Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 54 This pressure cooker is not simple

Frederick rested for a while and resumed his usual exercise and study sessions at the manor.

On the afternoon of the day when the third greenhouse was put into use, he and BASF, who delivered materials, came to the slime glue workshop.

Today, the slime glue workshop is one of the largest in Weissenburg, with hundreds of employees. In order to manage the workshop well, BASF has lost a lot of weight and gained some management experience.

Frederick did not go to see the surprise first, but walked around the production process.

The first thing he came to was the Crystal Slime Farm, which covers the largest area. It was arranged like a pig pen, and every pool was almost filled with slimes. The feed was kitchen waste purchased from Weissenburg. Rubbish.

Friedrich asked BASF: "Can the materials keep up?"

BASF replied: "It is barely enough now, but it will not be enough after another expansion next year. I plan to build workshops in several other cities."

Frederick looked at the crystal slime jumping in the pool and frowned as he thought.

He shook his head after a moment and said: "It's enough to build a breeding farm there. The workshop needs to be improved. I will discuss it with you in detail later."

Now that the victims have been resettled, they can free up their hands to deal with upgrading from handicraft workshops to workshops or even rudimentary factories.

There was no need to rush this matter, and Frederick planned to conduct thorough research before speaking.

The big boss said so, and BASF agreed.

The two left the breeding farm and went to the slaughtering workshop.

When the crystal slime is released from the market, a little alcohol is poured on it. After it passes out, it is pulled here, washed, cut into pieces, and put into a meat grinder.

In the past, there was a process of removing slime guts during small batch production, but now it has been cancelled, and barrels of slime paste are shipped directly to the cooking workshop.

The cooking workshop has only a roof but no walls. It houses two of Frederick's new inventions - a briquette stove and a pressure cooker.

Then Frederick was startled by a row of pressure cookers.

A large pressure cooker with a diameter of half a meter and a pot height of about 60 cm is fixed on the stove. The honeycomb briquette stove underneath is mounted on a trolley. When the stove is replaced with coal, the pot does not move when it is pulled out.

The pot lid is fixed through the cross beam, ear buckle and screw rod, and the water vapor makes the heavy hammer on the exhaust valve jump.

There is a small hourglass next to each pressure cooker that sprays water. When the hourglass is finished leaking, workers will take the coal stove away, then pour water on it to force it to cool. After lifting the weight and no more spray, the lid will be opened.

"Such a big pot!" Frederick asked hurriedly, "Is it safe?"

BASF replied: "There is no problem with safety. These pots are made of earth element steel by Professor Ogilvy and are particularly strong."

"If the exhaust valve is blocked, the safety valve on the other side of the pot lid will also work."

"We are also planning to weld a chain to the pot lid so that even if it blows up, it won't fly too far."

"This pressure cooker was determined by me after many experiments. The higher the pressure and the higher the temperature, the better the quality of the paste obtained."

Frederick was relieved after hearing this.

Cheap elemental steel is a new specialty brought by Ogilvy and Mather to Wesson Tie, and its reputation has already begun.

The earth steel used in pressure cookers is a type of elemental metal and is steel reinforced with earth elements.

The traditional elemental steel process is to add high-quality magic crystal powder when forging or casting steel ingots. Then during long-term forging, the magic elements inspired by these magic crystal powders will transform the steel, and finally be discharged together with impurities.

The characteristic of earth steel is that it is stronger than ordinary steel and is often used to make important parts of armor.

Making elemental steel requires expensive, high-quality magic crystal powder, otherwise the magical elements in it cannot be stimulated during forging.

When the magic crystal powder drops to medium quality, the remaining elements can no longer be stimulated, and new high-quality magic crystal powder can only be added, so the cost is very high.

The manufacturing process of other elemental metals is the same as that of earth steel. Different magic elements have different bonuses to the properties of metal materials. The magic elements commonly used to make elemental metals include fire elements that increase the melting point, electrical elements that increase corrosion resistance, and hardness. The gold element, the water element that increases plasticity, the wood element that increases toughness, the light element that increases magic affinity and reduces magic resistance, the dark element that increases magic resistance, etc.

Elemental metals are not limited to steel. The hardness of earth lead can also be compared with pig iron. This magical element strengthening is the product of the strengthening value and the original performance of the metal base material. The stronger the base material, the stronger the performance after strengthening.

Several magical elements can also strengthen individual metals at the same time, resulting in composite elemental metals.

In terms of price, the difference between ordinary metals and elemental metals is as big as boiling cabbage and boiling cabbage.

The price of local steel is the same weight of silver. Currently, the wholesale price of local steel sold by Wesenling is the same weight of silver. The quantity is large and the cost price is confidential.

But since they are all used as pressure cookers, the cost is probably not much higher.

Over the years, countless people have been studying methods to reduce the cost of elemental steel and have achieved certain results. Currently, only Ogilvy and Mather have achieved breakthrough results.

Frederick thought this was the surprise BASF was talking about, but he pointed to a large piece of grass outside and said: "Let's go over there, there's a big surprise there!"

This meadow is full of weeds, and there was no time to plow them out when building the workshop.

Frederick walked to the grass and took a look, and immediately discovered something was wrong.

Although the grass has turned yellow, it can still be seen that the grass on the side of the road near the cooking workshop is taller than that in the distance.

BASF said proudly: "Boss, I found that the waste liquid after cooking is a good fertilizer."

"We poured the waste liquid directly here. At first we thought the grass here grew well because it was closer to the stove and it was hotter."

"Later, there was too much liquid waste. If we poured too much liquid, it would burn the grass to death. When it rained, it would become mud. So we started pouring it farther away, and we found that the grass there was also lusher."

Frederick held his chin and thought about it. Since plant ashes and bones can fertilize the fields, pressure-cooked slime fields are not unacceptable.

"Inform Professor Matthias," said Frederick. "He will go to the manor later to study growing vegetables in greenhouses. You can study the effects of waste liquid together."

Let the experts handle professional matters.

BASF immediately agreed. If the waste liquid can really be used as fertilizer, it will be a huge income for the workshop, and it will be one step closer to buying a house in Weissenburg and getting married.

At the other end of the cooking workshop, workers put the cooked slime paste into an iron plate as big as a bed, and lit a fire underneath to boil the paste out of the water and turn it into molten glue.

The glue is put into the heated noodle machine while it is still hot and squeezed out. There is a pool below the outlet. Someone uses a scraper to scrape the slime glue that comes out into small pieces, and then falls into the pool to cool and solidify.

This is slime original glue. It is reheated and melted in different workshops and reacted with various materials to obtain glue for different uses and reproduced into different products.

Among them, the molding method is used to produce tableware. A specific spoon scoops a spoonful into the mold, and another mold presses it, and several bowls or plates come out. After cutting off the flash, they can be sold.

Here Frederick saw an unexpected man.

"George?" Frederick was a little surprised, "What are you doing here if you are not the supervisor of the glass workshop?"

George, who was pushed over by the Grand Duke of Mainz, was thinking about something. He looked ordinary, and his cheeks were bulging more than ordinary people. This was the characteristic of a glassblower.

After being interrupted from thinking, he realized it was Frederick, and he immediately replied respectfully: "Your Excellency, Baron, I am thinking whether the glass workshop can use this method to produce tableware."

Frederick said matter-of-factly: "Sure, is there any problem?"

George saw Frederick for the second time today. He didn't have the respect brought by social rules from the people who led Wesson, nor did he have the recognition that Wesson University and others had after discussing academic issues with him. In addition, he was a beauty. Grand Duke Inz's beloved illegitimate son and glass-making expert felt a little unhappy when he found that the problem he was thinking about was treated lightly by such a child.

"It's not that simple." George shook his head, "It also involves many issues such as the composition of the glass and the processing temperature."

While he was waiting for the young baron to ask what the problem was and then show off his rich experience, Frederick said calmly: "It is true. This requires a lot of experimental data to solve."

After saying that, Frederick ignored George, whose expression became strange, and took BASF to the workshop to make shoes.

George, like traditional craftsmen, focused on the accumulation of experience, while Frederick valued relying on data to determine the optimal craftsmanship, which would be difficult for traditional people to accept for a while.

Halfway through, BASF asked Frederick out of curiosity: "Principal, you don't seem to like this person very much?"

They felt that in the past, the principal was very enthusiastic and valued people with skills, but this was the first time that he spoke coldly and without emotion like today.

"Nothing." Frederick shook his head slightly.

This George was sent over by the Archduke of Mainz because of a conflict with Philip. Frederick originally wanted to build a microscope, so he accepted him.

Now that the situation has changed, Frederick showed George the molding method to make utensils, which is worthy of the Grand Duke of Mainz. After all, he has a closer relationship with Philip, so it is impossible to get closer to George again.

When a person like George is in front of Baron Wesson, if Baron Wesson gives the Grand Duke of Mainz face, he will be a figure, but if he does not give it, he will be an ordinary person.

Frederick was interested in hooking up with the Archduke of Mainz, and Philip was the Archduke's confidant. This relationship was more formal and stronger than George's.

BASF did not get to the bottom of the matter, but said: "I also thought that when the glass workshop is put into operation, I can buy a glass tea set when I prepare to get married."

Frederick looked around and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, there is a big fat pig ready to be slaughtered for me, not to mention the glass workshop."

BASF's eyes lit up and he said worriedly: "But he saw our technology..."

Frederick curled his lips and asked, "How much do you think I should charge you for those pressure cookers?"

BASF immediately understood that a pressure cooker made of this special material must be ridiculously expensive in the market. Without raw materials, it would be useless to learn the downstream technology. It could even make a profit by selling the raw materials, and others would also make a hard-earned profit.

"Think about it," Frederick said. "There is no technology that will never become obsolete, and there is no technology that will never be leaked."

"An industry is like a chain, as long as you keep the most profitable part in your own hands."

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