Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 471 New Territory Transformation

"Grand Duke Wesson is so unromantic!"

Frederick's reputation among ladies changed dramatically overnight.

In this era, feudal arranged marriages among nobles were the mainstream, and the Duchy of Wesson was no exception.

The marriage method between the children of the second generation knights of the Duchy of Wesson and the children of government officials follows the model of Constantbul, or the model of Frederick and Maria, which emphasizes the cultivation of affection from an early age.

But the Kingdom of Gaul is more utilitarian and pays attention to marrying and selling for profit. The young nobles do not know who their marriage partner is before the family decides, and getting along with them is routine, so they yearn for free and romantic love outside the framework of marriage.

Many people are looking forward to first having an accidental or intentional encounter with Frederick, then chatting and laughing, and finally having a harmonious life.

But what happened one after another left everyone stunned.

There is not so much romance. If you want a harmonious life, come here by yourself, and you don’t want a social butterfly, just an aristocratic lady.

More importantly, Archduke Wesson would not pay half a copper for this matter. Someone wanted to trade a farm for a night of fun, but was thrown out of the window. When he climbed back and asked if a tractor would work, he was thrown again.

Many people are heartbroken, but there is another piece of news that makes people unable to sit still.

"Did you hear that the three sisters from that family were so convinced that they lost?"

Frederick still had business to do, and the transformation of the territory required an expert to provide technical support. With Armand's help, he found Professor Habib from the university.

Professor Habib is not a local. He comes from the forest seaside of the southern continent. He came to Barris City to study when he was young and never went back.

His teacher took the entire team to Weissenburg City to grab big business. There were design tenders for projects such as the Grand Opera House, the Government Building of the Principality of Weissen, the Bank Building of Weissenburg, the Private Palace of the Grand Duke of Weissenburg, and office buildings of various government departments. , the winning bidder is eligible to bid for the design of the New Palace of the Rhine League.

Hubby was ill a while ago and couldn't travel far, so he had to stay. Unexpectedly, he received a big project within two days of recovering from his illness.

Frederick asked Shupaiya to make a simple sand table and explained his plan to Habib.

To the south of Lukang, there are two swampy plains, one large and one small, divided by rivers. The smaller one will be developed first.

"To treat the swamp, we must first fill it with soil or drain it." Frederick did a lot of research on this. "The swamp there is too low, so it needs to be filled with soil first."

Hubby studied how Frederick's farm was transformed and asked, "Do you mean to build a dike around the land first and then fill it with soil?"

"That's what I mean." Frederick nodded, "But the area here is too large, and the traditional digging method is difficult to complete, so we have to use the river next to it."

"First build dikes on both sides of the swamp, leaving an opening on the water surface and one on the side near the sea."

"The river there is usually very clear, but it only carries a lot of sediment during the flood season."

"It is best to find ways to plant more reeds in the swamp. When floods come, water enters from one end of the dike and comes out from the other end. The flood in the dike causes the soil to sink due to the interception of the reeds in the swamp and the slowdown of the water flow."

"One year is not enough, just two or three years. Don't worry, let the mud brought by the flood fill up the swamp first."

Habi studied in front of the sand table for a long time, and then said: "I have a suggestion. After the dam is built, fill in the soil from the outside to the inside to create a road, and then build a platform. The village is built on the platform to prevent the flood from being too severe. People who overflow the dam can hide on it."

Frederick calculated in his mind that a high platform with a square top surface and a side length of 200 meters and a height of 4 meters would take about 160,000 cubic meters of earth including the slope. There would be at least 10 such high platforms. Although the amount of work is not small, Well worth it.

Otherwise, if a huge flood occurs for hundreds or thousands of years, the farmland inside the dam will turn into a basin, and few people will survive.

"Okay." Frederick nodded in agreement. "The foundation must be solid and the slopes must be pressed with stones to prevent subsidence and landslides."

Habi breathed a sigh of relief. Someone found him last night and wanted to spend as much of Archduke Wesson's money as possible.

The problem is that Archduke Wesson is a god-like being in the field of engineering, and he is also the inventor of a new type of engineering budget. This task is not easy.

Habi thought that Archduke Wesson might not be familiar with the seaside, so he could start from this aspect.

He pointed to the coastline on the sand table and said: "The embankments facing the sea are beaten by waves all the time and are easily damaged and need to be protected with solid stones."

The stronger the stone, the more difficult it is to mine, and the surface needs to be trimmed at the same time, which makes the price higher.

Hubby saw Frederick nodding slightly, thinking there was a trick, and decided to go one step further and use something more expensive.

"There are not many quarries around." He said a little nervously, "It would be more convenient if we use concrete to protect the embankment."

Concrete is a good thing, easy to use, strong and durable, but one ton of cement costs one ton of wheat. How much would it cost if 200 kilometers of embankments were protected with concrete?

After finishing speaking, Habi looked at Frederick cautiously, fearing that he would scold him for wasting money.

The quality of the century-old plan comes first. Frederick didn't think there was anything wrong with his approach, and he thought his concept was very good.

Frederick was recalling something and didn't speak for a long time, which made Habibi nervous.

What he was thinking about were the wave-absorbing blocks used to protect the embankments at the seaside. Huge concrete blocks like four-legged cones were placed on the seaside. The gaps between them could dissipate the energy of the waves and protect the safety of the embankments.

But those wave-absorbing blocks are very huge, as tall as a person. If they are small and light, they may be swept away by the waves. Now they can be made, but it is difficult to move them.

Frederick thought about changing the shape and simply adding a few staggered rows of cement blocks with small tops and large bottoms. Anyway, the effect would be achieved.

He also thought that seawater was corrosive to concrete, but it was not a big problem. It was not a stress-bearing component anyway. When it was time to replace it, his son might be able to take the construction worker exam.

The longer the silence lasted, the more nervous Habi became, fearing that he would be exposed and immediately be tied to rocks and sunk into the Sequana River.

"This is how to protect the embankment." Frederick began to draw a sketch on the manuscript paper. "Build these concrete piers at the foot of the embankment. Arrange them crosswise. Let's see the effect first. Depending on the situation, use smaller concrete on the side of the embankment facing the sea. Block protection, replace it if it breaks."

Habi breathed a sigh of relief, but he was worried that he would be in trouble in the future, so he reminded him: "Sir, this may cost more money."

Frederick said nonchalantly: "It's only a few dollars. Quality problems will cause greater losses."

Then they discussed issues such as arranging the internal water system, building water gates on the dams, and building pumping stations.

Finally, Frederick said to Habib: "I have arranged for the leaders of the construction team to go to Lukang. They may be a little fierce, but don't worry, they will still listen to you if you have problems."

Habi heard that many of the construction workers in the Principality of Wesson were mountain mercenaries. They were probably rude barbarians. He said confidently: "Don't worry, sir. Don't look at me like this. I am a man who grew up in the forest." An excellent magician, even ten knights can’t do anything to me.”

Frederick just said calmly: "It's best not to take action if you can."

Habi just thought he was worried about hurting the harmony, so he didn't take it to heart.

Frederick didn't care when he saw him like this. He understood after he met the construction team.

The matter in Barris City came to an end. The job of selling the farm was taken over by Shupaiya, and experts who appraised antiques also came.

One fine morning, the airship left Barris City.

Even Armand didn't notice that Frederick was not in the airship, but missing.

On the same day, Habi and his men came to Lugang and met the construction team brought by Frederick.

"You... who are you?!" Habi's feet were trembling. Frederick didn't tell him that these people were magicians who could fight better than him.

"You can call me Count Thoth." Thoth, the contractor and the new deputy leader of the Royal Mage Group of the Rhine Alliance, smiled, "We will have a happy cooperation in the future."

"By the way, I am also responsible for the North Sea Defense Line project that the principal took over."

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