Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 465 Don’t do these things

The main road leading to the city gate is busy with traffic and is the main artery of the city, but today it was blocked by blood clots.

Many pedestrians and carriages wanted to go around the alley next to them, but the carriages going in the opposite direction couldn't get out of the way, so they were blocked again.

The impatient pedestrians couldn't care less and simply climbed onto the carriage and passed by, causing the coachman to yell.

The city defense troops tried to maintain order, but the chaos was too great to be of any use.

All the high-ranking officials in the city have gone south, leaving only two or three kittens. No one dares to offend the young aristocratic master in "Thrombus", so they can only suffer the ascetics.

Frederick looked at the messy streets and asked Armand to tell the city defense troops to let the small alleys on both sides pass in single file, otherwise it would still be so messy after dark.

Armand's grandfather was a high-ranking figure in the court system, and the junior officers in the city defense army recognized him.

Originally, everyone didn't want to take responsibility and was fishing, but now that someone comes to host it, just do it. Anyway, if anything happens, he will take care of it.

Frederick straightened his clothes. His three-piece brown suit, bowler hat and cane looked out of place with the local traditional long-toed shoes, stockings, tights, wide-sleeved tops and short robes.

Fortunately, many people from Weissensee came here to do business in recent years. The locals regarded this kind of dress as the new national costume there, and did not regard Frederick as a killer of this era.

When the group of young people saw an outsider coming, one of them stood up and said, "Sir, no traffic is allowed here."

Frederick was familiar with things like blocking roads and climbing tower cranes. Seeing how unprofessional these young people were, he decided to help them.

He asked the young man: "Sir, what is your name? What are you doing?"

"My name is Guiyoum," the young man said. "This is a long story."

Frederick smiled and said: "It's a long story, so sit down and tell it slowly."

After saying that, he sat directly on the ground like everyone else.

The city of Barris is divided into two halves by the Sequana River that runs through the city. The area in the east where the princes and nobles live is cleaner, with only dust on the stone roads. The hygiene in the area where civilians live in the west is poor, and the health on the road relies entirely on slime. These organisms at the bottom of the food chain are maintained.

Those young people saw that Frederick was wearing high-end woolen clothes, a specialty of the Duchy of Wesson, and he must be a high-ranking official. They did not expect that he would sit on the dusty road so casually like them, without any pretense, and they suddenly felt more intimate in their hearts. .

Upon seeing this, Guiyum also sat down and began to explain why he was blocking the road here.

There are many public universities with non-magical education in the city of Barris, which train students in literature, law, art, doctors and other fields. Most of the students are the children of small noble families who have no inheritance rights and the children of civilian businessmen.

The royal family allocates a scholarship to these schools every year to reward outstanding students. It is enough for students with good academic performance to live in the city and pay tuition. This scholarship is distributed by the school.

But mosquito legs are also meat, and these scholarships are withheld by the school without exception. Children of local nobles only get 70%, and outsiders only get 30%.

The leaders of those schools are all big aristocrats, and powerful students will not go to such schools, so everyone can only pinch their noses and admit defeat.

But not long ago, Ganden, the former vice president of the medical school, was sued directly by Frank in front of Old Louis. Ganden was sent to court to await trial for deducting Frank's scholarship back then.

The students saw that the old debts from decades ago had been dug up, so they wanted to take the school leaders who had deducted their money now to the court and ask them to pay back the money.

The problem is that no judge in the court is willing to hear the students' lawsuit, so they can only block the judges on their way home from get off work.

Armand was speechless towards Frederick. After arranging the city defense troops, he came over and stood behind him like a guard.

Frederick turned to Armand and asked: "I don't know much about the laws here. It stands to reason that those who embezzle students' money have violated the law."

Armand did not expect that he would be asked this question and could only answer: "If the accusation is true, those people will be punished."

Guiyum shouted: "Our accusations are all true!"

"We are not just for ourselves, but for fairness and justice!"

The surrounding students all echoed, attracting countless glances from passers-by.

Frederick waited for them to quiet down, shook his head and said, "Do you really think your actions are fair and just?"

"Fairness and justice bring together everyone and are values ​​that everyone pursues and follows."

"Look around you. The farmers who are rushing out of the city to go home, the carriages that want to deliver meat to restaurants, and the caravans that want to get to the wild campsites before dark, they haven't stolen a single copper from you.

"But they can't pass because you are blocking the road. The farmer's family will worry that the meat sent to the restaurant will spoil, and the caravan may stay in the wild at night and be attacked by wolves."

"Ask yourselves, is what you are doing fair to them, is it just?"

"You are right to fight for your own interests, but if you harm the interests of others for your own interests, how different is that from the person who deducted your scholarship?"

The young students were not thick-skinned. They looked at the messy streets around them and felt that what the outsider said was reasonable. Some of them lowered their heads in shame.

Guiyum blushed and said, "But... we have nothing to do."

Frederick said: "There are always more ways than difficulties. Let's analyze it."

"Why doesn't the judge accept your prosecution?"

One student said angrily: "Most of us are civilians, and the noble titles are not high. To prosecute a higher-ranking noble, you must have a joint indictment of more than 500 people."

Frederick turned back and asked Armand: "Is this what the law stipulates?"

Armand nodded.

Frederick understood that the law is a tool of the ruling class. It is okay for you assholes to sue the master, but a very high threshold is set for you. If you cannot reach the threshold, it is your problem.

"This problem is not difficult to solve." Frederick immediately came up with a solution. "This phenomenon has been going on for decades, and you are not the only victim."

"I think the school has lists from previous years. You can contact them to sue together. It's up to you how to convince them."

The students immediately started talking. This method was good. Over the past few decades, more than 500 people had been deprived of scholarships in so many schools. If they could get their help, they would definitely be able to sue those old guys.

Frederick continued: "At that time, after the court accepted the lawsuit according to the law, it did not win. You may still encounter a lot of difficulties."

"But, at that time, you can no longer do what you do now. As the saying goes, you have to go to the debtor to collect debts."

"Of course, the demands should not be too extreme, such as locking the door of other people's houses, occupying other people's toilets and not allowing them to use them, wiping their buttocks with a big ball of linen and throwing it into the waterway and plugging the pipes, and dropping stinky eggs in the water. Never do anything like this on the carpet."

Anyway, the fast student immediately assured him that no one wanted this to happen.

Armand frowned as he listened and persuaded his grandfather to stay away from the land of right and wrong tonight and go to El Chapo Island to visit Francoise and take a vacation by the way.

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