Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 59 Promising People

In the village in the pine forest, the thin smoke from cooking in the early morning has not yet dispersed. After a brief boiling, it quickly returned to calm.

The tax officials announced the village's tax policy. No tax type should be omitted, but each type of tax only requires a piece of firewood that is higher than one's knees. There is no limit on the thickness.

The symbolic tax made the villagers breathe a sigh of relief, and they went up the mountain to cut firewood with tools in hand.

When Thomas found Frederick, he found him feeding donkeys next to Hozenplotz's house.

This Ami donkey is a female and has just grown up. Huo Zhenplozi built a small donkey shed for it with branches and red mud, and usually tied it to a tree stump outside to let it move around.

Frederick put some fresh carrots and dried bean vines on the ground, and fetched water from the well and poured it into the trough nearby. The donkey came over immediately and lowered his head to eat.

Donkeys are different from cattle and sheep. They have only one stomach. It is best to feed them crispy foods. Feeding them soft foods with a lot of crude fiber, such as wheat straw, can easily cause intestinal obstruction. Moreover, the gastrointestinal capacity of donkeys is small, so they cannot be fed too much at one time as it will burst the stomach, so they can only eat three meals a day. .

Tarot stood aside and watched quietly, as if he was a little master feeding his pets.

When Thomas walked up to him, he saw Frederick touching the donkey's ears and saying, "These ears look like those of a rabbit...ah!"

The donkey bit Frederick's finger, causing real damage.

Frederick and Thomas reached the top of the highest mountain nearby, where they could have a bird's eye view of the entire village and the surrounding terrain.

Thomas told all about his development plan along the way, which was basically the same as what Hozenplotz said yesterday, but in more detail.

"These pine trees are precious treasures!" Thomas stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the bare pine forest and said, "Principal, I have a suggestion to manage all the pine forests here."

Frederick found a tree stump and sat down. He put his right hand on his knee and supported his chin and asked, "Tell me what you think."

He felt that what Thomas wanted to say was the same as what he thought.

Pine wood is versatile and can be used in construction, joinery, furniture, wooden posts, mining posts, sleepers and papermaking.

Rosin can be extracted into rosin and turpentine. Rosin is currently used in soaps, pigments, construction, musical instrument maintenance, and hair removal after livestock slaughter. Turpentine is used in painting, paint, medicine, and other fields. The demand in the future is not small.

If there were no restrictions on felling, there would not be enough trees to cut down.

Thomas cleared his throat, found a pine tree nearby and said, "A pine tree like this is about the same age as the principal. Its trunk is not thick enough. It will need to grow for many years. It will be suitable when it is 20 years old."

"If we cut down all the big and small trees in the past few years, there will be no pine trees to cut down before the new pine trees have grown up."

"My idea is to divide the pine forest into 20 parts and cut one part every year, so that I don't have to worry about no more pine trees to cut down in the future."

Frederick tried his best to recall what his relative's co-worker - an old employee of the forest farm - said about pine trees when he and his relatives were eating lemon duck in the last life. There was no reply for a while.

Thomas felt that the principal was still young and did not have enough understanding of long-term planning, so he picked up a lot of pine needles and stuck them in the ground for demonstration.

Frederick remembered something, and after he finished speaking, he said: "I once heard a wandering scholar say that a family in his hometown did experiments."

"From a pine tree on a mountain, I started cutting rosin when I was 13 years old, and when I was 23 years old, I cut down the trees and sold them."

"The pine trees on another mountain start cutting rosin when they are 20 years old, and when they are 30 years old, they cut down the trees and sell them."

"Which one do you think is more profitable?"

Thomas's expression suddenly became serious. There was a legend about the wandering scholar circulating in Weissenburg University. This scholar taught the president many things. The ones currently known include microscopy, steelmaking, and medicine. No one knows what else.

He pondered for a long time and finally said: "I think the mountain where trees are cut down in 30 years will be more profitable. In 10 more years, the trees can grow thicker and be sold more expensively. Thicker trees also mean more rosin." many."

Frederick nodded with satisfaction. Starting to cut rosin from a pine tree when it is 20 years old will increase the rosin production by 50% compared to when it is 13 years old. It will also have less impact on the growth of the tree and have higher economic benefits.

He felt even more satisfied with Thomas, so he asked, "Isn't your wife interested in receiving an extra salary?"

An expression of surprise and excitement flashed across Thomas's face, and he immediately stood upright and shouted seriously: "Thank you, principal, for your cultivation!"

Frederick touched his hair, and then said: "First make a plan, walk more, see more, ask more, think more, and use numbers to speak more. Whether you can get the second salary depends on your ability."

"Don't slack off in your work as the village chief. If something goes wrong, you will be dealt with."

"By the way, what do you study?"

Thomas immediately replied: "Tell the principal, I study painting."

"Because buying paint is very expensive, I plan to find a job to save some money, and then go back to school when I have enough money."

Upon hearing this, Frederick hurriedly said: "Don't worry about your studies. I'm going to start a correspondence education at the university. The target is students like you and BASF who don't have time to go back to school."

"Your student status is still retained. There is no need to worry about being expelled. Please wait for the specific notification."

The correspondence education thing was something he just thought of at this moment. In line with the principle of never giving up on a student, especially art students, convenience should be given to students who cannot study full-time.

Thomas immediately said happily: "That's great. In fact, there are many people who have the same idea as me."

Although they survived from starvation after escaping from Constantbul, many students lost their financial resources and life became difficult for many students.

There are role models who make money in school, but not everyone can do it.

In addition to magic, there are also many students studying art, literature, and law in the university. Wesson will not have that many jobs for them for a while.

Just like Thomas, he couldn't afford paint and couldn't sell his paintings.

Frederick said to him: "Tell them, don't worry, you will have a bright future in your studies and career."

"Our Wesen leader will upgrade four cities next year and expand the army. There will be many positions available by then."

"Some positions must have been promoted by the original people. They can only get the simplest jobs. Those who are interested can start from the grassroots level like you."

"My territory will definitely not be this big, do you understand what I mean?"

How could Thomas not understand.

The future for many students is to work for the nobility, and political acumen is a must.

The best job for a painter like Thomas is to find a nobleman as an investor or to be hired as a family painter. If you get involved in this circle, you must understand the direction of the wind, or at least know when to run away with a bucket.

Everyone knows about the conflict between the Wesson family and the king, and has also heard about the situation within the royal family.

Now King William is much older, the heir Rudolf is a weak guy, and Frederick's current performance can be said to be brilliant, and the most important thing is that he is too young.

As long as Frederick beat the king to death, it would be time to complain.

Before Thomas could answer, Frederick continued: "You take notes in the past, record your thoughts on each job, the problems you encounter, how to deal with them, and the results, and make a summary, which will be useful in the future. "

Thomas agreed immediately.

Next, Frederick chatted with him for a while about the difficulties facing the village, and then started talking about everything.

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