Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 52 I almost forgot to plant vegetables

Recently, there was a rumor in Weisenberg that the girl the young master liked ran home. He was not normal in his grief and anger, and said he wanted to grow vegetables now.

Everyone who had just heard this rumor looked at their autumn clothes and burst out laughing.

It's already October, autumn sowing has ended, and it's too late to plant vegetables that will only grow some leaves before winter comes in November.

People just laughed it off and just treated it like a young master acting like a child, and it would be fine after a while.

One person also thought that Frederick was fooling around, until the principal actually took him to the fields.

At Weisenberg University, Diesel was first responsible for personnel placement and other work, and then he was busy with the research tasks assigned by the president. He did not leave the campus until today to report on the progress of the work. Unexpectedly, he was caught working in the vegetable fields as soon as he arrived at the manor. .

Living in a stone castle in winter is uncomfortable, so every October everyone will move to a manor outside the city until March next year.

"Blow up the well?" Diesel asked, pointing to the grass beside the river.

"Yes." Frederick replied, "The rivers in this manor will all freeze in winter, and several deep wells need to be dug for winter use."

Diesel looked at the vegetable patch next to where the rammed earth wall was being built, and asked doubtfully: "Principal, do you really want to grow vegetables in the cold weather?"

Frederick had heard questions like this a lot recently, and he replied a little impatiently: "Just do as I say. If you have the ability to grow vegetables, don't eat them."

Diesel agreed after seeing this situation. It was just a piece of cake anyway.

He waved the magic wand in his hand, chanted a magic spell, and in the blink of an eye, several blue cones appeared above the grass.

The first cone in the middle fell and was instantly inserted into the grass. Then there was a loud noise, and the soil erupted from the ground like a volcanic eruption.

Then other cones entered the hole one after another. After a series of explosions, a hole with a diameter of about 2 meters and a depth of about 9 meters was dug.

Diesel said proudly: "This is the latest magic I improved according to the principal's suggestion. It can make a large number of shock waves concentrated in one direction, which is just used to blast out the soil."

Frederick asked happily: "Okay, can the magic circle be miniaturized?"

Diesel replied: "That's a bit difficult at the moment."

Frederick nodded and would discuss the research on magic later. Now he called for people to reinforce the walls of the well.

"I have some things to do this morning," he said to Diesel. "I'll take a look at your results this afternoon."

There was something very important that he was so busy that he forgot about it. He only remembered it when Tarot reported to him the dried vegetables and pickled vegetables stored this winter a while ago.

Diesel naturally agreed and was also curious about what the principal was doing.

He was then assigned to blow up several wells.

After Diesel finished his work, a convoy came to the vegetable field.

BASF personally followed the convoy, and the carriage was filled with bundles of transparent slime films.

"Principal!" BASF said mysteriously as soon as he jumped off the carriage, "Please come to our workshop when you have time, there will be a surprise!"

Frederick didn't ask what the surprise was, and even if he wanted to ask, he wouldn't say anything.

He pointed to a vegetable patch where rammed earth walls and wooden shelves had been built and said: "Pull a cart of film over there and see if we can build a greenhouse this morning."

No one was talking nonsense. BASF asked the carriage to pull the film to the vegetable field, and Frederick asked the stewards to summon the tenant farmers to work.

This vegetable field is 50 meters long and 5 meters wide. There are wooden shelves that are high in the north and low in the south. There is a thick rammed earth wall 4 meters high on the north side. There are several wooden doors and wooden windows on the wall. .

Frederick and the steward of the manor went to measure the dimensions, and BASF had someone remove a roll of greenhouse from the car and unfold it on the edge of the field.

"It's so tall!" Diesel asked BASF in surprise, "How did you do it?"

The roll of film now unrolled is 3 meters wide, estimated to be 20 meters long, and 1 millimeter thick.

"It's easy." BASF said proudly, "I prepared a slate floor over 3 meters wide and 5 meters long, poured the slime glue on it, spread it out first, and then used a scraper with wheels to fix the height. When the board is scraped, it becomes a large film when it cools down."

"When the next piece is made, the three finger-width pieces from the previous piece are left side by side and melted together with the new piece. When it cools down, it becomes one big piece."

Following his signal, Diesel saw thicker marks on the film at regular intervals.

Frederick measured the size of the film needed for the greenhouse, and then began to splice the film.

A small fire was raised on the side, and the cut film was boiled in the iron pot. After it was boiled, it was brushed on the overlap of the two films with a brush while it was still hot. Before it cooled and solidified, it was pressed and stuck into a large piece.

The spliced ​​film was rolled into a large piece, and a large number of people carried it to the rammed earth wall. As soon as they let go, the film rolled over and was spread on the wooden frame that had been set up.

The adults fixed the membrane, the rammed earth wall, and the ground. Some girls about the same age as Frederick tied ropes around their waists and carefully slid to the top of the slippery and sloping shed, holding awls in their hands. , tied with thin hemp ropes on his arms, and worked with the adults in the greenhouse to tie the film to the wooden frame, and finally applied a thick layer of slime glue to the thin hemp ropes and the perforated areas.

Everyone was busy until noon and finally put up the membrane of the greenhouse. The sun was quite strong today, and a group of people gathered here for a while and felt quite hot.

Diesel said in surprise: "It seems like you can really grow vegetables in winter."

Frederick said with a smile: "It's not even close. We need a straw curtain to cover the shed at night, prepare a charcoal stove, and hang a thick curtain behind the door and ventilation window."

"In the past, when it snowed, we had to remove the snow in time. The most important thing is to do safety education, otherwise we are likely to get carbon poisoning."

The coldest winter here in Wesenland is about minus ten degrees Celsius, with strong winds and a lot of snowfall.

Over thousands of years, countless people have died from carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide poisoning while warming themselves by fires at home. However, the development of alchemy was limited. People only discovered carbon dioxide that can make limestone turbid, and called it carbon gas.

These two points were what Frederick was most worried about, so the slope of the roof of the greenhouse was very large to facilitate the snow sliding down, but the snow had to be removed in time when it snowed heavily. At the same time, several windows were opened on the rammed earth wall, which could be opened when necessary to lower the greenhouse. The carbon dioxide concentration inside is adjusted at the same time.

Frederick had a few words with the manager of the manor, and he was asked to manage the subsequent greenhouse construction. After each greenhouse was built, the farmer immediately prepared the ground inside, fertilized it, and planted some lettuce, lettuce, and arugula. Green leafy vegetables with a short growth cycle.

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