Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 472 Send him to the Principality of Wesson

A cargo ship without a sail or a sailor to row an oar set off from the city of Barris and went straight down the Sequana River. Its destination was the important city of Le Havre in the north.

Le Havre is located next to the estuary of the Sequana River. It is an important port connecting the interior of the Kingdom of Gaul with the North Sea. Thirty percent of the steam paddle steamers bought by Louis the Younger were used on the route from Le Havre to Barris. superior.

Frederick was dressed as if he was traveling, carrying a large luggage, the sword he had brought with him when he went to Linhai the year before last, as well as several revolvers and other weapons, and set out on the road to the open market in the north.

He did not choose a crowded passenger ship, but gave the captain of the cargo ship some money to take a ride on the boat. If he was robbed on the way, he would not only refund the money but also give a thank you gift.

Logically speaking, he wouldn't meet anyone he knew, but he happened to meet him.

"Call me Charles." Frederick said to another young man who was hitching a ride.

Guillaume talked a lot with Frederick when he was blocking the road with his classmates, but he didn't expect to meet him when they were about to go out by boat.

He whispered: "Mr. gave us a lot of inspiration that day. We organized classmates from several schools to go to the archives room that night to find the list. Now everyone is working separately to contact the previous victims."

Frederick saw that he had very little luggage and only had a dagger for self-defense, so he took out a revolver and some bullets from his backpack. After thinking about it, he took out a holster and a tool for casting lead bullets to him.

"Take it for self-defense," Frederick said. "If you are short of money, go to No. 48 on the banks of the Sequana River and take this check to the Dawn Chamber of Commerce. The money is not much, so it is a small favor from me."

He wrote a check, folded it, sealed it in a small plastic bag and handed it to Guiyoum.

The paper of this check is made of a special linen, with complex watermarks mixed with colored filaments, and an agreed upon password when filling it out, making it difficult to copy.

Guiyum took the check and smiled so hard that he could hardly see. They were short of money, so everyone had to raise the funds for this outing together.

He spent all his money as a tutor for a businessman's son, and the businessman took pity on them and gave them five gold coins, so that he could collect enough travel expenses.

The journey was uneventful, but Guiyum hesitated a little on the way, and finally said to Frederick: "Sir, there is something I think I need to tell you."

"The Mr. Sodia you sponsored went to the Moulin Rouge after he got your money."

"My student's father asked an official to go there that day and said that he spent almost a thousand livres on one night and took two beautiful actresses with him when he left."

Frederick frowned, but said nothing.

The cargo ship docked in Le Havre. Guillaume wanted to visit his local brother, and Frederick wanted to find a ship to Amstel.

Now Lilu is taking the modified Flying Tulip on a trial voyage in the inland sea and opening up a trade route in the eastern part of the inland sea. If there are no problems with the ship, dumplings will begin next year.

Therefore, when Frederick went to the north, he had to first go to the city of Amstel, where he would find a ship to the Sami Alliance, and when he got there, he would find a way to find a ship to the city of Niedros, where the headquarters of the Church of Nature is located.

The most convenient way to travel by boat is naturally to find a shipping chamber of commerce. They have fixed ships and routes, and they don't mind transporting two or three more guests and helping to transport some small items.

Some cargo ships have prepared relatively clean and tidy small rooms for VIP guests when there are guests. If there are no guests, they will put some cargo brought by the captain himself, so that they will not be empty.

Of course, this costs more money. If you want to save money, you have to squeeze into the cabin with the sailors. If you want to take the boat and eat for free, you have to help work on the boat.

The only people who don't want to work and want to ride the boat for free are doctors and priests, but they have to help when needed.

There are very few specialized passenger ships, and they are all prepared for nobles and their entourage traveling far away, and they are expensive.

After getting off the ship, Frederick saw the Dawn Chamber of Commerce sign next to the port, so he went over and asked if there had been a ship to Amstel recently.

The facade of the Chamber of Commerce is not small, nearly 10 meters wide, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

Frederick came to the service desk in the middle of the gate and said to the girl at the front desk: "I am going to Amstel City. Please give me a number plate."

The girl took a yellow wooden sign as big as a poker from the table to him, with numbers on it, and queued up at the counter with the yellow sign on the far right.

There was a row of benches against the wall next to the counter. A man arrived one step ahead of Frederick, and Frederick put down his luggage on the bench and waited.

The staff behind the counter knew the man and asked curiously: "Philip, are you going on a business trip?"

"It's not me," Philip said calmly, "it's my brother. If we don't send him away, there will be no thread left in the family's purse."

The staff seemed to understand the situation of his family and nodded and said: "He is indeed very excessive. When I saw him spending money, I thought he was Prince D'Afranche."

"Where are you going to send him, to the east to the barbarian who only knows how to drink, or to the south to Lin Hai?"

Philip sighed and said, "I decided to send him to the Principality of Wesson."

The staff asked: "How much travel expenses do you plan to pay?"

"Not a cent," said Philip. "Let him work on the ship, or he will have nothing to eat."

"The priest is willing to give him a gold coin and make a money order for me. I can only take it out when I get there."

Frederick heard a dark clue next to him, feeling that they were using their territory as a waste recycling center?

There are now many people coming to the Principality of Wesson, which has put a lot of pressure on local security. The police department is planning to expand its scale and hire a group of auxiliary police officers from the Black Forest where mercenaries are sent to maintain security.

According to estimates from the police department, the entire Principality of Wesson needs 250 police officers per 100,000 people, and a special force composed of extraordinary forces must be formed.

Soon it was Frederick's turn. Tomorrow morning there was a ship going to Amstel that had a guest room, so he chose it.

Frederick stayed in a small hotel near the pier. The next morning he ate three steamed buns and two eggs and drank a large glass of milk. After that, he arrived at the pier and found the "Jersey Island Oyster" he was going to take. .

The captain's name was Tom, who was from the Kingdom of England. He respectfully brought Frederick to the guest room and taught him how to use the newly purchased marble lock. He also said that there was only such a key on the entire ship, and he would have to pay for it if he lost it.

The guest room is not big, with only a single bed and a wooden board that can be put down as a table. The bedding is relatively clean, and you can see the sea through the porthole window.

After putting away his luggage, Frederick came to the deck and wanted to chat with the captain, but he could only give up as he was reviewing the cargo list with the staff of the Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, another guest on the boat arrived. He was a somewhat thin young man carrying a small luggage package.

He hesitated a little when he got on the boat, and Philip pushed him impatiently.

Philip handed the young man to the captain and gave him the money order from the Dawn Chamber of Commerce, asking him to give it to him when he arrived in the Principality of Wesson.

The ship sailed, and Frederick stood on the side of the ship to blow the wind. He saw Philip, his wife, two daughters, and a son on the dock waving to the ship. They looked very happy, but the young man had already been taken away to work. .

The wind is blowing from the southwest now, and the journey to Amstel will be smooth, about 500 kilometers, and we will arrive at noon tomorrow.

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