Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 56 Pagan Businessmen

The late autumn evening came relatively early, and it was already getting dark before dinner time.

Frederick received Mrs. Sophie in the living room, who had returned from an overseas trip, and at the same time invited Archbishop Victor to accompany her to avoid suspicion.

Mrs. Sophie looked at Frederick quietly for a while and said in Rhineish with a strange accent: "Not bad."

She was wearing a white robe without any pattern decoration, and her head and face were wrapped in scarves and veils. Only her golden eyes and the wheat-colored dark skin around her eyes could be seen. Her voice sounded devoid of any emotion.

Frederick said proudly: "How could I have a problem? With your help, it would be embroidery on silk."

"I mean my own divination results are good. You can survive this difficulty. I didn't say anything about you." Mrs. Sophie said coldly, "The relationship between me, Sophie and you is just a pure businessman and customer. Don't say It’s as if I have some collusion with the heretics.”

"I know, I know!" Frederick's voice sounded like coquettishness, "Don't worry, I've kept the payment for the seeds this time. I haven't touched a bit even if I sold the goldware at home due to lack of money recently."

As he spoke, he made a gesture, and Tarot placed a silver box on the coffee table in front of Mrs. Sophie, which contained some beautiful gems.

This pagan businessman spent two years traveling to the East. Although he took out all the inheritance that Frederick's grandmother Elizabeth specially left for him for emergencies, the seeds he brought back were enough to keep Frederick awake. laugh out loud.

Not to mention the Chinese cabbage, which is durable in winter, the delicious chicken greens, and the peppers that people love and hate; not to mention the bright red tomatoes, delicious cucumbers, and rich pumpkins. The spring wheat and potatoes alone were enough for Frederick to hand her the box of gems.

Exchanges between the East and the West have never stopped, but because of the long and dangerous journey, trade is carried out by local people one by one, and the message transmission is therefore distorted. The spread of crops will also be interrupted due to unsuitable climate and soil in some places on the way, so that Sophie The lady dared to trick Frederick by using soybeans as an elixir.

This time Mrs. Sophie has opened up the route between the East and the West, and maybe there will be big business in the future.

But Frederick had a question, how did these special peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins and potatoes appear in the East? !

Mrs. Sophie didn’t know about this and didn’t ask.

Frederick decided to give up thinking. Although the geography of this world is somewhat similar to his hometown, the Sahara Desert has turned into a forest, and a large area of ​​land has grown to the west of here. It is not surprising that some strange things will happen.

After Sophie came back, she heard about Weisenling's situation. She first sent someone to provide help in times of need, and then came to deliver the goods after all the rebels in the family were identified.

Now you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, everyone is happy.

After receiving the final payment, Mrs. Sophie handed over the nautical charts, logbooks and experiences along the way to Frederick as agreed.

Frederick smiled and said: "I think we can continue to cooperate."

Mrs. Sophie asked: "What do you want to buy?"

"Books," said Frederick, "any book."

Mrs. Sophie narrowed her golden eyes slightly and asked, "Do you also want books from the Flame Church?"

Frederick first smiled at Archbishop Victor, and then said: "I am going to build a library and want to collect some official books of your church."

Archbishop Victor was thinking about making money from them, so he said: "If it's just a collection, churches will also give books as gifts."

He was thinking in his heart, if he and Frederick let each family of the Flame Church in the south have a book, would they canonize us? It is exciting to think about one person being canonized by two churches. There are also the Earth God Cult and the The Church of Nature is even more exciting.

Mrs. Sophie thought about what she was selling and not selling in business, so she replied: "Yes, I will introduce a translator if necessary."

An idea suddenly came to Frederick's mind, how about setting up a translation court to translate and publish books from various countries.

Putting this aside in advance, he still needs a specialty from the southern continent.

"I need cotton," said Frederick. "Lots of cotton."

There is no need to worry about selling cotton in the north. There is no need to spin it. You can make a lot of money even if you resell it.

Mrs. Sophie rolled her golden eyes and said, "I can sell you all the cotton in our Kingdom of Kush. I can also purchase a large amount of cotton from the south and sell it to you."

Frederick frowned slightly and asked, "What's the price?"

The Kingdom of Kush is not a small country. If the border can beat the Rhine League into a pig's head, such a large amount can support itself to death.

Naturally, they don't have to worry about selling their cotton, so there is no need to hang themselves here.

Madame Sophie made the price, simply and clearly: "Steel and elemental steel."

Frederick said depressedly: "The current production is insufficient. As you know, we have to open up wasteland recently and need a lot of tools."

Mrs. Sophie said: "I want the exclusive sales rights of Southern Continent."

Frederick thought for a while and replied: "In principle, there is no problem here, but if others buy it from me and sell it to the south, I can't help it."

"And I can't meet the needs of the entire southern continent. There is a shortage of ore, coal and magic crystals."

"It doesn't matter." Mrs. Sophie said, "Haredin will handle the first problem, as long as you don't sell it to other countries in the south."

"Second question, I can export ore, coal and magic crystals to you."

After hearing her name the famous pirate in the south, Frederick ignored it. He didn't want to be involved in the bloody storm behind it.

Presumably the Southern Continent is not at peace either, so buying so much steel is most likely to prepare for war.

He thought for a while and then said: "This year's cotton will not mature enough, and our output is not enough. This business should start from next year's cotton maturity season."

Mrs. Sophie thought about it, and now both sides were out of stock, so she agreed.

She then asked again: "Do you want a gryphon?"

Frederick still shook his head and refused: "No, don't think that I don't know that guy is afraid of the cold. How many nobles in the north have been deceived by you."

"Of course, if you are willing to sell the Winged Unicorn, I will definitely buy one or two hundred of them."

Archbishop Victor was surprised to find that Mrs. Sophie's beautiful golden eyes could actually roll her eyes.

Unicorns are very common in the southern continent. Their status is the same as that of horses. The price is related to the breed. In the north, they are mostly rare breeds with magical talents purchased by nobles. At the same time, unicorn kidneys are a popular "men's gas station".

But the Winged Unicorn is different. It is one of the few monsters on the mainland that can be tamed for manned flight, and it is a strategic material.

Such monsters include the griffins in the south, the flying deer in the dark land in the north, the hippogriffs in the west, the giant eagles in the east, and the fire dragons that live in the mountains hundreds of kilometers south of Wesen.

Each of these monsters has its own characteristics. The winged unicorn flies fast, but has low defense and is not suitable for attacking the enemy; the griffon is fierce, but it is afraid of the cold and can only live in the south; the flying deer has a large load capacity, but it needs to dissipate heat in time otherwise it will suffer from heat stroke. It can move in the winter in the north and south; the hippogriff is easy to tame, but its upper limit of IQ is a bit low, and it is easy to be impulsive; the giant eagle can fly high, but it is difficult to breed artificially, and its number is limited; the fire dragon has high skill and defense, but requires the cooperation of magic equipment To be domesticated.

They also have one thing in common - they eat a lot.

One or two hundred fasting winged unicorns could eat Frederick until he could only eat meat once a month, but if the meat-eating fire dragon could make him eat grass roots.

Only a powerful country can afford to raise such monsters on a large scale, and ordinary nobles don't have to think about it.

Moreover, if Frederick wanted to buy a unicorn, it would be equivalent to buying a car, and it would depend on whether it was a van or a sports car. Buying a winged unicorn would be equivalent to buying the most advanced fighter jet, and Mrs. Sophie would not sell one.

Frederick's hopes were once again frustrated without any surprise, and he could only buy some beasts of burden to fill the gaps in his territory.

The manor's kitchen originally prepared a roast pig for Victor, and it was just in time to entertain Mrs. Sophie.

Mrs. Sophie still did not take off her veil when eating dinner, but this did not affect the meal and telling everyone about her experiences in the East.

Richard Nall, Katie and Victor were amazed by the local customs and customs in the distance.

When the dinner was about to end, Psyche, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked Mrs. Sophie the name of a person, which sounded like her surname was Li.

"Do you know him?" Mrs. Sophie was surprised. "I have dealt with him. He is now the navy marshal of their country."

"His death star is getting brighter and is only a few years away."

"He has a daughter who is similar in age to Baron Wesson. She grew up at sea and has a promising future."

Psyche just calmly raised her glass and toasted to her, thanking her for the news.

Mrs. Sophie spent the whole night telling stories at the manor, and the next day she purchased a batch of specialties from the Wesson territory and left with the fleet.

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