Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 64 The principal wants to teach people to make money again

If you ask a magician why you study magic, more than 90% of them will answer that it is to make money. The remaining answers are to make a lot of money to explore the path of magic. Those who practice magic with love are those whose families are not short of money. Local tycoon.

In the past, magicians had limited means of making money. They could either rely on force to become a member of the landlord class, make unknown items and sell them to rich people, or make money from their peers.

Now in Wesenling, everyone has a new choice: you can make ordinary people's money.

Now everyone at Weisenberg University has a consensus that despite his young age, the principal is a genius at using magic to make money.

Vice Principal Manuai has been studying necromancy for so many years, but he didn't make much money before.

Under the guidance of the principal, he changed his career to specialize in the field of long-term food preservation. He has achieved some results so far. As long as he solves the problem of why some soups in dehydrated and sealed concentrated soups will change over time and some will not change, he will wait. It’s raining gold coins.

And that guy from BASF was worried about raising money to get married not long ago. Thanks to the principal's advice, how many wives he can earn now depends on how much money he has.

Now that the principal said he had a new idea, a group of people immediately became excited.

Frederick noticed that the eyes of these people were green, like hungry wolves looking at lambs.

"Ahem..." He coughed twice, "Let me ask, who can expel the air from an object to create a vacuum?"

At this time, a big sister suddenly shouted: "My fiancé is the best at this! Principal, wait, I will find him right away!"

In the time it took Frederick to blink, the eldest sister had already run to the stable of the blacksmith shop and pulled the horse out to find someone.

The others sighed together, as if they saw a golden mountain leaving them.

"Okay, let's talk about other things first." Frederick shrugged, "I'll talk about another kind of thermometer."

"Everyone knows about thermal expansion and contraction, and we also know that different metals deform differently under the same temperature change."

"We can put these two metal sheets tightly together. When they deform due to temperature changes, one side deforms more and the other side deforms less, then it will bend."

"We can use this bending deformation to detect temperature. We don't have to worry about failure due to boiling like water. It can measure very hot things, as long as it doesn't burn red."

He was talking about the principle of a bimetal thermometer. This is not difficult to say. It is mainly a process issue. You can rub it out by hand in a small amount, which is enough for now.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and then nodded.

Frederick was already ready and gestured to Carbo. The head maid immediately took out a piece of parchment with a number written on the corner from the shoulder bag.

He handed the parchment to All Might, and several people immediately crowded over to look at it.

All Might simply went over and placed the parchment on a table, and everyone gathered around the table to study it.

These scholars who studied the golem puppets all had metallurgical and processing skills, and they could see the principle of this mushroom-like bimetal thermometer at a glance.

The core of the thermometer is a long spiral coil-shaped thermal conductivity sensor made of two metal sheets. When the temperature changes, the top will rotate, thereby driving the pointer.

Everyone watched for a while, and a student said: "Principal, if this metal spiral is made flat, it can be made as big as a palm. It can be placed in the room to measure the temperature. If it is made small, it can be put in your pocket. What do you think? Yes or no?"

No one answered after a while, and then they realized that Frederick was squeezed outside by them.

Everyone squeezed awkwardly to make room.

After Frederick passed by, he said, "If you think it's possible, just give it a try."

The student immediately said excitedly: "Okay, I did this!"

There is still a big market for thermometers. Not to mention getting rich and wealthy, at least they are well-off.

Then someone poured cold water on it: "What temperature scale are you going to use?"

The student pinched his brow in distress, obviously this was not the first time he encountered this problem.

Frederick said: "It's okay, we use our own temperature scale."

At this time, there was a sound of horse hooves, and then a shout.

"Coming, coming! Principal, people are coming!!"

The big sister just now ran in eagerly dragging a handsome boy along with her.

The handsome boy also looked excited. As soon as he entered the blacksmith shop, he immediately said hello to the principal and introduced himself.

"Duval?" Frederick raised his eyebrows, "I remember that there used to be a big shot on the Isle of England who also had this surname."

Duval politely replied: "I am just a branch of the family. I only have a knighthood and a manor. I don't want to farm all my life. I went out to study when I was twelve years old and never went back."

Frederick said "Oh" and said, "It's quite profitable to sell wool over there."

Duvall replied sincerely: "Who dares to say that he can make money in front of the principal."

Frederick just smiled and asked: "Where were you just now and why did you come so fast?"

Duval replied: "I am at BASF and I am studying the pressure cooker invented by the principal. I discovered that the boiling point of water is related to the air pressure. Today I am trying to see whether water can boil at a lower temperature under low air pressure."

Frederick said: "Of course. If you don't believe me, go to the top of a mountain. The water will boil and you won't be able to cook the meat."

"By the way, you can control the air pressure?"

Duval didn't think about the boiling point. Making money was more important, so he immediately replied: "Yes, I am good at wind magic. I can create a vacuum to kill enemies, and I can also create high pressure to cause some trouble for people."

The corner of Frederick's mouth twitched and he said: "Who can withstand your ability on the battlefield?"

Duval shook his head and said: "I don't like killing, and there are many ways to break this method. If the wind is strong, it will be useless."

Frederick nodded and said, "Then use this magic to make money."

Duval immediately stood up and replied loudly: "Thank you principal for your cultivation!"

Frederick touched his hair, asked Carbo to bring another piece of parchment, put it on the table and said, "Let's start from the beginning about the thermometer."

"To make a thermometer, you must first confirm the temperature scale. Zero is set at the freezing point of water. This is very commonly used. 100 degrees is set at the boiling point of water at a pressure of 760 mm of mercury."

After he finished, someone asked: "Why are you so sure?"

Duval responded first: "The boiling point of water is related to the air pressure. This is for sure. The boiling point of water remains unchanged under a certain air pressure. It is very reasonable to use it to determine 100 degrees."

"The air pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury is neither too high nor too low. It is similar to the air pressure at the seaside. It fluctuates up and down, and it is rounded off."

His explanation sounded reasonable and there was no objection.

The student who just said he was going to make a bimetal thermometer said, "Okay, let's make a thermometer based on this temperature scale. Let's call it a Versenduer."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

It doesn't matter to Frederick, he is nothing less than this one.

He put another piece of parchment on the table, and then said: "I just talked about the bimetal thermometer, now let's talk about the liquid thermometer."

"The principle of a liquid thermometer is the same as that of existing thermometers, but it has a vacuum inside, which can eliminate errors caused by air pressure."

Duvall said: "I can use the magic circle to create a vacuum area, and for the sealing operation, I can ask Professor All Might to design a special golem puppet arm."

All Might said: "This is simple, Wagner can do it, you can discuss it with her."

Duval's fiancée smiled triumphantly.

Frederick continued: "Our own glass workshop will not be built until next year. We can't rush it."

"But now you can make money doing a new thing."

Another piece of parchment appeared on the table.

"Temperature is spread by objects, and vacuum can effectively isolate the temperature spread." He pointed to the cross-section diagram of the thermos cup on the parchment paper. "You can first make this kind of cup and kettle. There is a vacuum between the two metal shells. Just leave a small tail and heat and seal it in a vacuum environment.”

"You can figure out how to cover it yourself, that's pretty much it."

Duval's eyes lit up. This thing is great. It's a cold day now. If there is a cup like this to hold hot water, it will definitely be able to keep it warm for a long time.

Frederick finally said: "My ultimate goal is a thermometer and a vacuum-insulated container. You all need to practice your skills first and earn some money to improve your life. When the technology is sufficient, I will need your products as equipment for an experiment."

"If this experiment achieves my expected goals, your names can also appear in the textbook."

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