Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 473 Pirates coming to rob people

The weather at sea today is good, the wind is just right, and the boat sails fast and steady.

The Jersey Island Oyster is a three-masted sailing ship that was launched last year. It is also Tom's first ship after becoming the captain.

There was nothing important on board, and in the afternoon Tom invited Frederick to have tea on the deck.

Frederick admired the English people's habit of afternoon tea. He experienced it personally when he went to inspect an accounting firm. He would go to drink tea halfway through the meeting and come back after drinking tea.

Tom is a quite talkative person. He told the guests that when he was eleven years old, he ran away from the church’s orphanage and worked as a handyman on the ship. He grew up to be the first mate, and this spring he was recognized by the shipowner and crew to become the captain.

He is still a novice and is running a mature route. Now he is transporting wheat from the Kingdom of Gaul to repay the friendship bond to Amstel. Next month, he can transport wool from the Kingdom of England and return from Amstel. The voyage transports various goods from the Principality of Wesson.

Tom was still immersed in the excitement of becoming a captain. He kept bragging to his guests about his experience and imagined that he could save enough money to buy a boat without sails in the future.

But he was rude to another guest on the boat.

"Hurry up, you useless sea cockroach!"

The young man who had not paid was squatting next to a large wooden basin, constantly prying open the oyster shells, neatly placing the meaty side on the plate, setting the plate and bringing it to the captain and distinguished guests.

After these oysters are bought, they are kept in boiled and cooled seawater for a day. The water must be changed every five or six hours to allow them to expel dirt.

After prying the oysters out of their shells and putting them on the shell, first pour some high-strength wine and soak them in the shells for ten minutes. After pouring out the wine, pour in grape vinegar soaked in garlic. After soaking for a while, you can eat them directly.

Tom enthusiastically asked Frederick to try it and said it tasted better than milk.

Frederick picked up an oyster and held it in his hand, disinfected it with necromancy magic first, leaned forward slightly, and moved his mouth, and the plump and soft meat went into his mouth.

The meat of this kind of oyster tastes plump and refreshing, with a delicate and soft texture and a little sweetness.

Frederick nodded as he ate. Fresh oyster meat was much more delicious than the dehydrated oysters that were transported to Weisenberg City and soaked in water to recover.

Tom was very happy to see that the guests liked him, and he enthusiastically told Frederick about the more than twenty kinds of oysters from all over the North Sea.

These oysters have different flavors, some are slightly sweet, some are salty, some have a special seaweed flavor, and the most delicious one has a milky flavor, but it is only found in the north.

Frederick began to think while eating, and after eating two oysters, he said: "Do you think that by raising oysters in seawater and adding air to ensure that they breathe, the oysters can be transported to Weissenburg alive?"

Tom shook his head and said: "How do I know this? I only know that oysters can be kept for two or three days after being picked up and placed in a wooden barrel."

"And they get stinky very easily once they die. People at the beach eat them casually, no one specializes in eating them."

Frederick continued to eat and said: "It takes two days for the ship to travel from Amstel to Weissenburg. It will be fine if we can keep it alive for more than five days."


At this time, the sound of the horn from the observation deck above made everyone on the ship suddenly nervous.


Tom stood up at once, and if Frederick hadn't been quick and quick, the unfinished oysters would have fallen onto the deck along with the small round table and the tea set.

Four three-masted sailing ships rushed towards the windward direction with full sails. The Jersey Island Oyster was loaded with wheat. Compared with the four lightly loaded ships, the speed was much slower, and it wanted to throw away the wheat. Things are not simple in the sea either.

Tom immediately directed his men to take action: "Lucius immediately called for help on the radio, Pierce quickly followed the wind, Severus, keep a close eye on the watchtower, and Antonin made sure the sail was full." , where is Batty, open the weapons arsenal!"

The pirates have already occupied the upper wind, and there is no way to escape by rushing left and right. The best way is to follow the wind and run as far as possible at maximum speed to delay as much time as possible. Maybe they can escape after dark.

After eating the remaining oysters, Frederick returned to the cabin, prepared his weapons, and observed the pirate ships in the distance with a telescope at the stern.

Tom said to him from the side: "Sir, please don't worry. The pirate's ship is slower than we expected. It is already afternoon. We can drag it until dark. If we are lucky, we can meet Baron Adikon's fleet."

"Don't be afraid if they chase us. The boat is full of wheat. They will definitely starve to death before us."

After he finished speaking, he burst out laughing, looking confident, as if to reassure his guests.

At this time, the sailors came to the deck fully armed. Each of them had a double-barreled shotgun, four or five revolvers hung on their waists, and they also brought two cannons.

Frederick turned around and took a look. The barrels of the two cannons were made of 100mm steel water pipes. There were a bunch of jet cans for double-barreled shotguns at the rear of the guns. The shells were a large pack of paper-wrapped steel balls. These were used for cleaning. For deck use.

Tom whispered: "We are transporting wheat, but they won't want it. Then we can negotiate and give them the ship and let us leave in the lifeboat."

It's not very far from the coast, and you can row to the shore by rowing a boat.

Frederick asked him: "What will you do if the ship is lost?"

Tom was still dreaming about getting rich just now. If the ship disappears, he doesn't know how he will survive the rest of his life.

"It's okay." Tom said, "I bought pirate insurance at Dawn Chamber of Commerce last month. If you can help me prove that the ship was robbed by pirates, I can get compensation for buying a new ship."

Frederick's eyes suddenly became sharp. The Dawn Chamber of Commerce's money was his own money. The pirates robbed the ship and asked the Dawn Chamber of Commerce to pay compensation. This was equivalent to the pirates robbing their own money.

"[Strong Weisenberg expletive]!" He turned to Tom and said, "Don't be afraid, if they catch up I will kill them!"

At this time, the four ships suddenly accelerated, much faster than Tom expected, and they would be overtaken before dark.

Tom was silent for a moment and said to Frederick apologetically: "I'm very sorry, I have something to hide from you."

Frederick frowned and said, "Don't tell me there is a princess hiding on your ship."

Tom hesitated and then said: "She is not a princess, she is the daughter of a noble in the Kingdom of Tarago. Because she was involved in a palace battle, she knew some secrets, so she escaped."

"The people behind may not be pirates, but people from the Kingdom of Tarago who are chasing her."

"I see that your Excellency is very skilled in martial arts. Can you take her away at night and send her to Weissenburg City or Wien City?"

"I am willing to pay your Excellency a sum of money. If you send her to her destination, Grand Duke Wesson or Queen Osmaga will give you more rewards."

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