Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 51 A group of people are plotting cabbages in other people’s yards

"Is it tasty?"


"If it tastes good, eat more."

"My mother said you shouldn't eat too many sweets, or your teeth will rot."

"It's okay, just brush your teeth after eating."

Frederick took advantage of Katie's opportunity to feed Maria and extended his claws to the plate on the coffee table.

On the plate are cheese rolls, which are made by first wrapping the dough on a metal cylinder, then putting it in a frying pan and frying until crispy. When taken out, it becomes a crispy ring, and then the cooked cheese is poured into it to cool and solidify. , you can also add some chopped nuts or candied fruits, which tastes crispy and sweet.


Katie slapped off Frederick's paw, glared at him and said, "This is for Maria!"

Frederick curled his lips and turned to look at Richard Nall, only to see the kindness and happiness on his master's face.

Richard Nall looked at the two black-haired girls, one old and one young, and said: "If Katie gets married at the same age as other girls, the child will be as old as Maria."

Frederick had nothing to say.

Finally, Maria asked Katie: "Sister Katie, can I give Frederick a cheese roll?"

Katie replied softly: "Of course."

Then she turned to Frederick and said, "Why don't you come over quickly and thank Maria."

Perhaps because they have the same black hair and eyes, Katie and Maria get along particularly well, and Richard Nall now imagines that Maria is his granddaughter.

Frederick felt that he could no longer stay in the living room, so he thanked Maria and ran away with the cheese roll in his mouth.

He came to Psyche's room and found her sitting by the window sewing a red hooded shawl.

Frederick walked to the side and looked at it, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Is it for Mary?"

"Yes." Psyche asked him with a half-smile, "Do you feel like you have fallen out of favor now?"

"No way." Frederick shrugged, "I'm not a child."

"That's right!" He pretended that he had just thought of something, "Maria has the talent of soul magic. Are you willing to teach her?"

Psyche replied: "There is no rush. She is still young and her soul development is not yet stable. Let's talk about it in a few years."

"What game are you going to play with her today?"

Frederick spread his hands and said helplessly: "There's really nothing interesting. Let's go and play croquet later."

Psyche raised her head and looked at him as if she had seen a ghost.

Frederick was helpless. He could only produce these things with the current productivity. Yesterday, the two of them were blowing soap bubbles together.

He randomly designed the rules of goal kick. The number and position of the goals are random. Players hit their balls through the goals in order. During this period, they cannot hit the opponent's ball, otherwise one stroke will be added.

There is a small bell hanging on the goal. In the end, the ball hits the wooden pole, and it has to be strong enough to ring the bell on the top of the wooden pole. The one with the fewest scores in the end wins.

The venue is also simple, just the grass in the garden. If there are obstacles, it will be more difficult.

Maria is now at the age where she is interested in everything. Goalball is not a big sport, it requires a little skill, the rules are simple, and she has a lot of fun playing it.

Frederick also let her, and it was self-evident as to who won or lost.

Maria put on Psyche's red hooded shawl and ran around the garden like a ball of fire.

While playing, Frederick looked up at the sun and suddenly found a row of heads looking at him and Maria at the ballista platform not far from the garden.

All the military and political officials from Wesson were there, including Richard Nall and Philip, whom he had drunk under the table last night, as well as Archbishop Victor.

Philip didn't need to think twice to know that these guys were targeting the cabbage in their own yard.

There is currently a problem in the Weisen Territory. The age gap among the second generation of powerful people is serious. The older ones like Tarot and Jurgen are as young as sixteen or seventeen years old. The younger ones are not yet born and are around the age of Frederick. There were no girls under five years old.

The families of the surrounding lords have age-appropriate families, but noble marriage is a political and economic partnership, so there is no need to think about the political situation now.

Maria's existence and Frederick's performance had already been transmitted back to the Wesson Territory through Tarot, who took care of Frederick, and old Franz, who managed the reception camp when they started to receive the victims.

Unbeknownst to Frederick, certain guys had already exchanged views and reached some consensus through various methods.

No one here can speak on behalf of the Wesson family, only Richard Nall can speak for Frederick personally, so he asked Philip in a private capacity: "What do you think of this child Frederick?"

Philip replied calmly: "The children are still too young, let's wait two years."

"The year after tomorrow, on Maria's godfather's 80th birthday, there will be a big hunt."

Wesson led everyone to hear what he meant. Now Frederick still had King William's problem that had not been solved. Two years later, it was expected that the king would take action.

At that time, it depends on Frederick's choice whether the Wesson family will be finished, or whether he will survive the difficulties with the help of the Archduke of Mainz.

Richard Nall nodded and said: "That's fine, no one can say what will happen in the future."

Phillip breathed a sigh of relief. If the sword master came to force him, whether he could withstand it was another matter.

At this time, Archbishop Victor said: "Weisenberg University is full of scholars. It will be great for Miss Maria to study in the future."

A black line was almost appearing on Philip's forehead, and he wondered why the Archbishop was here to join in the fun?

"Let's talk about it in a few years." He continued to use the procrastination trick, "Maria is still young."

"It doesn't matter if you are young." At this time, Manuel, the vice president of Weissenburg University, came on the stage, "Our university has excellent enlightenment teachers."

"Our university is located by the lake, and the air is fresh. Your wife has bad lungs, so she can rest there."

Phillip's face suddenly darkened. These guys went too far. Not only did they not spare his daughter, they even spared his wife.

after lunch.

"Goodbye, Frederick! Goodbye, sister Katie!" Maria waved on the carriage, "I'm going back first, remember to come and play with me in the spring!"

Frederick also waved and said: "When the milkvetch blooms, we will come and play with you!"

Philip's reason for running away was simple: he was worried about his wife's health, and Maria was also worried about her mother, so she agreed to go back immediately.

After Maria left, Frederick and Katie looked at each other, turned around, rolled up his sleeves, and returned to the castle to prepare to beat someone up.

Katie was very angry that Maria was brought home early. After hearing what happened in the morning from her father, she knew who to settle the blame with, so she and Frederick prepared to beat someone up.

But those people knew how to watch the limelight, and they had already disappeared without a trace.

Psyche held a lollipop in her mouth and said to Frederick: "Actually, it's a good thing for her to go back early."

Frederick stared at her and asked her: "What kind of good thing is this? If I don't explain it clearly, everyone will not eat meat and only eat vegetables every day from today!"

Psyche said with a funny face: "If you are with her every three days from now on, what should you do if she says to you, 'I'm sorry, you are my brother in my heart, and I have no other thoughts'?"

The corners of Frederick's mouth suddenly twitched.

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