, he can save two years."

The window on the second floor of the house opposite to the right was also opened, and a middle-aged man stuck his head out and asked: "Is there any reward for surrendering?"

Rosacea said angrily, "Of course not."

The middle-aged man and the bald man opposite looked at each other and instantly reached a consensus - Yi Zi accepted the reward.

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