Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 468 Let’s open a factory

Animal husbandry is an important part of agriculture in this land. Cow's milk and goat's milk are important sources of protein for ordinary people. Many lords directly tax cheese.

The first step to obtain dairy products is milking, which is not an easy job. In addition to straining the waist and wrists, milking workers may suffer from various diseases due to poor sanitary conditions, and may even be kicked to death by cows.

According to survey statistics, more than 100,000 milking workers suffer from paronychia. If there is a virus in the cow's body, the most common thing is that the hands, wrists and forearms of the milking workers will be infected, and red bumps as big as beans will appear. In severe cases, it will develop. Form into blisters or abscesses.

Sodia also encountered these problems when he helped others manage the pasture. The farmer was already used to it, but he had never been to the farm before, so he was worried about being scolded by his employer, so he tried to solve it.

After many failures and even the death of cows, he finally built a milking machine.

Frederick had a cow brought over and asked Sodia to begin the demonstration.

The machine, which is small and sits on a small four-wheel cart, is basically cobbled together from existing materials.

The main body of the machine is a pressure cooker with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters. This is the only container that Sodia can find that is easy to open and close and can be sealed.

A rubber tube on the lid of the pot is connected to the air inlet of a pump. Many businessmen sell the pump as a small manual blower for household use, and they can actually sell it.

There are also four rubber tubes on the pot lid that are connected to the milk outlet of the cow. The other end of the tube is a cylindrical interface, and the inside of the interface is slime soft glue with a matching shape.

A wheel on the shelf controls the pump to pump air, creating a negative pressure inside the pot and sucking the milk in.

Four straws pass through a tray, and there are ties on both sides of the tray. When tied to the back of the cow, the tray can fix the interface in the appropriate position.

Sodia turned the wheel, and the connecting rod on the wheel controlled the air pump. After a while, the sound of water was heard in the pressure cooker.

Frederick watched silently, while Sodia nodded from time to time while explaining and demonstrating.

Seeing this, Sodia became more and more excited as he talked, and finally said: "It would be easier if the machine was connected to a steam engine."

Frederick smiled and said: "Be careful to suck the cow dry."

Then he asked the farmer to pull another cow over, and Sodia taught the farmer how to use it. These farmers all came over with the cow.

It's just that those two farmers had never seen this scene before. The most powerful person they had ever seen in their lives was the tax collector of the landlord's family. They were fine taking care of the cows, but they would never dare to talk to the big boss.

When Frederick saw the two farmers shaking their hands and feet nervously, he said: "You two do a good job. If you do well, I will reward you each with ten loaves of bread, ten sausages, and ten confit duck legs."

Although it is convenient to reward gold coins, it would be a crime for the farmer to have a treasure, so it is better to reward him with food.

The farmers were about to tie the trays to the waists of the cows. They hurriedly dropped what they were doing, faced Frederick, and nodded repeatedly.

Seeing the tray and the tubes falling to the ground, Sodia said with some distress: "Won't you put the things away before answering?"

The two peasants immediately turned to Sodia and begged for mercy.

Frederick said nothing more and left them to concentrate on their work.

The two farmers fiddled with each other for a long time, and finally shook the wheel, and the sound of water sounded again in the pressure cooker.

Practice has proved that using this machine to milk cows is much more convenient, greatly reducing labor intensity and improving efficiency. It has won unanimous praise from the two farmers and has broad market prospects.

Frederick also tried it himself and said to Sodia: "This invention of yours is very good. I will write you a letter of introduction. I will first sponsor you 4,000 florins and arrange for someone from the Dawn Chamber of Commerce to take you to Weissenburg." city."

“Weisenberg City has a mature patent conversion process, starting from patent application, to market assessment and business guidance, loans, production process design, machine design and manufacturing, industrial park factory leasing, to recruitment, legal and regulatory training, A necklace of service.”

"If you don't know how to operate and manage your business, you can hire professional business operations and production management personnel, or ask a third-party accounting firm to audit your finances to avoid corruption, and you can make money at home."

"Don't worry too much about your debt here. I will write to the creditors and ask them to wait for a while and pay them back when you make money."

Frederick said these words to Armand and the courtesans behind him, especially those courtesans. They themselves are the disseminators of news. I believe that soon the entire city of Barris will further believe that the invention in hand can be brought to the Principality of Wesson. Exchange money there.

The nobles of the Kingdom of Gaul are much richer than those of the Rhine League. Many nobles who have no worries about life will engage in some research. Baron Mathilde's research on potions is an example. The results among them can be a huge wealth.

So Frederick took the opportunity to sell horse bones to see if he could make any new discoveries.

Armand half understood what he was saying, but he thought it was very impressive, and asked Frederick curiously: "How much money can you make by doing this?"

Frederick replied: "It is normal for each farm to buy one or two. Count how many farms there are in the world."

Armand's mouth twitched, knowing that this thing was very profitable.

When Sodia was making a living at sea in his early years, he heard that it was very profitable to open a factory in Weissenburg City. Now that Archduke Weissen has guaranteed it, he can make a fortune soon.

He had already figured out the identities of the courtesans next to him, and he cast a provocative look at them in excitement.

But those few people focused all their attention on Frederick, and no one looked at him.

Frederick felt that there were many areas for improvement in this machine, but he did not say anything and let him make the changes himself.

After Sodia left, Frederick asked Armand: "Are you free? I'm going to see a friend now. Let's go together. The main thing is that I want you to show me the way."

Armand thought that he was finally going to play and wanted to see who he was going to play with. He asked curiously: "Who is this friend of yours?"

The courtesans behind them all pricked up their ears. This was important information. If they could know who the friend Archduke Wesson was looking for, they could find out and deduce their next actions, and then there would be a chance to meet again.

Frederick said: "It's a friend who came to Weissenburg to visit me many years ago. We have been exchanging letters for several years."

"I have been very busy since I went to liberate Constantinople the year before last. I haven't had time to write another letter. Today I have a surprise."

Those courtesans smelled the smell of gossip. Who didn't know that Frederick's pen pal Françoise had many benefits? Just look at the seven-story mansion next to it.

There are even rumors that for many years Françoise has been in the lowlands all year round, but in fact she went to the Archduke Wesson to "hehehehe".

Now Archduke Wesson suddenly has a pen pal. I wonder who is so lucky.

Armand smiled and said: "I suggest you better inform me. It would be bad if the surprise turns into a fright."

Frederick thought for a while and said with a smile: "It's okay, life is always full of surprises."

Armand shook his head and said helplessly: "It would be bad if it was full of fright. Do you know that sometimes you are also scary?"

"By the way, who is that person?"

Frederick said: "I only know his name is Nicholas. I didn't say his last name. I only know his address. You should know him."

After he told the address, Armand's expression suddenly changed. After hesitating for a while, he said: "He... died of jet diarrhea last year."

Frederick was immediately stunned.

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