Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 49 The game begins

After entering September, the weather cools down and people wear one or two more layers of clothing.

The suit trend brought by Frederick was gradually accepted by the people in Wesson. Just being able to wear a pair of long johns under the loose trousers without affecting the appearance is enough for those wealthy and respectable people to make a choice. .

By the time Frederick came to his senses, the combination of a turtleneck sweater and a suit had appeared, along with a peaked cap.

Katie wore a slim-fitting women's suit today and a belted trench coat tomorrow, which made the tailors at Wesson Collar work overtime again.

There are die-hards everywhere. Richard Nall complained about his daughter wearing particularly slim-fitting clothes and made insinuations from time to time.

But there are young people who pursue fashion all the time. Many of them, like Katie, simply prepare clothes on the carriage, wear traditional clothes at home, and change into a new set of clothes on the carriage when they go out.

Nowadays, there are many fathers who are as depressed as Richard Nall. Everyone sang in the tavern, "I've been annoyed lately, I've been annoyed, I've been annoyed..."

Bryant is also troubled. Young people are also following the fashion. Craftsmen like them are not short of money, but it is not convenient to wear suits to work.

He went to the stadium to find Frederick, and then there were no more "jeans" in the world, they were called "blacksmith pants", and canvas dyed blue was also called "blacksmith cloth".

So Bryant, who wore a blacksmith's cloth jacket and blacksmith's pants, became a representative of the working people's fashion industry.

Recently, many cargo ships have come to Weisenland, and the news of canal digging has also spread, attracting many businessmen from other places to open shops.

Two brothers from a peninsula in the north originally sold canvas. When they saw someone in Wesson making clothes with canvas, they decided to change their profession.

On the day of the autumnal equinox in 1024, a carriage arrived at Weissenburg at noon.

"Father, look!" Mary in the carriage pointed at the crowd outside the carriage window and shouted, "There are many people wearing the same clothes as Frederick!"

Philip smiled and replied: "Of course, this is Frederick's home."

The work of sheltering the victims ended quietly. The victims who walked slowly were picked up by the proactive reception team. Now there are no more victims arriving.

Camps in various places had begun to be dismantled. Philip thought the tents in the camps were good, so he bought them all.

There were still some follow-up matters. Philip had heard that Frederick was ill and had been unable to continue working, so he came over to discuss it with him.

Maria knew about it and came to play with Frederick.

It’s just that Philip is a little bit curious as to why there are so many people here in Weissenburg today leaving the city and walking north happily. Is there any activity.

He sent his servants to find out, and soon found out.

"Football game?" Philip looked confused, "What is that?"

The servant replied: "That is a new game invented by Baron Wesson not long ago, and everyone likes it very much."

"Today's match between the Hammers and Fishhook was going on, and it was said that Baron Wesson was fighting with his master, His Excellency Richard Nall."

Philip was even more confused. Did Frederick and Richard Nare fight? What is this and what?

Maria caught the key point first and said happily: "Did Frederick have a new game to play? Let's go and check it out, okay?"

Philip thought that since Frederick was there, he would go and have a look first.

"Is this a fortress?"

Philip was a little shocked when he saw the football field for the first time.

This is a standard football field, surrounded by a circle of wooden stands. It looks like a fortress from the outside.

A while ago, a refugee camp was set up outside Weissenburg. There was no shortage of labor. A few steamed buns per person would allow the victims to come and work.

There are many fenced-off passages outside the stadium, and people line up to enter the stadium.

At this time Philip made a new discovery.

There were many people on the side of the court wearing suits invented by Frederick, and the clothes of other people who didn't wear suits also looked like they were made of good materials.

The other side was different. Some people were wearing blue clothes that looked a bit like suits, while others were wearing cheap materials.

"Hey, isn't this Baron Eltar?"

An old man wearing a white divine robe came over to say hello immediately after seeing Philip beside the carriage.

As a diplomat of the Principality of Mainz, Philip knew many dignitaries. He recognized the other person at a glance as the Archbishop of the Rhine Archdiocese of the Church of Light, whose status was equal to that of the Archbishop of Mainz. He immediately saluted and greeted: "Hello, Archbishop Victor."

Maria on the side bowed and greeted obediently.

Victor returned the gift and asked him: "Are you coming to watch the game too?"

Philip bent slightly and replied respectfully: "Your Majesty the Archbishop, I just arrived in Weissenburg and saw many people coming, so I came to take a look."

Victor smiled and said, "Don't be so formal. Everyone is equal on the court. Just call me Victor."

"Let's go and watch the game together. Frederick faces Richard Nall today. It should be a wonderful game."

"Hold your daughter, the stadium is crowded."

Philip pulled Maria and followed Victor to the passage in the middle of the stadium. There are no tickets for the stadium now, so you have to pay a coin to enter.

Tickets are very cheap, only 4 copper coins for adults. Children like Maria are free. If you are taller, it is half price.

The ticket revenue is divided into two parts: stadium maintenance and team. Some people will throw in more money. Archbishop Victor directly threw a gold coin in.

After walking into the stadium through the stairs, Philip looked at the large piece of grass in front of him and said, "It's enough to hold knight competitions here."

The stadium is a standard stadium, with a track outside and billboards on the side of the track. It looks like that.

Victor just smiled and took the father and daughter to find a good seat.

The location here is a long staircase with no seat numbers. There are many scholars and priests in this area, and everyone sits together.

At this time, many people in uniforms walked by carrying a barrel. In the bag in front of them were disposable cups, lids and straws made of slime glue. Two copper plates can buy a glass of beer or a glass of beer. juice.

Victor bought two beers and a glass of juice, and then introduced today's game to Philip.

"I came to see Frederick not long ago." He said after drinking a little beer. "At that time, everyone stopped working, so he asked someone to make a ball and then played with everyone."

“Later on, more and more people started playing, and some people I knew formed a team to play games with others.”

"There was no way Frederick could compete with adults, so he became a coach."

"I don't know why there was an argument two days ago, so today Frederick led the Hammers team composed of blacksmiths, and Richard Nall served as the coach, composed of some businessmen, employees, and landlords who often go fishing by the river. Fishhooks play a game.”

"Look." Victor pointed to both sides of the court, "Those blue-collar workers support the Hammers, and the white-collar workers opposite support the Fishhook."

After asking, Philip realized that craftsmen wearing blue canvas clothes are now called "blue collar" in Weissenburg, while clerks and businessmen are called "white collar" because they wear white shirts.

Next, Victor told him the rules of football. It was very simple. If you kick the ball into the goal, you will get one point. There are also some harmful fouls that cannot be done.

At this time, there was a burst of cheers in the stadium, and someone entered the stadium.

The first to enter were four referees wearing black trousers and short-sleeved T-shirts. The head referee was Psyche, who was holding a black and white football in her hand.

The loudest cheers on the court were given to her.

As she blew the whistle, players from both sides began to enter.

The players of the Hammers wear red uniforms to symbolize the fire and black shorts to represent charcoal. The Fishhook uniforms and shorts are both light blue to represent the river. There is also a number printed on the back of the uniforms, which looks like Presentable.

"Ah, it's Frederick!" Maria jumped up and pointed at the short man in a black suit at the back of the Hammers.

Victor glanced at the little girl next to him, looking thoughtful.

With a whistle, the game begins.

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