Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 441 Inspection

The year 1035 came in a heavy snowfall. The snow started falling in the early morning and ended at noon.

On the first day of the New Year, top leaders from cities and towns in the Principality of Wesson came to the office early to carefully understand the spirit of this year's No. 1 document.

It's still winter, and people only rely on newspapers and radios to get information about the outside world. Under Frederick's unified deployment, no news of the anti-gang and evil operations in Würz has spread, and only the top brass of the town have learned about it.

At this time, the benefits of serving in other places for public officials in New South Wales were revealed. They had not yet colluded with the local gangs. If they wanted to get promoted and make a fortune, they could only make achievements for Archduke Wesson to see.

The Principality of Wesson spent the entire month of January fighting crime and evil. With the template of Wirz City and a lot of mental calculations, the cost of road construction can be reduced a lot after the spring.

Frederick had no involvement in this matter after the first day. For him, the rest was just to wait for the report and not to do everything himself.

A few days after the arrival of the new year, Frederick suddenly arrived at the shelter in Würz with Tony and several other guards without notifying anyone.

The shelter was built outside the city and was divided into two parts for men and women. The houses were just simple wooden houses.

There are not many homeless people in the city of Wirz. Many people pass by here to find a living in Wessen, but when they wake up, Wessen comes over on their own.

There was a corpse hanging in the yard, and Frederick asked the staff here. In November last year, the man fell down in the women's restroom and was found guilty of rape. The court sentenced him to death and he was brought here to be executed.

The staff opened a room, which was a Datong shop where many people lived.

A mixture of sultry foot odor and sweat odor came out like a tsunami, and Frederick saw his grandma waving to him in the clouds.

There is no way, ordinary people need firewood to take a bath in winter, and cutting firewood requires a lot of labor. Although the sword masters are efficient in cutting firewood, they will not do it. Only ordinary people can do it, and the price is not cheap.

Magicians who can play with fire can boil water, but they won't come here to work for homeless people.

The shelter is only for people to survive. Naturally, it is impossible for them to bathe every day like Frederick. Moreover, with the current medical level, it is easy for them to die if they catch a cold in winter. The smell in the house is naturally conceivable.

Frederick just held his breath and looked outside the door for a while before leaving.

The people inside are all working, and it is impossible for them to have free meals in the shelter. They must complete a corresponding amount of work every day to have food to eat.

So some of the older men in this room were stringing colorful hard rubber beads into bracelets, the ones in the next room were gluing envelopes, the women were knitting hats with wool, and the older ones were peeling potatoes in the kitchen. People are free.

Hard-working people here can save some money and look for work outside after the winter.

The conditions in the last house are better, and they are all homeless disabled people. We have also arranged some handicrafts for them to the best of our ability, so that they can live here for a long time.

These disabled people can still make a living on their own, but when they get too old and can no longer work, they can only go to nursing homes run by the church. At least they won't die on the streets.

Frederick was quite satisfied with the asylum, and it was pretty good to be able to do this these days.

Nowadays, there is no concept of social security system at all. Everyone saves a sum of money for old age while they are young. Those who cannot save money can only rely on their children to support them. Those who have no money and no children can only go to church nursing homes and wait to die.

At present, the only social security law in various places is the "Poor Law", which mostly only provides free food. Some places, like Cologne, provide some firewood in winter.

In the private sector, only guilds are responsible for some social security work. Members who join the union will receive certain subsidies when they are unable to work due to injury or illness.

Frederick didn't have much to do about this, and he currently promulgated a "Work-related Accident Compensation Act", which mandates employers to provide compensation to workers injured in work-related accidents.

He had considered setting up a government pension insurance many years ago, but how to define the retirement age is a problem. The retirement age of ordinary people is different from that of people with extraordinary powers, and that of manual workers and those who work in offices. Psyche is even more no the same.

At that time, he once thought about whether his ideas were out of touch with the world and whether it was appropriate before the economic foundation, social structure and social concepts were completely changed, so the proposal of the "Sickness Social Insurance Law" was temporarily put on hold.

There are not many serious capitalists now, and things like the "Sickness Social Insurance Law" and the "Old Age and Disability Insurance Law" that only appeared in his hometown in the 19th century should be discussed later.

The city has been very lively these days. A large number of citizens have lined up in front of the municipal square despite the severe cold to submit to the prosecutor's office the crimes committed by gangsters over the years, ranging from murders to taking fruit without paying.

After the public trial of Archduke Byrne's distant relative in 1025, Frederick reformed the public prosecutor system, and finally promulgated a new "Public Prosecution Law" and established the Procuratorate. The current responsibilities of the Procuratorate include: reporting and prosecuting crimes; accepting public cases Report and inform; prosecute criminals in court; attend civil courts as public welfare representatives and supervise judicial administration affairs, etc.

For the first time, the citizens of Wirz City felt that the new ruler was different from before. Cases that had been impossible to appeal to in the past were finally taken care of by the master. It felt like the dark clouds were breaking through and the sun was shining brightly.

So many people came that the procuratorate had to recruit people who could write to help, and even priests and monks from the church were invited.

It's such a cold day, the snow outside the city is up to the knees, and people might freeze to death.

The city hall had people boil sugar water with a lot of ginger in it, and distributed it to people in line from time to time.

Frederick watched for a while on the side of the square and found that there were disabled people and even pregnant women among the people queuing up. He immediately called the guards to arrange for them to go in first without queuing.

There were many recruits wearing light gray coats in the square to maintain order.

They had not yet completed recruit training and had not put on dark gray formal military uniforms. They only held long guns taken from the fortress warehouse.

Many citizens are talking about these soldiers who still have a little childish look on their faces. The way they broke into the gang leader's house to arrest people that day left a deep impression on them, and they gave thumbs up and praised them from time to time.

Many recruits laughed shyly when they saw others complimenting them, and some even made silly little moves like scratching their heads.

Tony said to Frederick, "These guys are doing pretty well."

During the recruitment process last September, Psyche made a suggestion to the Ministry of Military Affairs. Each village in the three new states would recruit one soldier, and the cities and towns would recruit a number of soldiers in proportion to their population.

In places where communication is not developed, the best way to speed up New Wesen people's understanding of Wesen State is to let them go out, experience the new life for themselves, and then go back and tell the people around them.

Frederick was thinking about other things and said to Tony: "I plan to change my military uniform this year."

Tony was not surprised at all. The military had previously reported that the existing military uniforms were inconvenient in wartime, the scale breastplate was too heavy, and the identity of the opponent could not be distinguished. Moreover, the current fabrics were much better than before.

At the same time, changes in weapons have led to changes in tactics and tactical movements, emphasizing flexibility more than the previous focus on protection.

Tony said seriously: "Our escort is the commander's face, please make sure we dress better."

Frederick smiled. The New Year's break was over, and he was very busy next. Just confirming the government agencies of the principality was extremely troublesome.

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