Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 60 The beginning of a miracle

The annual working meeting of Weisenling was held in Weisenburg City on December 20. Baron Friedrich von Wesson, Lord of Wesson, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Family knight Old Franz, Administrator Frick, Tax Officer Neuer, Judge Otto, Medical Officer Frank, Vice President of Weissenburg University Manuai and others attended the meeting.

In an important speech, Baron Wesson summarized the annual work in 2024, analyzed the current situation faced by Wesson, and deployed the annual work in 2025.

The meeting believed that this year is an extremely important year in the history of Weisenling. We have overcome the grief caused by the loss of loved ones in the war and blocked the daggers stabbed in the shadows. Faced with the turbulent external environment and the arduous and arduous internal stabilization tasks, under the strong leadership of Baron Wesson, everyone faced the difficulties, forged ahead, coordinated the overall situation, established Weisenburg University, opened up new villages, and properly resettled and relocated. There are 65,535 residents, the construction of the Carolina Canal has officially started, a number of high-tech industries have emerged, commercial trade has become increasingly prosperous, prices have been basically stable, food security and people's lives have been effectively guaranteed, and overall social stability has been maintained. Achievements are not easy and should be cherished.

The meeting pointed out that the current foundation for the development of Weisen Territory is not yet solid, and the newly moved residents are still under great pressure to maintain social stability, food security, and territorial defense. The external environment is harsh, which brings potential risks to the development of the territory. However, we must note that our economy is highly resilient, has great potential, and is full of vitality. The benefits of various new industries continue to emerge, and economic development is expected to rise overall next year. We must strengthen our confidence in doing economic work well.

The meeting emphasized that to do a good job next year, we must adhere to the general tone of making progress while maintaining stability, do a good job in dividing administrative regions, ensure food supply security, ensure the supply of industrial raw materials, do a good job in military building, and vigorously develop health care, education and training, literature and art sports industry, improve the legal construction of employment and salary guarantees in commerce and industry, adjust tax policies to promote industrial and commercial development and expand domestic demand, and make a good start for the comprehensive construction of Weisen.

Gorgeous dividing line

The day after the meeting, Frederick came to Frank's office in the Executive Council.

Frank sat behind the desk and was still in a daze. He originally wanted to be a doctor for a noble lord, but how could he become an official now?

"How is the office?" Frederick asked with a smile as soon as he entered the door, "If anything is inappropriate, you can change it."

Frank immediately stood up to greet the leader.

Frederick sat down with him on the sofa and asked Tarot to make tea. At the same time, he asked, "Is everything settled at home?"

Frank replied: "I have found a house to live in. Because the owner is still hanging on the city wall, no one dares to buy it. In the end, I got an advantage."

Frederick nodded slightly.

When he was chatting with Thomas last month, a tax official came to report that all the cotton coats issued in a new village were ordered by the village chief to take out the cotton. The village chief sold the cotton and half of the donkeys in the village with a donkey cart. Lost.

Frederick immediately summoned Jurgen and others to lead troops and surrounded the village, and the village chief quickly recruited them.

The village chief came from a family of grocer merchants in the city. The brothers became village chiefs because they could write and do math. As soon as they secured their positions, they began to resell things, not only cotton and donkeys, but also tools and rations. A lot.

In the end, all the offenders of the family were put into iron cages, first hung on carriages for touring exhibitions in the territory, and then hung on the city walls. Their families had no choice but to sell their property and move away.

Frederick came over for business this time. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and then said: "I was busy with other things before, and I only have the opportunity to talk to you about work today."

"Last month I went to the village to inspect tax collection work, and I heard something about medical matters."

"You also know that doctors are very few in number because of their professional expertise. They are only available in cities and towns. Farmers in the villages have to go to the city if they want to see a doctor when they are sick. Many people die of emergencies, and some people need to He was busy with farm work, and during the slack time he became seriously ill and difficult to treat."

"I have a plan for you to preside over the preparation of a medical book. This book does not need to cover complicated diseases, but mainly diagnoses and cheap treatments for common diseases."

"For medicines, you can go to Weisenberg University to find Professor Friedrich. He is currently committed to researching cheap and effective medicines."

"This book uses plain and easy language. It is best that a literate farmer can understand it and can prescribe the right medicine."

"Then I plan to open a training class and select a smart young man from a village for short-term training. As long as we can rely on this book to identify common diseases."

"This book, coupled with Professor Friedrich's cheap medicinal materials, can allow many patients in the village to receive timely treatment."

"In addition to doctors, there are also midwives who also plan to train them in this way."

Frank stood there blankly holding the teacup. The existence of the "Barefoot Doctor" was two generations beyond his time, and it was difficult to understand for a while.

Frederick had wanted to invent Barefoot Doctors for a long time, but there were some prerequisites that needed to be addressed. Without papermaking and printing, there would be no way to print and distribute relevant manuals in large quantities; without finished drugs, these amateur doctors would need to spend a lot of energy learning pharmacy. Increased learning costs.

Now that these conditions are beginning to appear, he begins the work.

Frank thought for a long time, put down his teacup and said, "I can't complete this work alone. I am good at internal medicine and obstetrics, and other experienced doctors will need to do the rest."

"I think this work is very meaningful. I can write to my professors and classmates in medical school and invite them to complete it together."

Frederick thought for a moment and asked: "There is no medical school at Weisenberg University now. I wonder if you can invite the authority to open a medical school here. While teaching, you can also write this medical book."

"I am going to fund Weisenberg University to write an encyclopedia. There is no medical encyclopedia yet. I plan to fund you to take the lead in inviting doctors to write the medical part of the encyclopedia."

Then he took out a piece of rough hemp paper from his pocket, printed a few watermarks on the bottom of the tea cup like last time, and handed it to the other party.

"We in Weisenling are researching new text carriers." He said proudly, "When it succeeds, we can print a large number of cheap books."

Frank was also instantly stunned.

The concept of encyclopedia has been around for a long time. Some people have tried to write it alone. However, due to limitations of personal financial resources, ability and life span, only small-category encyclopedias have appeared.

It’s not that no one has thought about asking nobles for funding, but in this era when hand-copied books are expensive, an encyclopedia is just a decoration, and the investment is large and you can’t pretend to be a big deal. No rich people are interested in it.

If an encyclopedia were to be published in large numbers, Frank knew what it meant as a scholar to have his name on it.

Frederick looked at Frank with a smile. This was not the first time he had seen such an expression. He had the same reaction when he told Manuel about the plan two days ago. He even trembled all over and turned red.

After more than ten minutes, Frederick walked out of the office with satisfaction.

Frank ignored him and kept talking about writing to those people.

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