Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 469: Heaven is jealous of talented people

In a mansion not far from Armand's home, Hippolyte Carnot was selecting antiques collected in the home with the help of the butler.

Hyppolite's father, Lazar Carnot, was an engineering expert in the Gallic army. He bought several farms from Frederick when he was in the Fortress of Toulouse and needed some antiques to offset the debt.

He is sixteen years old and is not familiar with antiques. He saw a few silver cups and thought they were quite valuable. However, the butler told him truthfully that they were fakes. The so-called silver was pewter and was used to fool people. He could not be deceived. Archduke Wesson.

"What about this aluminum cup?" Hippolyte picked up a silver-white cup, "I remember it was very expensive."

The eldest steward shook his head and said: "It is too valuable. The master and his wife originally wanted to leave it to the eldest young master as a wedding gift."

Hippolyte couldn't help but sigh when he heard him mention his brother.

His older brother Nikolai was recognized as a smart man and worked in the army with his father as an adult.

One day many years ago, Nicholas suddenly said that he wanted to go on a trip. When he came back, he brought a steam engine. From then on, he went to work every day to fish, tinkering with his own affairs whenever he had free time, and his temper became weird.

At this time, someone came to report that Archduke Wesson was about to visit.

Hippolyte's head was full of questions. From his father's letter, he could tell that he was not familiar with Archduke Wesson. Did he have any older sisters? His mother had gone back to the monastery in the territory to pray. Why was he here? He couldn't just be getting ready for dinner and was just passing by. Let's eat together?

In any case, the visit of a big shot should not be neglected. Hippolyte immediately asked the housekeeper and servants to get ready, changed his clothes, and went to the gate to greet him.

When the appointed time came, a carriage stopped in front of the door. The two horses pulling the carriage made the butler drool at the sight.

Frederick's guard Tony opened the car door, and Frederick appeared behind the door wearing a black suit. His face was gray when he got out of the car.

Hippolyte was startled, wondering if he was here to cause trouble for him. Didn't he offend him?

Armand, who came with him, gave him a reassuring look, which made him relax a little.

After a polite self-introduction, Hippolyte understood Frederick's purpose and took him directly to the garden behind the house.

There is a conspicuous shed in the corner of the garden, which contains a 50-horsepower steam engine. Compared with ordinary steam engines, it is full of pressure gauges and thermometers.

This steam engine and various instruments were awarded to Nicholas by Frederick. The instruments on it were installed by himself to measure various data when the steam engine was working.

There is an open space next to the shed, 10 meters square, with hyacinths planted on it, which is incompatible with the surrounding flowers and plants.

Hippolyte said to Frederick: "My brother built a wooden house here when he came back from his trip that year. He usually lives here and drives the machine whenever he has time."

"Last year, on my way back from the territory, my brother passed through a village where the plague broke out. He, the steward, the groom, and the attendants all contracted jet diarrhea. The steward and the attendants died on the way, and the groom also died after taking my brother outside the city. "

"At that time, a baron who was out hunting found my brother on the roadside. He didn't know what kind of disease he was suffering from. When he brought him back, he found out that it was the plague, so we sent him here."

"It was old Jacques... oh, old Jacques was my old gardener... who was taking care of him."

"Later my brother died of illness at the age of 36."

"You also know that we can't let the plague spread in the city, so the wooden house and everything in it that came into contact with my brother were burned down."

"I heard from my brother that he used to send people to deliver letters to other places. I didn't expect that the person he corresponded with was you."

Frederick sighed deeply and said with great regret: "I didn't expect that a genius whose name would go down in history would fall on the eve of his blossoming."

Armand was shocked when he heard this. He knew Nicholas and had dealt with him several times. He felt that he was just a little smart. He didn't expect that Frederick would give such a high evaluation.

With Frederick's current status, this evaluation is enough to be engraved on the tombstone and passed down.

Hippolyte thought that Frederick was speaking politely, so he just whispered: "Thank you, my brother will be very happy if he knows."

Frederick sighed again. Hippolyte didn't know that Nicholas corresponded with him. It seems that there was no letter left, and it was burned together with the things in the house.

I'm afraid not only the letters were burned together, but also Nicholas's research results over the years.

Frederick learned from Nicholas's last letter that he had achieved good early results and was about to overcome the final difficulty. Psyche left a Golden Durian Award for him.

This was a huge loss to the world, but Frederick did not blame them. Failure to do so would most likely have caused a plague to break out in the city of Barris, killing thousands of people.

And it is also Frederick who is to blame. Necromancers who are good at disinfection were already very rare. Now almost all of them go to work in the food factories and hospitals of the Principality of Wesson. It is difficult to find one in Barris, so they can only use The fire burned.

Frederick turned to Hyppolite in anticipation: "Does Nicholas have any manuscripts or works left behind?"

Hippolyte shook his head, Nicholas has lived in the wooden house for several years, and everything is here.

Frederick was unwilling to give in and asked again: "Where is old Jacques? He may know something."

Hippolyte shook his head and said: "Old Jacques is very old, so he is willing to take care of his brother."

"He contracted lung disease at the beginning of winter last year and died before the Winter Spirit Festival."

Frederick sighed deeply and helplessly again. The development of thermodynamics would be stagnant for many years.

His own knowledge in this area is half-full, and Psyche believes that it is best to let the locals research it themselves. At present, the one who is most likely to make a breakthrough is Nikola.

Hippolyte saw that Frederick really valued Nicholas' research, so he asked: "Excuse me, is my brother's research important?"

Frederick nodded, went over and patted the steam engine, and said: "So far, the research on steam engines is still at the stage of adding more water to the surface and adding more water to the surface. Nikolai's research provides a guiding theory for the design of steam engines."

Hippolyte's father was engaged in engineering. He heard his father mention the importance of steam engines more than once. This shows that his brother's research is very powerful.

He began to regret in his heart, if only he could keep his brother's research results.

At this time the head maid came to report to Hyppolite that lunch was ready.

Frederick had thought about coming for food from the beginning, but now he had no appetite.


The back door at the other corner of the garden, where the servants came in and out, was roughly pushed open, and a young man who was fairly neatly dressed came in.

There were distinguished guests at home, and Hippolyte was very unhappy because the servant was so imprudent, so he signaled the butler to go over and deal with it.

Unexpectedly, the man immediately ran over after seeing Frederick. The skin below Tony's neck behind Frederick turned black and gold. If someone was up to something evil, he would rush up immediately.

Armand frowned, took half a step forward, and stood faintly in front of Frederick, his right hand holding the hilt of the sword at his waist.

The visitor stopped five steps away, first saluted Hippolyte, and then bent down and said to Frederick: "Is your Excellency the Archduke Wesson?"

Frederick frowned and asked before Hippolyte spoke: "Who are you? I think you look familiar."

The young man said: "Reply to Grand Duke Wesson, my name is Jules, I am a purchasing clerk outside, my brother often helps the young master to deliver letters to you."

He then said to Hippolyte: "Report to the young master, before the young master passed away, he asked Old Jacques to quietly bury two boxes in the garden. Old Jacques told me before he died that they were left for a friend from out of town. Don’t tell anyone for fear of getting burned.”

"I have always wondered why old Jacques told me this matter. I just heard that Archduke Wesson was visiting and I suddenly figured it out, because I knew that my brother helped the young master deliver a letter to Archduke Wesson, and old Jacques knew that those two boxes were It was left to Archduke Wesson, so he told me before he died, but he had a severe fever at the time and did not explain it clearly."

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