Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 55 When I think of it, the world becomes wider

On an afternoon when BASF was thinking about who the big fat pig was, Archbishop Victor, who had made a trip to the Holy City during this period, came to the study of the manor and found Frederick again.

Frederick put the book he wrote at the beginning of "The Three Properties of Force and the Energy of Object Movement and the Conjecture about Why We Stand on the Earth" into the drawer. He went to sit down on the sofa with the Archbishop and let Tarot make a pot of warmth. ginger tea.

Archbishop Victor looked very tired, his eye sockets were sunken deeply, and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the same is true within the Guangming Church. Because of different regions and philosophies, various branch sects fight to the death.

Frederick didn't bother to understand deeply how the faction led by Victor was hanging by a thread. He only knew that he was now besieged on all sides within the church.

It's easy for Victor to keep his position. He just needs to brush up enough KPIs in a short period of time. However, almost all secular regimes have abandoned him. Currently, the Weisen Territory is the only life-saving straw he can grasp.

The power does not expire and become invalid. Now Archbishop Victor can still forcibly control many resources of the Rhine Archdiocese. Frederick had his idea.

Some things were obvious to the authorities. Frederick came up with some win-win solutions by referring to the history of religious development in his hometown, combined with his own interests and the local situation.

Archbishop Victor came to Frederick for help with sincerity. After drinking all the ginger tea in the cup in one breath, he said: "This time I returned to the Holy City and found the cardinal from the Gaul diocese. I made an agreement for next year." Your father, Count Henry von Wesson, is proclaimed a saint in the posthumous ceremony of the Spring Equinox.”

The archbishop did not dare to look down upon the child who was pouring himself tea.

The method I came up with to improve KPIs was to build a monastery in Wesson. The monastery was a school for clergy, and it happened to not exist in the southern part of the Rhine League.

In recent years, I have been able to use this project as a cover to stabilize my position, and it is still using public funds. Even if I lose the fight in the future, I can still have a place to stay.

As a result, Frederick's condition was to exchange for the title of "saint".

The title of saint is only given to people who have passed away. The reputation is more than substance and cannot be realized. Every year, each archdiocese has a recommended quota. As long as it is not too outrageous, you can basically pass it.

Frederick was angry that King William was taking the blame for his father. He was not strong enough to make a comeback in a while. He was worried that if the time went on for too long, people would be mentally imprinted, so he simply used the power of the Church of Light to give the king a slap in the face. .

Among the people, sometimes religion works better than the king.

Frederick still has a set of combination punches to fight next, and this is just the first step.

After pouring tea for Archbishop Victor, he said: "Thank you to the church for promoting justice and not letting loyal people be shamed."

"Oak Village will become the future Oak City on the canal. Now it is a white canvas, and the monastery will be built there."

Building a monastery requires not only political calculations, but also economic calculations. The food, clothing, housing and transportation of the people inside can drive local development, and it just so happens that it can drive the development of Oak Village.

Victor couldn't take care of so much now, as long as he had a place, and it was convenient to go north and south by water, so he naturally agreed.

Frederick smiled and continued: "Weisenberg does not have a cathedral. I wonder if the Church of Light can build a cathedral in the city?"

Victor was overjoyed. Another KPI project appeared. With a kind smile on his face, he asked kindly: "I wonder how much money the Baron plans to donate to build such a church?"

Frederick did not answer, but whispered something to Tarot.

After a while, Tarot came in with several servants carrying a large picture frame covered with white silk.

The frame was one meter five meters wide and more than two meters high, which immediately attracted Victor's attention.

Frederick asked Tarot and the servants to leave the study, went over and pulled the silk apart, and a rendering of a church appeared in front of Victor's eyes.

Now the churches of the Church of Light are beginning to have spires, symbolizing light, but they are not high or steep.

On the white canvas, a cathedral with a spire more than 160 meters high gave Archbishop Victor a bit of Gothic shock.

In his previous life, Frederick took the history of European architecture as an elective in college and had a certain understanding of Gothic architecture. This time he drew the Ulm Minster Cathedral.

He had made a rough draft of the painting himself with black ink, and then asked Katie to touch it up. It was rough for an oil painting, but enough to make out the outline.

Archbishop Victor came to his senses and turned to ask Frederick: "Does your Excellency have so much money?"

Now it was well known that Frederick had no money. By asking this, he indirectly said that the church would not provide the money.

Because this cathedral is so big, it will take twenty or thirty years even if the funds are sufficient. It is not surprising that it will take another two to three hundred years if the funds are insufficient. It is impossible for the church to jump into this pit.

Frederick smiled and replied: "Definitely no money."

Victor said: "Nice painting."

Frederick continued: "This is not my own church, so naturally I won't pay for it alone."

Victor's instinct told him that this little guy was about to say something shocking.

"This is the church of the Germans themselves!" Frederick said a little excitedly, "so its funding naturally comes from all the German believers!"

Even though Archbishop Victor was well-informed and mentally prepared, he was still shocked by these remarks.

The Germans have similar languages ​​and customs. They are distributed in the Rhine League and the eastern region, across the sea in the north to the south coast of the Dark Land. The powerful Osmaga Empire in the southeast is also dominated by Germans, and it is unknown how many countries they are scattered into.

If the person who said this was a king or a great noble, the archbishop would applaud enthusiastically.

But now the person who said this was an 8-year-old child, and the Archbishop threw a healing spell on his head.

Frederick gave Victor a depressed look and said, "My head is fine. It is not impossible to build this church."

Victor leaned on the back of the sofa and said easily: "Tell me about your plan."

Frederick had all the foreshadowing in front of him. At this moment, he could see clearly. After sitting back on the sofa, he said seriously: "I invite the archbishop to preside over the translation of the Holy Scriptures into Rhineland in the church in Weissenburg."

Victor jumped up suddenly and glared at Frederick with wide eyes.

For no other reason than because a few groups of his political opponents have been making trouble about the translation of the Holy Scriptures.

For a long time, the Holy Scriptures of the Church of Light have been written in the ancient and awkward Pulan Empire script, and the church relies on the "final right of interpretation" to control believers.

Translating the Holy Scriptures into local languages ​​is tantamount to challenging the authority of the church, so Archbishop Victor naturally does not allow it.

Frederick smiled slightly, picked up the tea cup and took a slow sip of the slightly cold ginger tea without any rush.

"The first German pope of the Church of Light."

His light words made Archbishop Victor calm down instantly.

Victor was the pope when he was dreaming, and he did whatever he wanted to do when he woke up.

For the Pope, things like high moral standing and respect are false, but the power behind them is real.

Why should you let others support you in becoming the pope?

As the saying goes, as soon as I think of being crowned emperor, I feel that the world is vast.

Since you can't defeat the enemy, you might as well join them, help them, integrate them, and lead them.

There was no opportunity before, but now we can use the translation of the "Holy Scripture" as a lead to win over a group of people, and then negotiate with others.

As for the authority of the church, can it make its political opponents stop?

Frederick was betting on the status of the church in Victor's heart.

Victor's eyes gradually became sharp.

There are noble people in the Church of Light who devote their lives to the church and do not covet power, but it is definitely not him.

Frederick tentatively said: "The new monastery needs a lot of glass. I wonder if the archbishop can help me find a group of skilled glass apprentices?"

Victor knew that he would definitely put forward some conditions, but this condition was a bit strange, so he asked: "Only apprentices? No craftsmen?"

Frederick nodded.

Victor thought he had a craftsman here, so he said: "No problem, I know an apprentice who was suppressed by his master and couldn't start his apprenticeship. He is quite young. I will help you find some such apprentices."

Frederick said with some embarrassment: "If that's the case, other craftsmen can do it too."

"Our Weisenling guild will officially launch the latest professional certification system next year. They can take the assessment here and become official craftsmen after passing the exam."

Victor agreed, and just told these people to mention the matter when they complained to the priest.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Frederick went to the desk drawer and took something out.

It was a piece of rough yellow-brown straw paper. Katie and Koehler had made it out of waste hemp rope through a small production line not long ago. It was mainly used to train workers. It could be used to wipe buttocks, but it had to be folded in half first.

Frederick put the piece of paper on the coffee table, poured a little tea into the saucer with the tea cup, and dipped the bottom of the cup in water to print a few circles on the straw paper.

He handed the papyrus to Victor and said at the same time: "I am experimenting with a cheap parchment substitute. Once successful, all German families can buy cheap Rhenish versions of the Holy Scriptures. What else do you want to buy? Wen will take care of it, and part of my profits will be invested in the construction of the new church."

"This is the preliminary result, but I don't have money for further research. I wonder if you can lend me some money."

Victor held the tissue paper and looked at it for a long time, and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

Let every household have a "Holy Scripture". This KPI is no longer a question of becoming the pope. Maybe he will be the first person in the history of the church to become a saint while alive.

"How much money is left?" Archbishop Victor asked immediately, "Just think of it as the money donated by the Rhine Archdiocese to build the church."

Frederick reported the number.

Victor immediately agreed and guaranteed that the funds would be in place next month.

A bright smile appeared on Frederick's face, and start-up funds for glass factories, cement factories and steam engine research were available.

At this moment, Tarot came to report that the pagan merchants arrived.

Frederick reported to Archbishop Victor as carefully as a child who had done something wrong.

In the eyes of the archbishop, heretics are not as hateful as heretics. Heretics just want to empty your pockets, while heretics want your life.

"You think, what if we use the money we earn from printing Bibles for pagans to build a cathedral? Does that count as pagans helping us build a church?"

Frederick blinked, looked at Archbishop Victor as if he saw a ghost, and meowed. Is this kind of thing allowed?

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