Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 470 Can I learn to drive a tractor?

A few years ago, Hippolyte's family also followed the trend and planted many tulips in the garden. After the bubble burst, they all were shoveled and violets were planted.

Old Jacques had to complete his job as a gardener while taking care of Nicholas. When Nicholas looked back, he thought that his research results might be burned, so he asked him to hide useful things.

It was time to shovel out the tulips and replace them with violets, so old Jacques took the opportunity to bury Nicolas' box under the violets in the middle of the night.

Hippolyte immediately arranged for someone to dig three feet into the ground and dug out two wooden boxes wrapped in oil paper in the garden.

Frederick personally sterilized the wooden box, peeled off the layers of oil paper, and opened the wooden box. The paper inside was very messy and a little damp.

Hyppolite handed over Nicholas' inheritance to Frederick, who said that he would publish his results after he compiled them.

In the following time, Frederick closed the door and thanked guests, concentrating on sorting out Nicholas's manuscripts and other daily manuscripts.

Old Jacques was illiterate, so he stuffed all his drafts, notes, papers, etc. into the wooden box, making it a mess.

Fortunately, those important papers were placed at the bottom of the box first and were not scattered.

Frederick spent two days simply classifying all the manuscripts and preparing to send the hot airship back to the Wesson Scientific Society for Psyche to organize.

After finishing these tasks, Frederick saw that it was getting late and the time was almost up, so he asked people to prepare the bathroom, take a bath and relax before going to bed.

The bathroom in this mansion is luxuriously decorated, but long bathtubs are now popular here, which is just right for one person, but a bit crowded for two people.

Most of the people in the mansion were from Hanma City. The maid who wiped Frederick's back today was called Joanna. When she came in, she was only wearing a three-finger-wide tube top and small pants.

While applying soap to Frederick, she began to report: "I received more than ten gold coins today. The courtesans are all asking when the boss will come to play with them."

Frederick shook his head and said: "Forget it, they are just using me as a stepping stone to raise their own status. It is better to spend more time playing with you."

Many maids grew up hearing his story of "eight million to one hundred thousand" eight years ago. If it hadn't been for him, they might have been kidnapped and sold into slavery as a child.

Joanna hugged Frederick from behind and said, "The boss is so kind."

"By the way, I want to ask you a question."

"Ask," said Frederick.

Joanna asked: "Are there girls driving tractors in Weissenburg City?"

Frederick nodded and replied: "Yes, that girl's name is Angela. I went to see her. Her skills are no worse than those of men."

Qiao Na said enviously: "That's great, I want to learn it too."

"But my family didn't agree and asked me to be a maid, saying it would be easy to meet rich people."

Frederick smiled and said, "Don't you know me now?"

"Nothing is the same." Qiao Na said while rubbing his back, "They want me to catch fish and let them enjoy the money I get."

"I'm really fed up with them, so I was the first one to sign up when I had the opportunity to travel this time. I wanted to stay away from them."

"I plan to save some money, and when I have enough, I will go to Weissenburg Castle to learn tractors!"

Frederick nodded and said: "Learning to tractor is in Oak City. When you get there, you can just ask the police on the roadside where the Agricultural College is. When you get there, you can see the registration place."

"Thank you, boss!" Joanna sat in Frederick's arms, "Let me kiss him."

At this time, the butler outside the door reported: "Boss, someone swam across the Sequana River from the garden and broke in."

"She said she is the most popular socialite in the city and wants to meet you."

Frederick frowned and said, "Take him as a thief and give it to the sheriff."

He has really won over those who want to be famous. He will do whatever it takes to gain fame. If he keeps people here today, he will be able to play "Beach Landing" in the garden tomorrow.

Moreover, it is not easy for these people to force prostitutes into sex. If they do well, their income and expenses in a year are no less than that of an earl. When they are older, they have enough money and connections to find a good successor for themselves.

After the housekeeper left, Qiaona sighed and said, "There were people who tried to trick me into becoming a social butterfly before."

Frederick frowned and asked, "Who is he?"

Qiao Na said: "She is the female owner of a women's clothing store. When she sees a young and beautiful girl, she introduces her to some very expensive clothes. If the girl has no money, she can borrow money first and offer to help arrange some work such as sewing. , which is actually introduced to wealthy people’s homes.”

"Those girls went there. Some were deceived by sweet words, and some who were unwilling at first were coaxed into agreeing by the landlady."

"There was a girl on our street who was raped and committed suicide when she came back. The female boss even asked the family to pay her for the remaining clothes."

Frederick frowned and asked: "Is there no one in the city to care about it?"

"Who cares." Qiao Na sighed, "The girl who committed suicide went to the judge's house in the city. The housekeeper of the judge's house also said that she was caught stealing something. At that time, she only cursed a few times when she committed the first crime. , she committed suicide out of shame."

"My mother went to help her wash herself, and when she came back she whispered to her father that she was in such a miserable condition."

"Those beasts don't know how to love people like you. She was bleeding in several places."

Frederick frowned and thought for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly.

The senior officials in Hanma City were controlled by local nobles, and they did not have much influence.

And those people rarely seem to be hard-headed and soft-hearted, and there is no conclusive evidence to accuse them.

Just like Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian, under the legal framework at the time, they could be so lawless and impunity, but Wu Song chose to overturn the table.

So he could only turn over the table.

Frederick took another look at himself. Fortunately, it was all consensual at the moment. There was no coercion or inducement. Married women and those with boyfriends stayed away.

Qiao Na continued: "I used to feel pity for those courtesans, but when I see that they spend more money in a year than I will in a lifetime, I no longer pity them."

"They have good clothes and good food, and whether they are abandoned when they are old or not, they are asking for it."

"Forget it, let's not talk about them."

"Boss, when I learn to drive a tractor, where can I work with a higher salary?"

Frederick thought for a moment and said, "How about you go to my newly developed farm over at Lukang. I've invited experts to come and discuss the development there tomorrow."

Qiao Na decided that this was not bad. She was already used to the northern climate, so she might not be able to adapt to it when going to the Principality of Wesson.

What Frederick didn't expect was that when they met again after parting in the city of Barris, there would be a scene that no one could have foreseen.

At this time, the butler reported outside the door: "Boss, a young lady from the Baron family is here to see you this time."

Frederick said angrily: "If she dares to come directly to the bathroom, let her in!"

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