Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 61 Training in the Snow

"In the silent world, flying and falling..."

Frederick hummed a song and waved his training wooden sword on the thick snow to chop at the snowflakes in the wind. Several small balls of magic elements flew around the sword.

Every year from mid-December to January of the following year, there will be heavy snowfall in Wesenland and the surrounding areas, and the rivers will freeze for 30 to 40 days. During this time, farmers stay at home and do not go out. City people will only buy food and go out. When I leave home at the bar, even the government departments are half-rested.

But there are still many people busy in the winter.

Frederick's daily study continued, except that Professor Walter, who taught grammar, rhetoric and logic, caught a cold. Now he was holding a hot water bottle on the newly made kang, shivering and drinking hot ginger wine every day. His class was taught by Psyche magic class instead.

Psyche did not teach Frederick any magic during the formal teaching process. Apart from the simple magic used in teaching magic theory, he only taught how to control magic elements in complex magic environments.

Today, Psyche asked him to speak and beat the snowflakes with his sword, while controlling the magic element balls to surround the sword, and from time to time, he had to avoid the snowballs flying from the corner of his eye.

This training seems simple, but in fact it is quite difficult. The main thing is how to control the elemental ball and maintain a certain positional relationship between the constantly moving sword.

People rely on mental power to control magic elements. If they simply control the element ball to cooperate with the sword, they need to perform two calculations at the same time. One is to calculate the position of the sword, and the other is to calculate the trajectory of the element ball based on this. This is not The average human brain can do it.

So Psyche taught Frederick a method to pour spiritual power into the sword and control the elemental ball with the sword as the origin.

This feeling made Frederick feel very novel. Mental power is like an invisible hand. Without this method, it is like controlling the sword with the right hand and controlling the elemental ball with the left hand. When using this method, it is like holding the sword. The arm is extended, and the sword is the third arm. The fingers of this hand can pass through the control element ball.

At the same time, when the sword infused with spiritual power touched the snowflakes, it gave him the feeling of his body touching the snow.

After half an hour of training, Frederick was already sweating profusely and stood there panting. Waves of white mist drifted away in the snow.

Taroma immediately came out of the large shed on the side, took a cotton towel and stuffed it from Frederick's neck to his back, wiped the sweat on his back, wiped his head that was steaming with white air, then wiped his face, and finally Use a new cotton towel to pad your back.

Frederick returned to the shed, put on his coat and sat on the horse, holding a cup of hot ginger sugar tea and taking a sip.

Psyche sat aside, holding a steaming cup of tea in one hand and a book brought from Constantbul in the other. While reading, she asked him: "How do you feel?"

"It's very novel." Frederick replied, "Infusing spiritual power into the sword, it is like an extension of the body, and it actually has touch."

"Does this happen if you infuse spiritual power into other things?"

Psyche pointed to the hoe leaning against the wall with her chin and said, "Try using that to hoe the ground."

Frederick shook his head hastily.

The lettuce in this greenhouse has been harvested. Some of the lettuce was digested internally by Wesson. A small part was tied with silk and sold to merchants at auction. The other part was packed in baskets and wrapped in quilts to prevent freezing and was sent to Mary at high speed. Ya.

The ground was plowed with compost a few days ago, and the seeds were just sown yesterday. Now when I put a hoe down, there is compost.

"Let's change it to another one," said Frederick, "I'll try the cup."

He tried pouring his spiritual power into the cup, and immediately felt the temperature, liquid feel, and seemed to have a little taste of the tea in the cup.

"You can really feel what's inside the cup!" he said in surprise.

Psyche raised her head and said to him: "Because your mental power is originally a part of you, an extension of your body."

Frederick thought for a while and asked: "So, if I spread my mental power around, I can detect everything around me and not be afraid of being attacked?"

Psyche nodded and said nonchalantly: "Theoretically, we can treat the girls' clothes as nothing."

Frederick blinked and looked confused. Is there such an operation?

"But you have to be prepared to be beaten." Psyche continued, "If your mental power comes into contact with others, others will also react."

Frederick had no special reaction. He was not a gangster and would not do these things.

He asked: "Then can we just detect the surrounding objects without letting others notice? This can avoid sneak attacks by people without martial ethics."

Psyche just replied: "Then you give it a try. Some people regard spiritual power as a person's sixth sense."

Seeing that she had no objection, Frederick tried to control the mental power to spread around, but he didn't feel anything special. He just felt the abundant ice and water elements around him as before, as well as a small amount of other magical elements.

He was a little puzzled, and after stopping his mental energy, he planned to take a sip of tea before asking.

The tea was already cold, so he condensed a small fireball on his fingertips and flicked it into the cup to heat it.

"Huh?" Frederick took a sip and found that the tea did not reach the temperature he expected. It was just not that cold and a little warm, which did not achieve the effect he expected.

He thought it was due to uneven heating, so he shook the cup to make the tea evener. After taking a sip, he found that it was still the same.

"Is it weird?" Frederick had a question mark in his head. "Is it because he is too tired that the power of the fireball has become smaller? Isn't that right? The total amount and speed of the fire element are the same?"

Psyche raised her eyebrows and agreed, "Yeah, what's going on?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Frederick's mind, and he immediately asked her: "Does the power of the fire element decrease in winter?"

He had never tried to use fire elements in winter before, and this was the first time he discovered this phenomenon.

Psyche just replied: "Since you have such an idea, then find a way to do experiments to verify your guess."

Frederick nodded. What she said proved that this experiment was valuable and meaningful.

After the break, he took off his coat and walked outside into the snow to continue his training.

Frederick thought for a while, released his spiritual power to surround himself, and allocated a little energy to feel the falling snowflakes.

When he was a little tired, Psyche in the greenhouse stamped her feet, and fist-sized snowballs appeared in the snow outside.

The snowball was not very fast and flew silently towards the back of Frederick's neck in the blind spot behind him.

"Oh, Master will catch a cold like this." Tarot looked at Psyche depressedly, pouted and complained in a low voice that she was adding to his workload.

Frederick suddenly felt a slight reaction in the mental energy behind him, as if there were a lot of ice elements coming over. When he turned around, his face was covered in snowballs.

He was startled, wondering if this method could at least detect the magic around him?

Suddenly, he squatted down suddenly, and another snowball flew silently over his head.

In the following time, Frederick's stamina became the place where snowballs in the world were attached to. There were countless snowballs flying towards this position and turning corners wherever they could not see.

Frederick had to gather all his energy and kept turning back, either to dodge or to intercept these snowballs with his sword. After a while, he was out of breath from exhaustion.

After the training, Tamar rushed over to wipe his sweat and took him to the greenhouse to drink warm ginger sugar tea.

"It's true, Master." Tarot said, "Since those snowballs are flying from behind, why not just lie down."

Frederick was silent.

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