Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 53 There is still a problem

In the garden of the manor, Frederick was eating Wesson buns in the pavilion, while listening to Diesel explain the research results he had brought while eating.

It was a steel can the size of a can. The magic circle was on the outside of the bottom of the hemispherical can, and the other end was an opening with a diameter of 50mm.

"This jet tank magic array uses the latest spherical magic array technology and air-distance casting technology." Diesel said proudly, "This way, the magic array can be placed outside the tin can, and the magic can appear and act inside the tank. Protect the magic circle from being destroyed by magic itself.”

Frederick nodded, and then asked: "Is there any data to quantify its energy?"

Diesel was stunned, thought for a moment, and replied: "There is really no generally accepted method of quantifying the power of magic using numbers."

"Different people and places have their own judgment methods, such as how thick an iron plate can be penetrated and how long it can take to melt a certain weight of iron."

Frederick curled his lips. This is a big problem. If there is no unified quantity to determine the power of magic, it will be difficult to carry out future work.

So in the textbooks of future students in this world, "1 Friedrich energy is equal to the work done by the point of action of 1 Wesson force moving 1 meter in the direction of the force", "Henry's conversion per second, using or The amount of energy dissipated (measured in Frederick)", "1 Carolina is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius at 1 atmosphere", "1 Maria = 1 Wei Sen/square meter" and other family portraits of the Wesson family.

But this matter will be discussed later. The most important thing now is how to judge the power of Diesel's new invention.

After thinking for a while, Frederick said: "The function of this jet tank is to push projectiles, replacing bows and arrows."

"In other words, the criterion for judging its power is how fast it can push a projectile of a certain weight."

"Faster arrows fly higher, so that's how we can quantify the power of this jet can."

"My idea is to hang a sandbag with the same rope length, size and weight, use this jet tank to connect to a round pipe and push a ball with a certain weight to bombard the center of the sandbag at the closest distance."

"After the ball enters the sandbag, it will transfer its power to the sandbag and push the sandbag to move. The greater the power, the greater the maximum swing angle of the sandbag. This angle is the value of quantified power."

Diesel held his chin and thought carefully for a while, then nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. Some people use this method to test the strength of wielding weapons. We can use it this way too."

Frederick nodded and asked again: "What did you mean by the trouble you said this morning?"

Diesel said with some embarrassment: "Principal, you want this jet can to be held with the palm of your hand, but something went wrong."

"You also know that the power of magic is directly proportional to the amount of magic elements contained in the magic circle. If the width of the magic circuit is reduced by half, the material of the magic circle will be reduced to one quarter, and the amount of the same magic element will also be reduced. By a quarter, the magic power also becomes less.”

"If the jet can was made the size of a finger, it would be much less powerful."

After hearing this, Frederick held the jet can in his hand and thought about it. This was indeed a problem.

At this time, he remembered something and asked: "If you speed up the magic elements, can you increase the power of magic?"

Diesel replied: "Every kid in college knows this."

"But everyone's mental power is limited, and the acceleration of magical elements also has limits."

Frederick looked curious when he heard this and asked: "So how fast can you push the magic element?"

Diesel said with some pride: "Fortunately for me, I have specially studied it to increase the power of magic, and it is considered top-notch in Constantbulo."

As he spoke, he raised his palm to condense a wind element ball, and the wind element inside was rotating at high speed.

"What a pity." Frederick shook his head.

Diesel asked strangely: "What's a pity?"

Frederick looked enigmatic and smiled without saying a word.

Diesel's speed of pushing the magic elements is very fast, but there is still some distance from the critical speed where a collision will cause a violent explosion.

Frederick picked up the jet can and asked again: "So, is there a magic circle that can speed up the movement of magic elements inside the magic circle?"

Diesel had an expression of "Sure enough," and replied: "Yes, yes, you can also use multi-level acceleration to make the magic elements reach a very high speed."

Frederick continued what he said and asked: "Are there any restrictions?"

"That's right." Diesel nodded, "Materials have magic resistance. Different materials have different magic resistance values. The magic resistance of the magic circuit material is much lower than that of the base material, so the magic elements will be in areas with low magic resistance. Movement in the circuit.”

"The magic resistance effect of the material is related to the energy of the magic element. As the movement speed of the magic element increases and the energy increases, the magic resistance effect of the base material will become weaker, and finally it will be broken down and the magic circuit will be short-circuited."

Frederick blinked, somewhat understanding the meaning.

Diesel finally said: "Because of the existence of magic resistance, the movement speed of magic elements has an upper limit. The higher the magic resistance, the slower the speed and the more energy is lost."

"I see." Frederick nodded, not having learned this lesson yet.

He thought for a while and asked: "If the base material and magic circuit are both made of magic metal, can it achieve the effect of increasing the speed of magic elements?"

"Yes, yes." Diesel's face showed a smile that was short of money. "Then the cost will go up. The funds currently approved by the university are not enough. If the principal can increase the funds, there will be no problem."

Frederick sighed helplessly and said: "Let's work on the limit that can be achieved under the current conditions. The bigger it is, give me the data when the time comes. I will use it to make money before investing in the next step of research."

"Priority is given to testing jet tanks with experimental diameters of 50mm and 100mm, and the length can be relaxed."

It seems that the magic airsoft gun still has some way to go, but the prerequisites are almost there and parts can be started to be prepared.

Diesel replied: "No problem, I will arrange it, as long as the funds are sufficient."

Frederick pretended not to hear about the funding, held his chin in thought and said, "I think it's a bit wasteful to just throw solid projectiles far away. If it's a big projectile, can it be equipped with something cheap that can explode violently?" Woolen cloth."

In the future, when the cannon comes out, it will also have to face the magic shield. Only by overloading the magic shield and collapsing it can the target behind it be effectively eliminated.

It’s not that solid bullets can’t be made, but in the eyes of a patient with a phobia of insufficient firepower like Frederick, if they can’t explode, can they be called artillery shells?

If the magic bullet doesn't work, then you can only use black powder.

"That's no problem." Diesel gave him a surprise. "There is a magic array explosive activation technology. It uses a large number of violent magic elements generated by the explosion of magic crystals to activate the magic array in a very short time. It only takes a little Magic crystals or magic cores can achieve very strong power."

"This method will severely damage the magic circuit material, which is basically a one-time use."

Frederick thought there was a way to improve the jet tank, but in the end he thought he might as well forget it.

But he immediately thought of something, curled his lips slightly, and then told Diesel what he thought.

Diesel was startled, thought for a moment, and said, "This can be done."

A bright smile appeared on Frederick's face and he said: "Then do it."

Diesel immediately said: "There are not enough funds."

Frederick pinched his brows and said: "The bearing factory, sugar factory and ironworks will take stock of the money at the end of the year later. I will see how much money there is, and I will give it to you first."

"You can experiment in advance and make a wooden model to try out the theory. It won't be a problem."

Diesel smiled and agreed after receiving the promise of the grant.

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