Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 62 Thinking of something

After the morning class ended, and everyone was walking back to the house in the manor, Frederick asked Tarot: "I heard that you guys invested in a new industry together?"

"Yes." Tarot replied, "We have discussed it with Professor BASF, and he will help us design a factory that uses slime glue to make buttons."

Frederick was a little surprised and said: "Buttons, don't worry about selling them."

Now Frederick has no extra money, but Tarot and other high-ranking official families in Wesenland and the original knight families still have a lot of money. Guiding them to invest in new industries is a win-win situation.

The economic base determines the superstructure, and new vested interests form new groups through emerging industries, which is beneficial to Frederick's rule over the territory.

Currently, the slime glue industry has received the most investment. BASF has decided to retain only the production of raw materials and sell other product processing to others.

Frederick heard that the investors had already divided their respective territories in terms of rubber shoes, rain gear, tableware, toys, tires, daily necessities and daily necessities, but he did not expect that Tarot and the other girls would start a button business on their own.

In contrast, no one is willing to invest in heavy industry because there is too much investment, the profit cycle is too long, and the market size does not seem that big. It is incomparable with the slime glue industry, which has low investment, fast profits, and a blank market.

Along the way, Tarot talked about their business ambitions with great interest. Nowadays buttons are mainly made of wood, metal and bone, which is quite troublesome to process, especially complex patterns. But it is different with slime glue. , it comes out as soon as it is pressed in the mold.

There are as many people in the world who wear clothes as there are people who want to buy buttons. Cheap buttons can be easily sold at least in places with waterways.

When preparing to return to the house, Tarot took the first step to prepare hot water for Frederick to wipe his body.

Frederick turned to ask Psyche: "Aren't you going to do some business and make some money?"

Psyche shook her head and said, "No, I still have enough money."

Frederick asked her curiously: "How many gold coins do you have?"

Psyche counted on her fingers, then held out four fingers.

"40,000?!" Frederick was so surprised that he almost jumped up.

Psyche shook her head and said, "How is that possible?"

"Oh..." Frederick pushed open the fence door of the house, "Four thousand."

"Are you kidding?" Psyche shook her head, shaking off a few snowflakes from her brown bangs.

"Just 40 pieces." She said while shaking the snowflakes on her fur hat. "They are buried in several places. I only dig them out when needed. I only carry some change with me."

Frederick said "uh" several times before saying, "It's a lot less than I expected. I thought you would have a lot of money."

"Why do you need so much money?" Psyche glanced at him, "Old Shen, Old Shen, troublesome, just enough."

Frederick curled his lips and said, "I thought you had a golden castle somewhere."

"Forget it," Psyche said, "If the castle was so easy to live in, you wouldn't have to come here to spend the winter now."

"I'm meant to be on the move, so I won't stay in one place for a long time."

Frederick asked her doubtfully: "Are you traveling around or looking for something?"

Psyche was silent for a moment and replied: "A slime."

Frederick had already walked to the door, turned around and asked in surprise: "What kind of slime? The kind that is eight feet tall and eight feet wide?"

Tarot was already waiting here. After opening the door, he helped him take off his coat and sweater that were stained with snowflakes. After shaking them clean, he took them back and hung them on the coat rack next to the door.

Psyche didn't answer, but took off her fur coat, shook it clean, and hung it on the coat rack with her hat.

Frederick stopped asking and followed Tarot to the bathroom. The hot water in the bathtub was ready.

After sweating from strenuous exercise on a cold day, a bath couldn't be more comfortable. Frederick felt sleepy while lying in the bathtub.

Tarot was preparing lunch in the kitchen next door, and Katie was also here. She made a stew with cabbage, onions, celery, carrots, peppers, and various parts of the pig such as pig skins, pig feet, ribs, and pork that had been sweetened by the snow. Stew is very suitable for eating in winter.

Everyone was chatting in the kitchen, and just as they were talking about whether they should carry another bucket of hot water to the bathroom next door, there was a shout from over there!

"I thought of it!"

Frederick suddenly jumped out of the bathtub, without any clothes on, and ran to the bathroom door to open it and rush to the study.

Just the cold wind blowing outside the door made him immediately retreat into the warm bathtub.

During lunch, Katie asked Frederick curiously: "What did you think of just now?"

Frederick, immersed in his lunch, just replied vaguely, "Nothing."

After he finished one plate of stew, Katie helped him scoop another plate and said, "Then eat more. When your brain is strong, you can think of more things."

Frederick nodded and ate another bowl.

After he finished the second bowl, Psyche helped him fill the third bowl with a funny look on his face, and asked: "What did you think of? Could it be that you discovered buoyancy?"

Frederick shook his head, took the bowl and said: "Nothing, it's just the reduction in the power of the fire element that I just mentioned. I thought of a measurement method."

"But there are still many problems, and various tools need to be made from scratch."

Psyche nodded and said, "Then come on."

Frederick had a very full lunch and was lying on the sofa in the study, sorting out his guesses and optimizing the upcoming experiments.

At the same time, he also found that he had overlooked many problems. There were many useful things that the world had not yet developed, and once they were completed, there would be several new products.

After recalling the structure of something for a while, he came to the desk and prepared to draw a picture.

The ink was frozen this morning. Just now Tarot helped him light the small charcoal stove on the desk. There was hot water on the stove, and the ink bottle was placed in the hot water to defrost.

Frederick soon encountered new problems. Some things that didn't exist seemed simple to make, but to really make them, you needed to work backwards from the process and push out tools. This was another big project.

Time passed unknowingly, and the winter night came very early. Before it was time to eat, I could no longer read the words on the paper clearly.

At this time, the magic light on the desk turned on. Katie helped him turn on the light and put a cup of warm milk on the table.

"Drink something to warm your stomach first," she said. "Tonight we will eat the fish caught by my father. We won't be able to eat it until later, so you can warm your stomach first."

Frederick picked up the cup and said cutely: "Thank you, sister."

Katie reached over and poked his head, complaining: "You didn't drink water all afternoon just now, be careful of stones growing inside you."

Frederick shrank his neck and promised on the spot to drink water on time in the future.

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