Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 466 Poison Suspicion

The road was open, and Frederick, led by Armand, arrived at the mansion given to him by the old Louis.

Frederick walked around the mansion. There was a small garden and a five-story building in the front, and a garden in the back. Next to the garden was the Sequana River. You could sit and fish directly in the garden.

The mansion is fully furnished and decorated, all from the royal family, and the butlers and servants are all brought by Shupaiya.

Frederick carefully studied the porcelain vase with flower blossoms and rich patterns made of peach stone that was as tall as one person in the living room. This was the second time they met.

He asked Armand: "Who lived here before?"

Armand smiled evilly and replied: "You met the previous owner here."

Frederick thought for a while, he had seen very few female nobles from the Kingdom of Gaul, so he said, "Why is it Françoise's mansion?"

Armand's face turned dark when he heard him mention his sister, and said: "Françoise's mansion is not so shabby. Her house has seven floors, the highest in the city of Barris."

Frederick blinked. Isn't this the neighbor at No. 49?

Armand continued: "It is your queen Antonia."

"By the way, don't mention Françoise in front of her."

Frederick just shrugged. From time to time, nobles sent people to inquire about the queen's affairs.

Antonia's life before being selected by Old Louis and sent to the Rhine League for marriage was not good compared to other noble ladies. After being selected, Antonia's life suddenly became rich.

When she was feeling proud, she discovered that her neighbor was Françoise, who represented the sales of paper products throughout the Kingdom of Gaul. She was richer and more prestigious than herself in the circle, and her psychology suddenly became unbalanced.

Frederick thought to himself why Antonia was obsessed with building a new palace. She was probably stimulated by the seven-story mansion next door.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly. Now Antonia was arguing with the designers about how to build a new palace. When the decision was almost made, Antonia would definitely tear it down and start over.

Frederick patted the large vase in front of him and said, "Did you know that when Mrs. Sophie came back from the Peach Blossom Stone, the Elizabeth potato was in it?"

At that time, Mrs. Sophie wanted to sell this vase to Frederick, but he had just started out and did not have the spare money, so he had to give up.

Frederick called the butler: "Take this vase to No. 49 next door."

What else could Armand do besides look grim.

The housekeeper immediately arranged for people to find bed boards and servants' bedding, prepare them, tie them up and send them over.

Frederick and Armand sat down on the sofa nearby. Now Armand was pushed out to be responsible for the coordination of Frederick's activities in Barris City. You can ask him for help wherever you want to go or hold a banquet.

"Don't say I favor your sister."

Frederick actually had few male friends who could be regarded as friends. Armand was one, Dragaces of Constantbul was one, and Hayredin was also one. There used to be Baron Adicon, but in the navy After the establishment of the department, like many people, the superior-subordinate relationship made him different from before.

"Those 'top bloodlines' in the stable, when I leave, you can take them all home."

Frederick waved his hand, and all the four-legged horses, unicorns and other four-legged animals carefully selected by Old Louis belonged to Armand.

How could a young noble not like this? Armand almost drooled when he was in the stable just now, and now he almost jumped with joy.

But the housekeeper suddenly interrupted them: "Boss, there is something wrong with this vase."

Frederick frowned and asked, "What, is it broken?"

There will inevitably be problems when transporting such a large vase over long distances. If the problem is not major, the defective side will be placed against the wall.

The butler held two handkerchiefs in his hands, holding a silver bottle the size of a thumb with a red lid and said, "We found this in the vase."

"Be careful!" Armand suddenly became nervous, "The red lid is poison."

Frederick looked solemn and said to Armand: "Please find someone to take a look. It's best not to be discovered."

His identity is a bit sensitive. If others knew that he was looking for a doctor, he didn't know what trouble would happen.

Armand said: "I will make arrangements right away so that someone can climb over the wall from the side."

The housekeeper immediately went to prepare the ladder.

There is a consultant in the court who specializes in identifying poisons, and Armand invites them through his family connections.

The one who was invited was Baron Mathilde. She had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, and she liked to study medicine. In the end, she became a pharmacist who was good at detoxifying and was a member of the Wesson Scientific Society.

After Baron Mathilde arrived, he said to Frederick: "There are countless girls in the city who want to come here. I didn't expect that the first one would be me."

Frederick helped her into the house and said apologetically: "If Armand had told me earlier that the person invited was you, I would have come to interview him personally. If you want to blame, blame him."

"It doesn't matter." Baron Mathilde smiled on her wrinkled face, "This reminds me of the days when I climbed over the wall for a tryst sixty years ago."

Armand was behind with a tool box in his left hand and a medicine box in his right hand. He was speechless. He didn't expect that his subordinates would mistakenly invite her here.

In the living room, Baron Mathilde carefully checked the half bottle of blue potion in the bottle, and his expression became serious.

Frederick asked the others to leave, and Armand also wanted to leave. Baron Mathilde said to him: "You can stay, this matter may be related to you."

Armand was stunned for a moment, and then immediately thought of a terrible thing: "Could it be that Françoise's illness was poisoned?"

Frederick's face also darkened. Françoise suffered from lung disease three years ago. She would get dizzy if she walked or even talked too much when the weather was cold, so she went to El Chapo Island in the south to recuperate.

Baron Mathilde said: "The main ingredient of this medicine is a toxin extracted from a jellyfish that lives in the cold sea in the north of the Kingdom of England. It will not act on a certain organ and will only aggravate the disease." , healthy people will have no problem drinking it.”

Armand whispered to Frederick: "That summer, on the way back from the manor in the lowlands, Françoise encountered locals setting fire to the swamp. She choked on the thick smoke and injured her lungs. At that time, the doctor said there was a problem It’s not big, just practice it for a while.”

Then he asked Baron Mathilde: "How can I get rid of this poison?"

Baron Mathilde frowned and said: "The detoxification of magic potions and poisons mainly focuses on expulsion and neutralization, but the reactions are very violent and cause considerable harm to the body."

"It's best to use the blood of fire monsters such as the southern salamanders and slowly nurse them back to health."

Frederick immediately said: "We have salamanders in the zoo, and we can also ask merchants from the Ghazi Empire to send them."

Baron Mathilde thought for a moment and said, "This is also a good idea. Frederick is quite good at this."

Next, Baron Mathilde wrote down the status of these potions and gave them to Frederick, asking him to give them to Frederick along with the remaining potions.

After she finished writing, she declined Frederick's invitation to stay for dinner. It was obvious that the matter had reached a political level and she could go as far as she wanted.

Armand also left and went home to report the situation, planning to let his grandfather take Françoise to Weisenberg City for treatment.

Frederick had no idea about Antonia. Although she had some motive for committing the crime, there was no conclusive evidence. Maybe the person who did it was imprisoned last year because he was involved in the palace corruption case, and he could not charge a queen with murder.

Moreover, it is not yet certain whether Antonia committed the murder out of jealousy, or whether someone took a fancy to the huge wealth brought by Françoise's paper products sales agency and committed the murder and then framed her.

Frederick even suspected that there might be the shadow of old Louis behind this matter, and that giving this mansion to him was part of the conspiracy. If Francoise died, the business would be in the hands of the royal family, and Antonia would be blamed. Despite the infighting between themselves and the royal family of the Rhine League, the Gallic royal family did not suffer any loss.

The specific situation has to be investigated by Armand and his family's local gangsters. Françoise has brought huge wealth to the family, and touching her is no different from digging up their ancestral graves.

Frederick immediately decided to sell Penelope a batch of weapons from the sample library.

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