Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 474 Didn’t you eat?

After hearing this, Frederick frowned. Who was the other party? He could actually get his own reward?

That man came from the Kingdom of Tarago. Could it be that he had important information involving the palace struggle, and it was beneficial to Grand Duke Suarez, so he wanted to find the Grand Duke's allies.

Frederick said nothing, but quietly looked at the four ships approaching rapidly in the distance.

At this time, the lookout reported that a signal came from the opposite side, saying that he could leave as long as he stopped the ship and paid a ransom of two hundred gold coins.

Tom immediately said: "We can pretend to accept the conditions and stop. If you agree, you can take the opportunity to take the lady away."

Frederick did not say whether he agreed, but asked him: "What does it mean when the lookout holds the flag and raises his hands?"

"I don't remember such a semaphore."

"What?" Tom suddenly panicked, turned around and looked up, and saw that the lookout was indeed doing this action.

He grabbed the shotgun of the sailor next to him, aimed it at the watchtower, and shot the watchman in the head.

"He is actually a traitor!" Tom said in disbelief.

The surrounding sailors were in a commotion. After hearing what Frederick said, many people saw the lookout sending signals that were not on the semaphore. They were obviously the other party's undercover agents.

Frederick asked calmly: "Is this the only traitor?"

Tom's face suddenly turned terribly dark, and he was about to rush into the cabin.

At this time, something more terrifying happened. Someone cut off the cable of the main sail, and then the front mast. The two huge sails fell down with a crash, and the ship's speed immediately slowed down.

Tom yelled "Barty go protect the distinguished guest" and then rushed to the mast with several people.

Frederick stood there expressionless, watching the man who cut the sail cable rush into the cabin first, causing Tom and others to curse angrily.

He was feeling depressed. Why did this guy, who was eating oysters and blowing in the sea breeze, encounter something like this?

After a while, Tom and the others slowly exited the cabin, and the first mate of the ship... who seemed to be named Lu... came out holding a young girl hostage.

This girl has golden hair, the long hair on the back of her head is curled into tubes, her blue eyes are filled with tears, her clothes are very similar to the uniforms worn by Penelope's maids, and she has a dark red dagger. It was on her neck.

At the same time, another sailor suddenly took action and pressed a black dagger against the aorta in Frederick's neck.

The young man who had just opened the oysters got under the fallen sail and hid, but no one tried to kidnap him, so it was probably of little value.

Frederick was pushed by the sailor who was holding him hostage to the first mate. The sailors on the ship had been divided into two groups to confront each other. There were more people on the captain's side, and there were only five people on the first mate's side, but he had two hostages.

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Before the two parties started to negotiate terms, Frederick suddenly said: "Captain, the one behind you wants to stab you."

Tom immediately stepped aside, and behind him there was a man holding a dagger. Because he was standing in front, the people behind him did not see the movements of his hands.

The sailor's life ended here. The sailor named Batty shot him in the head with a backhand shot.

The sailor holding Frederick cursed angrily, and cut Frederick's neck hard with the dagger. Tom and others had no time to stop him.

But there was nothing wrong with Frederick's neck, and this guy said: "Try harder, haven't you eaten?"

The sailor cut hard again, but felt the dagger cutting into the steel. He cut several times in succession, but it had no effect at all.

Frederick then said, "Why don't you come back after dinner?"

The sailor was already confused and said stupidly: "No need."

After he finished speaking, he raised the knife and stabbed Frederick hard in the neck.

At this time, everyone on board was thinking, would it be useless?


The impact of the dagger and Frederick's neck made a sound of metal colliding, but nothing happened to his neck.

Everyone looked like "it's true".

Frederick said nonchalantly: "How about someone else."


The shotgun in the hands of a sailor on Tom's side fell to the deck. Fortunately, it was well designed and did not misfire.

The sailor immediately fell down on the deck and said tremblingly: "Devil...devil...he...he...he is...the devil of Weisen Army!"

At this time, the sailor holding Frederick also panicked. He took a few steps back and fell, crying: "Don't... don't eat me... I'm still alive..."

Frederick had a dark streak. At the request of the army, the truth about the "Devil's Legion" was never disclosed publicly. The retired soldiers avoided talking about it mysteriously, which made many outsiders think that the army of the Duke of Wesson was really It's the devil he summoned himself, and the devil possessed him during the war.

During the final attack of the Battle of the Trade Route, the commandos in charge of the Archduke Regens' military camp chewed hard candies to replenish their energy before the battle. As a result, the sound was misunderstood by the members of the Regens Alliance as eating corpses outside.

This group of people were captured and went to build roads. They told the aunts and ladies in charge of logistics about it, and then it spread.

In Frederick's military training, the "Enhanced Version of the Iron Shirt's Power", which makes the skin black and invulnerable, has been perfected. Naturally, the most important thing is to protect one's life. Now he can make it hard wherever he stabs him.

Those sailors were also good soldiers on the battlefield, but they basically couldn't hurt Frederick as long as they didn't poke his eyes.

Frederick turned to the first mate and said, "Surrender, you guys have no chance of winning."

The first mate gritted his teeth and said not very confidently: "As long as I kill her, my wife and son will also get the money!"

Frederick said calmly: "Then someone spends the money you earned with your life to sleep with your wife and beat your son."

The first mate's face suddenly twisted, and the dagger in his hand slightly left the girl's neck.

Tom also said: "If you let her go, I won't pursue this matter. After we get ashore, everyone will go their own way."

The first mate hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "Do you think you can escape? The people on the boat behind are the Guards."

At this time, the boat chasing behind was getting closer and closer, and it had begun to slow down and prepare to join forces.

Frederick took action, glared at the first mate, and released a soul blast. The first mate suddenly felt as if his head had been hit with a hammer.

In a moment of confusion, Frederick took two steps forward lightly, pushed the first mate's hands away, hugged the kidnapped girl, and quickly retreated behind Tom and others.

What followed was a burst of gunfire, and Tom and his men opened fire without hesitation, beating the traitors into honeycomb briquettes.

Before the matter was resolved, one of the four chasing boats began to approach, and the other three formed an interception line in front, surrounding the Jersey Island Oyster.

Frederick frowned when he saw the people on the opposite boat. Why was it them?

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