Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 48 Play some sports

A letter was sent from Weissenburg and delivered to everyone in the Weissen Territory outside.

In the letter, Frederick explained the circumstances of his accidental injury and gave instructions for the next work.

Although there was no major problem with his body, everyone asked him to continue resting, and even magic practice was prohibited.

He had spent the past few days sneaking outside to recreate the explosion that night under the pretext of going out for fun, and experimented after downsizing and keeping the magic away from him to ensure safety.

There has been some progress, but it was banned after being discovered.

Now that people everywhere have accumulated experience after experiencing the initial rush, their work has become orderly.

Whether it is the older generation taking the lead or the younger generation acting as deputy, they can all complete the work at hand well.

Even the ordinary staff are full of motivation under the encouragement of year-end bonuses, especially since it has recently been reported that Weisenling will build a new city, upgrade four cities, and build more than 20 new towns. The officials of these new cities have learned from this work The news of the selection among the best performers also placed a fragrant scallion pancake in front of everyone.

After the heavy rain, the water level of the river rose a lot. The originally shelved water transportation plan was restarted, and a water transportation transit camp was set up outside Weissenburg. It is expected that the transportation of all victims will be completed in half a month.

So after Frederick met George, whom the Archduke of Mainz had kicked over, and allocated a piece of land for him to build a glass workshop, he suddenly found himself free.

The papermaking workshop is currently building a small production line for experiments. Katie actually has rich experience in directing personnel. Who knows where this experience came from, and she has arranged the entire construction site in an orderly manner.

Katie now goes to the kitchen every morning to make a snack for Frederick before going to work.

On this day, she first sauteed the onions in olive oil, then poured in the southern rice sent by Mrs. Sophie and stir-fried it, then added water to cook it into rice. Finally, she wrapped the rice balls with cheese and fried them until golden. A delicious fried rice ball is ready.

"It's very good." Richard Nall walked into the restaurant and went to Frederick's side, picked up a fried rice ball and finished it in two bites. "It's better than what Maffia made."

Frederick hurriedly protected the remaining part. It was given to him by Katie, and even the master could not take it away.

Richard Nall grabbed the second one and said while eating: "I was walking on the street that day and felt hungry, so I bought some fried rice balls from a little girl on the roadside in her basket."

"Mafiya bought me one first. I thought it was delicious, so I wanted to buy a few more. Guess what happened next?"

"Don't guess!" Frederick pouted and said, "You must let me give you one first."

Richard Nall smiled and continued: "Mafia gave me a whole basket of fried rice balls, then took out a small dagger from the bottom of the basket, rushed to the road and stabbed a fat man on the road in the kidney. "

"She yelled to run as she ran past me, as if I was her accomplice."

Frederick said speechlessly: "She is setting you up and using you as a shield."

"Yeah." A silly smile appeared on Richard Nall's face, "But I'm happy to."

"At that time, Mafia's father was assassinated by several other families. That day was her first revenge..."

At this time, Psyche said: "Then this bastard led the gang to find Mafia, and then acted as a hero to save the beauty."

Frederick was speechless immediately, but he was even more speechless behind him.

Psyche continued: "Mafia was 13 years old."

Frederick picked up the plate with fried rice balls and moved away.

Richard Nall immediately changed the subject and said to Frederick: "Katie told me about your need to find a lens grinder. The Governor of Venice owes me a favor. I wrote to him and asked him to send a few favors. Come here."

"I also asked someone to send you the book "The Nature of Light" you wrote. It doesn't have many pages. I can copy it and sell it next year."

Frederick immediately offered a fried rice ball to thank the master.

Richard Nall continued while eating fried rice balls: "I say, don't stay in the study all the time. Go out and play more. Children should play more games."

Frederick curled his lips and said, "What games are there to play now?"

There is a lack of entertainment these days. A Rubik's Cube can make the Grand Duke of Mainz obsessed, and some games common to nobles are not suitable for children.

Richard Nall said: "If you can't play alone, then find more people to play with you."

Frederick's eyes suddenly lit up, and he turned to Tarot and said: "Wait and find BASF, then the cobbler, and the carpenter."

Taro immediately agreed.

She had not been in good spirits recently. She had to go back to Weissenburg to prepare winter clothes for Frederick, so she did not go to Oak Village with her. As a result, something happened to the master at that time, so as a maid who took care of the master, she felt a little guilty.

Seeing this guy like this, Richard Nall knew in his heart that he was going to do something new again.

The carpenter and cobbler were the first to arrive. The castle had its own carpenter's workshop and cobbler's workshop, so they came over as soon as they called.

BASF soon came over and asked: "Principal, is there any money-making business again?!"

Frederick smiled and said: "Yes, do some exercises to pass the time."

Recently, Richard Nall and others did not let him work. He simply engaged in some sports. Firstly, he could give people in the territory something to do to pass the time. Secondly, he could enhance the collective sense of honor and unity through collective sports.

Frederick first gestured and asked BASF: "Can you make some such large, strong and cheap hollow rubber balls?"

"It needs to be impact-resistant and able to bounce back."

BASF thought for a moment and said, "That's no problem. Just make a hemispherical mold, press it out, and then glue it together."

Frederick nodded and said, "Okay, write it down and make some first."

Then he drew a picture and said to the carpenter: "You make a few tables of this size. The table tops should be smooth, with a net this high in the middle. Paint white paint here and dark paint here..."

"Then make a few more boards like this, with handles like this..."

Frederick quickly finished explaining the complete set of table tennis supplies, except that the ball was made of rubber balls.

Everyone doesn’t know what it is for, so I’ll write it down and talk about it later.

Then Frederick drew a picture and said to BASF, the cobbler and the carpenter: "Make another ball this big and stronger. There is a pipe here to pump up the ball."

"Wrap the outside of the ball with pieces of soft leather like this. It should be strong. Leave a slit here to plug the tube in."

"Make a bellows, connect a pipe to the air outlet, and match the pipe on the ball."

"Make two more wooden frames of this size and prepare to hang strong fishing nets like this."

It is now impossible to make a football valve, so it can only be replaced by tying the trachea into a knot.

The venue is easy to solve. There is a large flat grassland on both sides of the river between the north of Weissenburg City and Weissenburg University. It was originally used for cavalry horse racing and soldier training. It is not a problem to build a few football fields.

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